VNEN nghe chừng * it seems * 103 VNEN nghe như * it seems * 103 VNEN như tuồng * it seems * 103

6 看来 kan4 lai2 apparently/ it seems that/ it appears/ it seems

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
C10 35 2485
地球 似乎 是 唯一 可以 孕育 生命的 星球 。 + ดูเหมือนว่าโลกเป็นดาวเคราะห์ดวงเดียวที่สามารถสนับสนุนชีวิตได้ + Người lái xe gây ra tai nạn đã bị phạt năm trăm đô-la. + It seems that Earth is the only planet that can support life. + Es scheint, dass die Erde der einzige Planet ist, der das Leben unterstützen kann. + Sembra che la Terra sia l' unico pianeta in grado di sostenere la vita. + Il semble que la Terre soit la seule planète capable de soutenir la vie. + Parece que la Tierra es el único planeta que puede soportar la vida. + Het lijkt erop dat de aarde de enige planeet is die het leven kan dragen. + (dìqiú shìhū shì wéiyī kéyǐ yùnyù shēngmìngde· xīngqiú.)
C19 27 2927
路德维希 和 瑞塔的 感情 似乎 出了点儿 问题, 但 我们 真心 希望 他们 能 妥善 解决 。 + ดูเหมือนว่าความสัมพันธ์ของ Ludwig และ Rita กำลังมีปัญหาอยู่ แต่เราหวังว่าพวกเขาจะได้ผลจริงๆ + Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như quan hệ của Ludwig và Rita đang có vấn đề nho nhỏ, nhưng chúng tôi thực sự hi vọng họ sẽ vượt qua. + It seems that Ludwig and Rita's relationship is having trouble, but we really hope they work it out. + Es scheint, dass die Beziehung zwischen Ludwig und Rita Probleme hat, aber wir hoffen wirklich, dass sie es schaffen. + Sembra che il rapporto tra Ludwig e Rita stia avendo problemi, ma speriamo davvero che lo facciano. + Il semble que la relation de Ludwig et Rita ait des problèmes, mais nous espérons vraiment qu'ils s'en sortiront. + Parece que la relación entre Ludwig y Rita está teniendo problemas, pero esperamos que lo resuelvan. + Het lijkt erop dat de relatie tussen Ludwig en Rita problemen oplevert, maar we hopen echt dat ze het uitzoeken. + ( lùdéwéixī hé ruìtǎde· gǎnqíng shìhū chūle·diǎnr wèntí, dàn wǒmen· zhēnxīn xīwàng tāmen· néng tuǒshàn jiějué.)
Người lái xe gây ra tai nạn đã bị phạt năm trăm đô-la. + It seems that Earth is the only planet that can support life.
Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như quan hệ của Ludwig và Rita đang có vấn đề nho nhỏ, nhưng chúng tôi thực sự hi vọng họ sẽ vượt qua. + It seems that Ludwig and Rita's relationship is having trouble, but we really hope they work it out.

Nó có vẻ nguy hiểm. + It seems dangerous.

Theo tôi thấy thì + It seems to me that
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-5 Es scheint, dass du helfen könntest.  + scheinen* It seems you could help.  Có vẻ như bạn có thể giúp đỡ. +
Exercise 32-7 Es erscheint uns nötig.  + erscheinen* It seems necessary to us.  Có vẻ như chúng ta cần thiết. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 看來 + * * kan4lai2 it seems anscheinend, es scheint, +
B 似乎 + * * si4hu1 it seems/ as if/ seemingly anscheinend, dem Anschein nach +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
economy + It's a false economy to buy cheap clothes (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long). Es ist eine falsche Wirtschaft, zum der preiswerten Kleidung zu kaufen (= scheint sie preiswerter, aber es ist nicht wirklich, da si
fair + fair that...: It seems only fair that they should give us something in return. fair, dass...: Es ist nur fair, dass sie uns etwas zurückgeben.
favour + It seems Tim is back in favour with the boss (= the boss likes him again). Es scheint, dass Tim wieder zu Gunsten des Chefs ist (= der Chef mag ihn wieder).
pity + a pity (to do sth): It seems a pity to waste this food. schade (etwas zu tun): Es ist schade, dieses Essen zu vergeuden.
reasonable + It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make. Es scheint mir eine sehr vernünftige Bitte zu sein.
right + It seems only right to warn you of the risk. Es scheint nur richtig, Sie vor dem Risiko zu warnen.
seem + 'He'll be there, then?' 'So it seems (= people say so).' Er wird dann da sein? So scheint es (= Leute sagen das).
seem + it seems that...: It seems that they know what they're doing. es scheint so...: Es scheint, dass sie wissen, was sie tun.
shame + It seems such a shame to throw perfectly good food away. Es ist so eine Schande, gutes Essen wegzuwerfen.
unfair + unfair (on/to sb): It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything. ungerecht (an/an jdn.): Es erscheint ihm unfair, ihn für alles bezahlen zu lassen.
waste + It seems such a waste to throw good food away. Es scheint so eine Verschwendung zu sein, gutes Essen wegzuwerfen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
908 好像 下雨 + It seems that it it is going to rain.
3106 账本 数目 好像 出错 + It seems that something is wrong with the figures in the accounts book.

天好像要下雨了。 Tiān hǎoxiàng yào xiàyǔ le. It seems that it it is going to rain. Es scheint, dass es regnen wird.
账本数目好像出错了。 Zhàng běn shùmù hǎoxiàng chūcuò le. It seems that something is wrong with the figures in the accounts book. Es scheint, dass mit den Zahlen im Rechnungsbuch etwas nicht stimmt.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Kan4lai, ni3 dui4 gu3dong3 hen3 liao3jie3. + It seems, that you know a lot about antiques.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il me semble que le message est clair + it seems to me that the message is clear

il paraît assez douteux que le budget soit rejeté + it seems rather unlikely that the budget would be rejected

il semble, par conséquent, que nous soyons face à une contradiction + consequently it seems that we are facing a contradiction
Wordnet ChineseGb
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie