VNEN duy nhất * single, only, unique, sole * 103
唯一 duy nhất 神态 duy nhất


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A11 16 516
她 是 我 在 这儿 唯一的 朋友 。 + เธอเป็นเพื่อนของฉันที่นี่ + Cô ấy là người duy nhất của tôi ở đây. + She's my only friend here. + Sie ist meine einzige Freundin hier. + È la mia unica amica qui. + C'est ma seule amie ici. + Es mi única amiga aquí. + Ze is hier mijn enige vriendin. + ( tā shì wǒ zài zhèr wéiyīde· péngyǒu.)
A20 34 984
这 手术 很危险 , 但 这是 唯一 能帮助 你的方法 。 + การดำเนินการนี้เป็นอันตราย แต่เป็นวิธีเดียวที่จะช่วยคุณได้ + Hoạt động này rất nguy hiểm, nhưng nó là cách duy nhất để giúp bạn. + The operation is dangerous, but it is the only way to help you. + Die Operation ist gefährlich, aber es ist der einzige Weg, Ihnen zu helfen. + L' operazione è pericolosa, ma è l' unico modo per aiutarvi. + L'opération est dangereuse, mais c'est la seule façon de vous aider. + La operación es peligrosa, pero es la única forma de ayudarle. + De bediening is gevaarlijk, maar het is de enige manier om u te helpen. + ( zhè shǒushù hěnwēixiǎn, dàn zhèshì wéiyī néngbāngzhù nǐde· fāngfǎ.)
B09 3 1403
我 喜欢 这家 酒店的 房间 , 可以 从 窗户 看到 山 。 + ฉันชอบห้องพักโรงแรมแห่งนี้ คุณสามารถเห็นภูเขาจากหน้าต่างได้ + Tôi thích Phong duy nhất khách sạn này. Cậu có thể nhìn thấy núi từ cửa sổ. + I like this hotel room. You can see the mountains from the window. + Ich mag dieses Hotelzimmer. Vom Fenster aus kann man die Berge sehen. + Mi piace questa camera d' albergo. È possibile vedere le montagne dalla finestra. + J'aime bien cette chambre d'hôtel. On peut voir les montagnes de la fenêtre. + Me gusta esta habitación de hotel. Puedes ver las montañas desde la ventana. + Ik hou van deze hotelkamer. Vanaf het raam ziet u de bergen. + (wó xǐhuan· zhèjiā jiǔdiànde· fángjiān, kéyǐ cóng chuānghù kàndào shān.)
B09 31 1431
我的 钥匙 不在 客厅 , 所以 肯定在 厨房 。 + คีย์ของฉันไม่ได้อยู่ในห้องนั่งเล่นดังนั้นพวกเขาจึงต้องอยู่ในห้องครัว + Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen. + Meine Schlüssel sind nicht im Wohnzimmer, also müssen sie in der Küche sein. + Le mie chiavi non sono nel soggiorno, quindi devono essere in cucina. + Mes clés ne sont pas dans le salon, elles doivent être dans la cuisine. + Mis llaves no están en el salón, así que deben estar en la cocina. + Mijn sleutels zitten niet in de woonkamer, dus moeten ze in de keuken staan. + (wǒde· yàoshi· búzài kètīng, suóyí kěndìngzài chúfáng.)
B11 50 1550
我 想 询问 有关 酒店的 信息 。 + ฉันต้องการข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับโรงแรมโปรด + Làm ơn cho tôi ít thông tin về các duy nhất khách sạn. + I'd like some information about hotels, please. + Ich hätte gerne Informationen über Hotels, bitte. + Vorrei ricevere alcune informazioni sugli hotel, per favore. + Je voudrais des informations sur les hôtels, s'il vous plaît. + Quisiera información sobre hoteles, por favor. + Ik wil graag wat informatie over hotels, alstublieft. + (wó xiǎng xúnwèn yǒuguān jiǔdiànde· xìnxī.)
