3 ji3 how much/ how many/ several/ a few
6 若干 ruo4 gan1 a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much?

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
038 0709
How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A19 45 945
你 每天 抽 几包 烟 ? + คุณสูบบุหรี่กี่วันต่อวัน? + Bao nhiêu gói thuốc lá bạn hút mỗi ngày? + How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke per day? + Wie viele Packungen Zigaretten rauchen Sie pro Tag? + Quanti pacchetti di sigarette fuma al giorno? + Combien de paquets de cigarettes fumez-vous par jour? + ¿Cuántos paquetes de cigarrillos fuma al día? + Hoeveel pakjes sigaretten rook je per dag? + ( nǐ měitiān chōu jǐbāo yān?)
B01 44 1044
瑞士 有 几种 语言 ? + มีกี่ภาษาที่พูดในสวิตเซอร์แลนด์? + Có bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ được nói ở Thuỵ Sĩ? + How many languages are spoken in Switzerland? + Wie viele Sprachen werden in der Schweiz gesprochen? + Quante lingue sono parlate in Svizzera? + Combien de langues sont parlées en Suisse? + ¿Cuántas lenguas se hablan en Suiza? + Hoeveel talen worden er in Zwitserland gesproken? + ( ruìshì yóu jǐzhóng yǔyán?)
B14 13 1663
一支 足球队 有 几个 球员 ? + มีผู้เล่นกี่คนในทีมฟุตบอลบ้าง? + Có bao nhiêu cầu da trọng một đội bóng đá. + How many players are there on a football team? + Wie viele Spieler gibt es in einer Fußballmannschaft? + Quanti giocatori ci sono in una squadra di calcio? + Combien y a-t-il de joueurs dans une équipe de football? + ¿Cuántos jugadores hay en un equipo de fútbol? + Hoeveel spelers zijn er op een voetbalploeg? + ( yīzhī zúqiúduì yóu jǐge· qiúyuán?)
B14 23 1673
这个 班 有 几个 学生 ? — 二十个 。 + มีนักเรียนกี่คนในชั้นเรียน? -ยี่สิบ. + Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi. + How many students are there in the class? —Twenty. + Wie viele Schüler gibt es in der Klasse? Zwanzig. + Quanti studenti ci sono in classe? Venti. + Combien y a-t-il d'élèves dans la classe? Vingt. + ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la clase? Veinte. + Hoeveel studenten zitten er in de klas? Twintig. + (zhège· bān yóu jǐge· xuéshēng? — èrshíge·.)
B19 17 1917
有 多少 人 去 开会 ? + มีผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมกี่คน? + Có bao nhiêu người tới cuộc họp không? + How many people came to the meeting? + Wie viele Leute kamen zu dem Treffen? + Quante persone sono venute alla riunione? + Combien de personnes sont venues à la réunion? + ¿Cuánta gente vino a la reunión? + Hoeveel mensen kwamen er naar de vergadering? + ( yǒu duōshǎo rén qù kāihuì?)
Brazil đã từng vô địch Giải bóng đá thế giới bao nhiêu lần? + How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?
Có bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ được nói ở Thuỵ Sĩ? + How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
Có bao nhiêu cầu da trọng một đội bóng đá. + How many players are there on a football team?
Có bao nhiêu học sinh ở trong lớp? - Hai mươi. + How many students are there in the class? —Twenty.
Có bao nhiêu người tới cuộc họp không? + How many people came to the meeting?

Họ cần bao nhiêu áo khoác? + How many coats do they need?

Bạn có bao nhiêu quả táo? + How many apples do you have?

Có bao nhiêu đại dương? + How many oceans are there?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu quốc gia? + How many nations do you know?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ? + How many languages do you know?

Bạn biết bao nhiêu doanh nhân? + How many businessmen do you know?

Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? + How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket?

Có bao nhiêu loại mạng máy tính? + How many computer networks are there?

Đội của anh ấy có bao nhiêu cầu thủ? + How many players has his team?

Cô ấy có bao nhiêu điểm? + How many points does she have?

Có bao nhiêu tôn giáo trên thế giới? + How many religions are there in the world?

Mười người có bao nhiêu bàn tay? + How many hands do ten people have?

Một con cá mập có bao nhiêu cái răng? + How many teeth does a shark have?

Nước Mỹ đã có bao nhiêu thuộc địa? + How many colonies did the United States have?

Bạn đã đến những địa danh nao ở Việt Nam? + How many places have you visited in Vietnam?

Bạn du lịch tới bao nhiêu nước rồi? + How many countries have you been?

Bạn du lịch tới bao nhiêu nước rồi? + How many countries have you travelled to?

Bạn mang theo bao nhiêu kiẹn hành lý? + How many bags are you checking in?

Còn bao nhiêu điểm dưng nữa mới đến Hồ Hoàn Kiếm? + How many stops before Hoan Kien Lake?

Thuê bao nhiêu ngày + For how many days?

Cho bao nhiêu người? + For how many people?

Phải mất bao lâu thì séc mới được thanh toán? + How many days will it take for the cheques to clear?

Anh muốn mua bao nhiêu? + How many would you like?

Trong một tập có bao nhiêu cái? + How many are there in a book?
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners how many bao nhiêu +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners how many mấy +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-8 Wie viele Buchstaben hat das Alphabet Ihrer Sprache?  + Alphabet How many letters does the alphabet of your language have?  Có bao nhiêu chữ cái bảng chữ cái của ngôn ngữ của bạn? +
Exercise 1-9 Wie oft muss ich dir das denn noch sagen?  + oft How many times do I have to tell you?  Tôi phải nói với bạn bao nhiêu lần? +
Exercise 2-5 Wie viele hast du gezählt?  + zählen How many did you count?  Bạn đã đếm bao nhiêu +
Exercise 2-9 Wie viele Fremdsprachen kannst du?  + Fremdsprache How many foreign languages can you speak?  Bạn có thể nói được bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ nước ngoài? +
Exercise 5-6 Wie viel Grad hat es?  + Grad How many degrees does it have?  Nó có bao nhiêu độ? +
Exercise 17-8 Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt?  + Einwohner How many inhabitants does this city have?  Có bao nhiêu cư dân thành phố này? +
Exercise 19-9 Wie viele Gepäckstücke haben Sie?  + Stück How many bags do you have?  Bạn có bao nhiêu bao? +
Exercise 21-1 Wie viele Zimmer brauchen Sie? – Mir genügt eine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung.  + genügen How many rooms do you need? I only need a two-room apartment.  Bạn cần bao nhiêu phòng? Tôi chỉ cần một căn hộ hai phòng. +
Exercise 24-3 Wie viele Zigaretten rauchst du am Tag? + Zigarette How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Bạn hút bao nhiêu điếu thuốc mỗi ngày? +
Exercise 25-7 Wie viele Kilometer sind es von hier bis zum Bahnhof? + Kilometer How many kilometers are there from here to the station? Có bao nhiêu cây số từ đây đến ga? +
Exercise 45-1 Wie viele Aufnahmen soll ich machen?  + Aufnahme How many shots should I take?  Tôi nên chụp bao nhiêu lần? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity wie viel + how much, how many + Capacity, volume and quantity A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 多少 + * * duo1shao how many/ how much wieviele,wieviel +
A + * * ji3 how many/ a few/ some 1. wieviele 2. einige, mehrere +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
any + Please let me know how many people are coming, if any. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wie viele Leute kommen, falls es welche gibt.
at + How many people were there at the concert? Wie viele Personen waren bei dem Konzert anwesend?
attend + How many people attend church every Sunday? Wie viele Leute gehen jeden Sonntag in die Kirche?
catch + How many fish did you catch? Wie viele Fische haben Sie gefangen?
count + count (up) how many...: She began to count up how many guests they had to invite. count (up) how many...: Sie begann zu zählen, wie viele Gäste sie einladen mussten.
danger + How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs? Wie viele Arbeiter in der Fabrik laufen Gefahr, ihren Arbeitsplatz zu verlieren?
depend on/upon sth + depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. hängt davon ab, wie, was, usw...: Ob wir mehr Nahrung brauchen, hängt davon ab, wie viele Menschen auftauchen.
election + How many candidates are standing for election? Wie viele Kandidaten stellen sich zur Wahl?
employ + employ sb: How many people does the company employ? jdn. beschäftigen: Wie viele Mitarbeiter beschäftigt das Unternehmen?
enter + enter sb/sth for sth: How many students have been entered for the exam? jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] eintragen: Wie viele Studenten sind für die Prüfung angemeldet?
estimate + estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. schätzen, wie viele, große usw...: Es ist schwer einzuschätzen, wie viele Kinder an Legasthenie leiden.
face + How many faces does a cube have? Wie viele Gesichter hat ein Würfel?
have + How many driving lessons have you had so far? Wie viele Fahrstunden hatten Sie bisher?
how + How many people were there? Wie viele Personen waren dort?
involve + How many vehicles were involved in the crash? Wie viele Fahrzeuge waren an dem Unfall beteiligt?
layer + How many layers of clothing are you wearing? Wie viele Schichten Kleidung tragen Sie?
leave + How many tickets do you have left? Wie viele Karten hast du noch?
leg + How many legs does a centipede have? Wie viele Beine hat ein Tausendfüßler?
lot + 'How many do you need?' 'A lot.' Wie viele brauchen Sie? "Viele."
many + How many children do you have? Wie viele Kinder haben Sie?
miss + miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss (sb/etw.): Wie viele Tore hat er in dieser Saison verfehlt?
off + How many days did you take off? Wie viele Tage hast du frei genommen?
take part (in sth) + How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? Wie viele Länder haben an den letzten Olympischen Spielen teilgenommen?
print sth off/out + How many copies shall I print out? Wie viele Exemplare soll ich ausdrucken?
print + How many sets of prints would you like? Wie viele Abzüge möchten Sie?
pupil + How many pupils does the school have? Wie viele Schüler hat die Schule?
smoke + How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? Wie viele Zigaretten rauchst du pro Tag?
stair + How many stairs are there up to the second floor? Wie viele Treppen gibt es bis zum zweiten Stockwerk?
state + state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. Geben Sie an, wie, was, usw...: Geben Sie deutlich an, wie viele Tickets Sie benötigen.
sugar + How many sugars do you take in coffee? Wie viele Zucker nimmst du Kaffee zu dir?
surprised + You'd be surprised how many people voted for him. Sie wären überrascht, wie viele Leute für ihn gestimmt haben.
surprising + It's surprising how many people applied for the job. Es ist erstaunlich, wie viele Leute sich um den Job beworben haben.
time + How many times (= how often) do I have to tell you not to do that? Wie oft (= wie oft) muss ich dir sagen, dass du das nicht tun sollst?
win + How many states did the Republicans win? Wie viele Staaten haben die Republikaner gewonnen?

Mcc SentencesGbEng
534 语言 + How many languages do you speak?
586 亚洲 一共 国家 + How many countries are there in Asia altogether?
986 + How many stories are there in this building?
2227 灯泡 + How many watts is this electric bulb?
2306 象重 + How many tons does this elephant weigh?
2842 钱包 英镑 + How many English pounds do you have in your wallet?

你会说几种语言? Nǐ huì shuō jǐ zhǒng yǔyán? How many languages do you speak? Wie viele Sprachen sprechen Sie?
亚洲一共有几个国家? Yàzhōu yīgòng yǒu jǐgè guójiā? How many countries are there in Asia altogether? Wie viele Länder gibt es in Asien insgesamt?
这栋楼有几层? Zhè dòng lóu yǒu jǐ céng? How many stories are there in this building? Wie viele Stockwerke gibt es in diesem Gebäude?
这只灯泡是几瓦的? Zhè zhī dēngpào shì jǐ 【◎Fix:◎wǎ;◎wà】 de? How many watts is this electric bulb? Wieviel Watt ist diese Glühbirne?
这头象重几吨? Zhè tóu xiàng zhòng jǐ dūn? How many tons does this elephant weigh? Wie viele Tonnen wiegt dieser Elefant?
你钱包里有几英镑? Nǐ qiánbāo lǐ yǒu jǐ yīngbàng? How many English pounds do you have in your wallet? Wie viele englische Pfund hast du in deiner Brieftasche?
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
ji3 + which / how many
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
Ni3 you3 ji3ge4? + How many do you have?
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
Duo1shao3 shu4zi4? + how many numbers
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Ni3 ke3yi3 ju3 ji3 gong1jin1 de gang4ling2? + How many kilos barbell can you lift?
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
ji3 gong1jin1? + how many kilograms?
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Ni3 ke3yi3 zuo4 duo1shao yang3wo4-qi3zuo4? + How many sit-ups can you do?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

combien de sites Internet avez-vous? + how many websites do you have?
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
how many mấy [below ten], bao nhiêu [above ten] + +