VNEN Gioan * John * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
007 0083
John is from London.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B19 50 1950
你 觉得 约翰 会去 派对 吗 ? — 希望 不会。 + คุณคิดว่าจอห์นจะมาร่วมงานเลี้ยงไหม? - ฉันหวังว่าจะไม่ + Cậu có nghĩ là John sẽ có ở bữa tiệc không? - Tôi hi vọng là không. + Do you think John will be at the party? — I hope not. + Glaubst du, John wird auf der Party sein? Ich hoffe nicht. + Pensi che John sarà alla festa? Spero di no. + Tu crois que John sera à la fête? J'espère que non. + ¿Crees que John estará en la fiesta? Espero que no. + Denkt u dat John op de partij zal zijn? Ik hoop van niet. + (nǐ juéde· yuēhàn huìqù pàiduì mā? — xīwàng búhuì.)
C14 48 2698
我 下个 礼拜 会在 伦敦 , 我 希望 在 那里可以见到 约翰 。 + ฉันจะอยู่ที่ลอนดอนในสัปดาห์หน้าและฉันหวังว่าจะได้เห็นจอห์นในขณะที่ฉันอยู่ที่นั่น + Tôi sẽ ở London tuần tới, hi vọng sẽ gặp John khi tôi ở đó. + I'll be in London next week, and I hope to see John while I'm there. + Ich werde nächste Woche in London sein, und ich hoffe, John zu sehen, wenn ich dort bin. + Sarò a Londra la prossima settimana e spero di vedere John mentre sono lì. + Je serai à Londres la semaine prochaine, et j'espère voir John là-bas. + Estaré en Londres la próxima semana, y espero ver a John mientras estoy allí. + Ik zal volgende week in Londen zijn, en ik hoop John te zien terwijl ik daar ben. + ( wǒ xiàge· lǐbài huìzài lúndūn, wǒ xīwàng zài nàli· kéyǐjiàndào yuēhàn.)
John có khoẻ không? + How's John?
Cậu đang đợi John à? + Are you waiting for John?
Cậu có nghĩ là John sẽ có ở bữa tiệc không? - Tôi hi vọng là không. + Do you think John will be at the party? — I hope not.
Tôi sẽ ở London tuần tới, hi vọng sẽ gặp John khi tôi ở đó. + I'll be in London next week, and I hope to see John while I'm there.

John là một thanh niên, 24 tuổi. + John is a young adult, at 24 years of age.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Household Klo + loo, john + Plumbing and bathroom C
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Gummi + johnny, rubber + Medical treatment A
+ + + + 103 Containers Korbflasche + demijohn + Bottles C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
act + + adv.: John's been acting very strangely lately. #NAME?
area + John is the London area manager. John ist der Area Manager von London.
assist + The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. Regie führte Mike Johnson, unterstützt von Sharon Gale.
attractive + I like John but I don't find him attractive physically. Ich mag John, aber ich finde ihn körperlich nicht attraktiv.
be + be mine, yours, etc.: The money's not yours, it's John's. Das Geld gehört nicht dir, sondern John.
birth + John was present at the birth of both his children. John war bei der Geburt seiner beiden Kinder anwesend.
born + + noun: John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison (= that was his name at birth). Substantiv: John Wayne wurde Marion Michael Morrison geboren (= das war sein Geburtsname).
briefly + She met John briefly on Friday night. Sie traf John am Freitagabend kurz.
call + call on sb: Let's call on John. zu jdm.: Lasst uns John besuchen.
conflict + John often comes into conflict with his boss. John gerät oft in Konflikt mit seinem Chef.
direction + All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams. Alle Arbeiten wurden von den Studenten unter der Leitung von John Williams produziert.
dull + There's never a dull moment when John's around. Es gibt nie einen langweiligen Moment, wenn John in der Nähe ist.
formerly + John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France John Marsh, ehemals London Road, Leicester, jetzt in Frankreich wohnhaft
get + get sth for sb: Get a drink for John. jdm. etw. besorgen: John einen Drink.
get + get sb/yourself sth: Get John a drink. jdm. etw. besorgen: John einen Drink holen
guilty + John had a guilty look on his face. John hatte einen schuldigen Gesichtsausdruck.
hello + Hello John, how are you? Hallo John, wie geht es dir?
initial + John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. John Fitzgerald Kennedy war oft durch seine Initialen JFK bekannt.
keen + keen (to do sth): John was very keen to help. scharf darauf, etw. zu tun: John war sehr hilfsbereit.
lift + John lifted his eyes (= looked up) from his book. Johannes hob seine Augen (= hochgeschaut) aus seinem Buch.
line + I was talking to John when the line suddenly went dead. Ich sprach mit John, als die Leitung plötzlich tot war.
married + She's married to John. Sie ist mit John verheiratet.
Mr + Mr John Brown Herr John Brown
name + name sb/sth + noun: They named their son John. jdm. /etw.[Dat] einen Namen geben: Sie nannten ihren Sohn John.
pull + pull sth/yourself + adj.: John pulled himself free and ran off. etw.[Akk] ziehen + verstellenJohn befreite sich und lief davon.
rule + rule sth: At that time John ruled England. etw.[Akk] regieren: Damals herrschte John über England.
save + The goalie saved Johnson's long-range shot. Der Torwart rettete Johnsons Weitschuss.
save + The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. Der Torwart rettete den Weitschuss von Johnson brillant.
scratch + scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. etw.[Akk] selber kratzen: John gähnte und kratzte sich am Kinn.
make sense + John wasn't making much sense on the phone. John hat am Telefon nicht viel Sinn gemacht.
share + John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing. John hatte keine Geschwister und war es nicht gewohnt, zu teilen.
sign + There is no sign of John anywhere. Es gibt nirgendwo ein Zeichen von John.
stress + + speech: 'There is,' Johnson stressed, 'no real alternative.' Rede:"Es gibt," betonte Johnson,"keine wirkliche Alternative."
sure + 'Is that John over there?' 'I'm not sure '. Ist das John da drüben? "Ich bin mir nicht sicher".
they + 'Where are John and Liz?' 'They went for a walk.' Wo sind John und Liz? "Sie gingen spazieren."
together with + Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in the villa. Zusammen mit den Johnsons waren wir 12 von uns in der Villa.
winner + Johnson rode his 48th winner of the year. Johnson ritt seinen 48. Sieger des Jahres.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 john +
+ + + + 103 John +
+ + + + 103 john +
+ + + + 103 John +
+ + + + 103 John +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
John Gioan [Catholic], Giăng [Protestant] + +
John Giôn [transliteration] + +
John Gioan [Catholic], Giăng [Protestant] + +
John Gioan [Catholic], Giăng [Protestant] + +