B14 7 1657
不好意思 , 这 附近 有 旅馆 吗 ? — 有的。 — 没有 。 + ขอโทษนะครับมีโรงแรมใกล้ ๆ หรือไม่? - ใช่มีอยู่ - ไม่มีไม่มีหรอก + Xin hỏi có duy nhất khách sạn nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Excuse me, is there a hotel near here? — Yes, there is. — No, there isn't. + Entschuldigung, gibt es hier in der Nähe ein Hotel? Ja, das gibt es. Nein, gibt es nicht. + Mi scusi, c' è un hotel vicino qui? Sì, c' è. No, non c' è. + Excusez-moi, y a-t-il un hôtel près d'ici? Oui, il y en a. Non, il n' y en a pas. + Disculpe, ¿hay algún hotel cerca de aquí? Sí, la hay. No, no lo hay. + Neemt u mij niet kwalijk, is er een hotel in de buurt? Ja, dat is het geval. Nee, dat is er niet. + ( bùhǎoyìsi·, zhè fùjìn yóu lǘguǎn mā? — yǒude·. — méiyǒu.)
B15 21 1721
二十 年前 这里 没多少 游客 , 现在 很多了。 + เมื่อยี่สิบปีก่อนมีนักท่องเที่ยวไม่มากนัก ขณะนี้มีจำนวนมาก + Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều duy nhất du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều. + Twenty years ago there weren't many tourists here. Now there are a lot. + Vor zwanzig Jahren gab es hier nicht viele Touristen. Jetzt gibt es viele. + Vent' anni fa non c' erano molti turisti qui. Ora ci sono molte cose. + Il y a 20 ans, il n' y avait pas beaucoup de touristes ici. Maintenant, il y en a beaucoup. + Hace 20 años no había muchos turistas aquí. Ahora hay muchos. + Twintig jaar geleden waren er hier niet veel toeristen. Nu zijn er veel. + (èrshí niánqián zhèli· méiduōshǎo yóukè, xiànzài hěnduōle·.)
B15 37 1737
你 想 走路 去 酒店 吗 ? — 我 不知道 。 有多远 ? + คุณต้องการเดินไปที่โรงแรมหรือไม่? - ฉันไม่รู้ ไกลแค่ไหนมันเป็น? + Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it? + Wollen Sie zu Fuß zum Hotel gehen? Ich weiß es nicht. Wie weit ist es noch? + Vuoi raggiungere a piedi l' hotel? Non lo so. Quanto è lontano? + Tu veux aller à l'hôtel à pied? - Je ne sais pas. C'est encore loin? + ¿Quieres caminar al hotel? - No lo sé. ¿Qué tan lejos está? + Wilt u naar het hotel lopen? Ik weet het niet. Hoe ver is het? + ( ní xiáng zǒulù qù jiǔdiàn mā? — wǒ bùzhīdào. yǒuduōyuǎn?)
B15 41 1741
饭店 到 海边 有多远 ? + ไกลจากโรงแรมไปยังชายหาด? + Đường từ duy nhất khách sạn ra bãi biển bao xa? + How far is it from the hotel to the beach? + Wie weit ist es vom Hotel bis zum Strand? + Quanto è lontano dall' hotel alla spiaggia? + Quelle est la distance entre l'hôtel et la plage? + ¿Qué tan lejos está del hotel a la playa? + Hoe ver is het van het hotel naar het strand? + (fàndiàn dào hǎibiān yǒuduōyuǎn?)
C01 34 2034
我们 找不到 可以住的 地方 , 我们 问了 城里的 各个 旅馆 , 全都 没有 空房 了 。 + เราไม่สามารถหาที่พักได้ เราพยายามทุกโรงแรมในเมือง แต่เต็มไปหมด + Chúng tôi đã không tìm được chỗ nào để ở. Chúng tôi đã thử mọi duy nhất khách sạn trong thị trấn nhưng tất cả đều hết chỗ. + We couldn't find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in town, but they were all full. + Wir konnten keine Unterkunft finden. Wir haben es in jedem Hotel in der Stadt versucht, aber sie waren alle voll. + Non riuscivamo a trovare un posto dove stare. Abbiamo provato ogni hotel in città, ma erano tutti pieni. + On n' a trouvé nulle part où aller. On a essayé tous les hôtels de la ville, mais ils étaient pleins. + No podíamos encontrar dónde quedarnos. Intentamos en todos los hoteles de la ciudad, pero estaban llenos. + We konden nergens vinden om te verblijven. We probeerden elk hotel in de stad, maar ze waren allemaal vol. + ( wǒmen· zhǎobúdào kéyǐzhùde· dìfāng, wǒmen· wènle· chénglǐde· gège· lǘguǎn, quándōu méiyǒu kōngfáng le·.)
C04 13 2163
除了 我 , 大家都 迟到了 。 我 是 唯一 一个准时 到的 。 + ทุกคนก็สายยกเว้นฉัน ฉันเป็นคนเดียวที่มาถึงตรงเวลา + Mọi người đều muộn trừ tôi. - Tôi là người duy nhất đến đúng giờ. + Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time. + Alle kamen zu spät, außer mir. Ich war der Einzige, der pünktlich ankam. + Tutti erano in ritardo, tranne me. Ero l' unico ad arrivare puntuale. + Tout le monde était en retard sauf moi. J'étais le seul à arriver à l'heure. + Todos llegaron tarde excepto yo. Yo fui el único que llegó a tiempo. + Iedereen was te laat behalve ik. Ik was de enige die op tijd aankwam. + ( chúle· wǒ, dàjiādōu chídàole·. wǒ shì wéiyī yīge· zhǔnshí dàode·.)
C04 16 2166
我 是 第二个 对 餐厅 经理 抱怨的 客人 。 + ฉันเป็นลูกค้ารายที่สองที่บ่นกับผู้จัดการร้านอาหาร + Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. + Ich war der zweite Kunde, der sich beim Restaurantleiter beschwerte. + Sono stato il secondo cliente a lamentarmi con il gestore del ristorante. + J'étais le deuxième client à me plaindre au gérant du restaurant. + Fui el segundo cliente en quejarme al gerente del restaurante. + Ik was de tweede klant die klaagde bij de restaurantmanager. + (wǒ shì dìèrge· duì cāntīng jīnglǐ bàoyuànde· kèrén.)
C05 6 2206
终于 找到了 酒店 , 我们 要找个 地方 吃 晚餐 。 + เมื่อเราพบโรงแรมแล้วเราก็มองหาสถานที่สำหรับทานอาหารเย็น + Mãi cũng tìm xong duy nhất khách sạn, chúng tôi đi tìm chỗ đó ăn tối. + Having finally found a hotel, we looked for some place to have dinner. + Nachdem wir endlich ein Hotel gefunden hatten, suchten wir nach einem Platz zum Abendessen. + Dopo aver finalmente trovato un hotel, abbiamo cercato un posto per cenare. + Ayant finalement trouvé un hôtel, nous avons cherché un endroit pour dîner. + Después de haber encontrado un hotel, buscamos un lugar para cenar. + Nadat we eindelijk een hotel hadden gevonden, zochten we naar een plek om te eten. + ( zhōngyú zhǎodàole· jiǔdiàn, wǒmen· yàozhǎoge· dìfāng chī wǎncān.)
C05 48 2248
我 想了解下 关于 巴黎 酒店的 情况 。 + ฉันต้องการข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับโรงแรมในปารีส + Tôi muốn một số thông tin về các duy nhất khách sạn ở Paris. + I'd like some information about hotels in Paris. + Ich hätte gerne Informationen über Hotels in Paris. + Mi piacerebbero alcune informazioni sugli hotel a Parigi. + J'aimerais avoir des informations sur les hôtels à Paris. + Quisiera información sobre hoteles en París. + Ik wil graag informatie over hotels in Parijs. + (wó xiángliáojiěxià guānyú bālí jiǔdiànde· qíngkuàng.)
C09 35 2435
这团 游客里 不 全是 西班牙人 , 有些 是 法国人 。 + ไม่ใช่นักท่องเที่ยวทุกคนในกลุ่มเป็นชาวสเปน บางคนเป็นชาวฝรั่งเศส + Không phải tất cả duy nhất du lịch trong đoàn đều là người Tây Ban Nha. Một vài trong số họ là người Pháp. + Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. Some of them were French. + Nicht alle Touristen in der Gruppe waren Spanier. Einige von ihnen waren Franzosen. + Non tutti i turisti del gruppo erano spagnoli. Alcuni di loro erano francesi. + Tous les touristes du groupe n'étaient pas espagnols. Certains étaient français. + No todos los turistas del grupo eran españoles. Algunos de ellos eran franceses. + Niet alle toeristen in de groep waren Spaans. Sommigen van hen waren Frans. + (zhètuán yóukèli· bù quánshì xībānyárén, yǒuxiē shì fǎguórén.)
C09 49 2449
你 可以 住在 这两家 酒店 其中 一间 。 — 你可以 住在 这几家 酒店中的 其中 一间 。 + คุณสามารถเข้าพักที่โรงแรมเหล่านี้ได้ (2) - คุณสามารถเข้าพักที่โรงแรมเหล่านี้ได้ (มาก) + Cậu có thể ở một trong hai duy nhất khách sạn này. > Cậu duy nhất ở khách sạn nào cũng được. + You could stay at either of these hotels. (2) — You could stay at any of these hotels. (many) + Sie könnten in jedem dieser Hotels übernachten. (2) - Sie können in jedem dieser Hotels übernachten. (viele) + Si potrebbe soggiornare in uno di questi hotel. (2) - Potrà soggiornare in uno qualsiasi di questi hotel. (molti) + Vous pourriez loger dans l'un de ces hôtels. (2) - Vous pouvez séjourner dans n'importe lequel de ces hôtels. (nombreux) + Podrías quedarte en cualquiera de estos hoteles. (2) - Podrás alojarte en cualquiera de estos hoteles. (muchos) + U kunt in een van deze hotels verblijven. (2) - U kunt in elk van deze hotels verblijven. (veel) + ( ní kéyǐ zhùzài zhèliǎngjiā jiǔdiàn qízhōng yìjiān. — ní kéyǐ zhùzài zhèjǐjiā jiǔdiànzhōngde· qízhōng yìjiān.)
C10 37 2487
我们 生活 在 一个 无时无刻 不在 变化的 世界。 + เราอยู่ในโลกที่เปลี่ยนแปลงตลอดเวลา + Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như Trái Đất là hành tinh duy nhất có thể nuôi sự sống. + We live in a world that is changing all the time. + Wir leben in einer Welt, die sich ständig verändert. + Viviamo in un mondo che cambia continuamente. + Nous vivons dans un monde qui change constamment. + Vivimos en un mundo que cambia constantemente. + We leven in een wereld die voortdurend verandert. + (wǒmen· shēnghuó zài yīge· wúshíwúkè búzài biànhuàde· shìjiè.)
C17 31 2831
我们 到 埃菲尔铁塔时 ,那里 挤满了 游客。 + เมื่อเราไปถึงหอไอเฟลมันก็หนาแน่นกับนักท่องเที่ยว + Khi chúng tôi tới Tháp Ei el, ở đó chật cứng duy nhất du lịch. + When we got to the Eiffel Tower, it was crowded with tourists. + Als wir zum Eiffelturm kamen, war er voller Touristen. + Quando siamo arrivati alla Torre Eiffel, era affollata di turisti. + Quand nous sommes arrivés à la Tour Eiffel, il y avait beaucoup de touristes. + Cuando llegamos a la Torre Eiffel, estaba llena de turistas. + Toen we bij de Eiffeltoren aankwamen, was het vol toeristen. + (wǒmen· dào āifēiěrtiétǎshí, nàli· jímǎnle· yóukè.)
C17 43 2843
有人 对 那个 政客 扔 鞋 。 + มีคนขว้างรองเท้าให้นักการเมือง + Một người nào đó đã ném một chiếc giày vào chính duy nhất. + Somebody threw a shoe at the politician. + Jemand warf einen Schuh auf den Politiker. + Qualcuno ha gettato una scarpa al politico. + Quelqu'un a jeté une chaussure sur le politicien. + Alguien le tiró un zapato al político. + Iemand gooide een schoen bij de politicus. + (yǒurén duì nàge· zhèngkè rēng xié.)
C18 27 2877
在 英国 要 离开 寄宿 家庭时 , 我 感谢了 主人的 热情 好客 。 + หลังจากทำโฮมสเตย์ในอังกฤษแล้วฉันขอบคุณครอบครัวของฉันที่ได้รับการต้อนรับอย่างดี + Sau khi ở trọ với chủ nhà ở Anh, tôi đã cảm ơn chủ nhà vì lòng mến duy nhất của họ. + After doing a homestay in England, I thanked my hosts for their kind hospitality. + Nach einer Gastfamilie in England bedankte ich mich bei meinen Gastgebern für die freundliche Gastfreundschaft. + Dopo aver fatto un soggiorno in famiglia in Inghilterra, ho ringraziato i miei padroni di casa per la loro gentile ospitalità. + Après avoir fait un séjour en Angleterre, j'ai remercié mes hôtes pour leur gentille hospitalité. + Después de hacer un homestay en Inglaterra, agradecí a mis anfitriones por su amable hospitalidad. + Na een homestay in Engeland, bedankte ik mijn gastheren voor hun gastvrijheid. + ( zài yīngguó yào líkāi jìsù jiātíngshí, wó gǎnxièle· zhǔrénde· rèqíng hàokè.)
C20 13 2963
如果 你 找不到 旅馆 过夜 , 你 最后 只 能睡大街 。 + ถ้าคุณไม่สามารถหาโรงแรมสำหรับคืนคุณจะนอนหลับอยู่บนถนน + Nếu cậu không tìm được duy nhất khách sạn để ngủ buổi đêm, kết quả là cậu sẽ ngủ trên đường. + If you can't find a hotel for the night, you'll end up sleeping on the street. + Wenn Sie kein Hotel für die Nacht finden, werden Sie auf der Straße schlafen. + Se non riesci a trovare un hotel per la notte, finisci per dormire per strada. + Si vous ne trouvez pas d'hôtel pour la nuit, vous finirez par dormir dans la rue. + Si no encuentras un hotel para pasar la noche, acabarás durmiendo en la calle. + Als u geen hotel kunt vinden voor de nacht, slaapt u uiteindelijk op straat. + ( rúguó nǐ zhǎobúdào lǘguǎn guòyè, nǐ zuìhòu zhǐ néngshuì dàjiē.)
Chúng tôi không vui với cái duy nhất khách sạn. Phòng chúng tôi rất bé mà nó lại không sạch sẽ. + We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room was very small, and it wasn't clean.
Tôi thích Phong duy nhất khách sạn này. Cậu có thể nhìn thấy núi từ cửa sổ. + I like this hotel room. You can see the mountains from the window.
Chùm chìa khoá của tôi không có trong phòng duy nhất nên hẳn là nó trong bếp. + My keys aren't in the living room, so they must be in the kitchen.
Làm ơn cho tôi ít thông tin về các duy nhất khách sạn. + I'd like some information about hotels, please.
Xin hỏi có duy nhất khách sạn nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Excuse me, is there a hotel near here? — Yes, there is. — No, there isn't.
Hai mươi năm trước không có nhiều duy nhất du lịch ở đây. Bây giờ có rất nhiều. + Twenty years ago there weren't many tourists here. Now there are a lot.
Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it?
Đường từ duy nhất khách sạn ra bãi biển bao xa? + How far is it from the hotel to the beach?
Chúng tôi đã không tìm được chỗ nào để ở. Chúng tôi đã thử mọi duy nhất khách sạn trong thị trấn nhưng tất cả đều hết chỗ. + We couldn't find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in town, but they were all full.
Mọi người đều muộn trừ tôi. - Tôi là người duy nhất đến đúng giờ. + Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time.
Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager.
Mãi cũng tìm xong duy nhất khách sạn, chúng tôi đi tìm chỗ đó ăn tối. + Having finally found a hotel, we looked for some place to have dinner.
Tôi muốn một số thông tin về các duy nhất khách sạn ở Paris. + I'd like some information about hotels in Paris.
Không phải tất cả duy nhất du lịch trong đoàn đều là người Tây Ban Nha. Một vài trong số họ là người Pháp. + Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish. Some of them were French.
Cậu có thể ở một trong hai duy nhất khách sạn này. > Cậu duy nhất ở khách sạn nào cũng được. + You could stay at either of these hotels. (2) — You could stay at any of these hotels. (many)
Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như Trái Đất là hành tinh duy nhất có thể nuôi sự sống. + We live in a world that is changing all the time.
Khi chúng tôi tới Tháp Ei el, ở đó chật cứng duy nhất du lịch. + When we got to the Eiffel Tower, it was crowded with tourists.
Một người nào đó đã ném một chiếc giày vào chính duy nhất. + Somebody threw a shoe at the politician.
Sau khi ở trọ với chủ nhà ở Anh, tôi đã cảm ơn chủ nhà vì lòng mến duy nhất của họ. + After doing a homestay in England, I thanked my hosts for their kind hospitality.
Nếu cậu không tìm được duy nhất khách sạn để ngủ buổi đêm, kết quả là cậu sẽ ngủ trên đường. + If you can't find a hotel for the night, you'll end up sleeping on the street.

Ban la nguoi ban duy nhat cua toi. + You are my only friend.

duy nhat + only

Ó đó là điều duy nhát mà tôi có thể làm + Oh, it was the least I could do
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
118 Kundenberatung Đây là chiếc duy nhất. Das ist ein Einzelstück.
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-10 ausschließlich + exclusive +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-9 Hast du Geschwister? - Nein. ich bin ein Einzelkind.  + Geschwister Do you have any siblings? No. I'm an only child.  Bạn có anh chị em ruột không? Không, tôi là một đứa trẻ duy nhất. +
Exercise 29-2 Er war der einzige Zeuge des Unfalls.  + Zeuge He was the only witness to the accident.  Anh ta là nhân chứng duy nhất cho vụ tai nạn. +
Exercise 36-3 Wir waren die einzigen Gäste.  + einzig We were the only guests.  Chúng tôi là khách duy nhất. +
Exercise 36-3 Das war das einzige Mal, dass ich ihn gesehen habe.  + einzig That was the only time I saw him.  Đó là lần duy nhất tôi nhìn thấy anh ta. +
Exercise 36-3 Das ist der einzige Zugang zum Haus.  + einzig That's the only way to the house.  Đó là cách duy nhất để đến nhà. +
Exercise 36-3 Das ist der einzige Weg.  + einzig It's the only way.  Đó là cách duy nhất. +
Exercise 36-3 Nicht eine einzige Wolke war am Himmel.  + einzig Not a single cloud was in the sky.  Không một đám mây duy nhất ở trên trời. +
Exercise 36-3 Ist sie ihre einzige Tochter?  + einzig Is she her only daughter?  Cô ấy là con gái duy nhất của cô ấy chứ? +
Exercise 38-1 Einzige erforderliche Qualifikation ist das Abitur.  + Qualifikation The only qualification required is the Abitur.  Yêu cầu duy nhất là Abitur. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

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8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
actually + That's the only reason I'm actually going. Das ist der einzige Grund, warum ich wirklich gehe.
animal + Humans are the only animals to have developed speech. Der Mensch ist das einzige Tier, das Sprechen entwickelt hat.
available + This was the only room available. Das war das einzige Zimmer.
be + Money isn't everything (= it is not the only important thing). Geld ist nicht alles (= es ist nicht das einzig Wichtige).
choice + He had no choice but to leave (= this was the only thing he could do). Er hatte keine andere Wahl, als zu gehen (= das war das Einzige, was er tun konnte).
common + It's only common decency to let her know what's happening (= people would expect it). Es ist nur anständiger Anstand, sie wissen zu lassen, was passiert (= die Leute würden es erwarten).
cream + double/single cream (= thick/thin cream) Doppelte/einfache Sahne (= dicke/dünne Sahne)
cure + The only real cure is rest. Die einzige wirkliche Heilung ist Ruhe.
drunk + His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk. Seine einzige Möglichkeit, mit seinen Problemen umzugehen, war, sich zu betrinken.
fame + The town's only claim to fame is that there was once a riot there. Die Stadt hat nur den Anspruch auf Ruhm, dass es dort einen Aufstand gab.
flat + Exercise is the only way to get a flat stomach after having a baby. Übung ist der einzige Weg, um einen flachen Bauch nach der Geburt eines Babys.
forward + Cutting our costs is the only way forward. Nur so können wir unsere Kosten senken.
group + The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups. Der Anteil der Alleinerziehendenfamilien variiert je nach Einkommensgruppe.
hour + This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). Nur hier kann man nach Feierabend (= nach der regulären Schließung der Kneipen) ein Getränk zu sich nehmen.
ingredient + The only active ingredient in this medicine is aspirin. Der einzige Wirkstoff in diesem Medikament ist Aspirin.
lack (for) nothing + As the only child of wealthy parents, he lacked for nothing. Als einziges Kind wohlhabender Eltern fehlte ihm nichts.
leave + leave to sb: The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer. jdm. überlassen: Die einzige Möglichkeit, die mir blieb, war, ihren Arbeitgeber zu benachrichtigen.
logic + Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. Die Verknüpfung der Vorschläge in einem Paket hatte eine gewisse Logik.
luck + The only goal of the match came more by luck than judgement. Das einzige Tor des Spiels war mehr Glück als Urteil.
mad + A revolver is the only way to stop a mad dog. Ein Revolver ist der einzige Weg, um einen verrückten Hund aufzuhalten.
miss + The hotel is the only white building on the road—you can't miss it. Das Hotel ist das einzige weiße Gebäude an der Straße - man darf es nicht verpassen.
object + Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer. Ihr einziges Ziel im Leben ist es, Reiseschriftstellerin zu werden.
one + It's the one thing I can't stand about him. Es ist das Einzige, was ich an ihm nicht ausstehen kann.
only + She's their only daughter. Sie ist ihre einzige Tochter.
only + We were the only people there. Wir waren die einzigen Menschen dort.
only + His only answer was a grunt. Seine einzige Antwort war ein Grunzen.
only + She's the only person for the job. Sie ist die Einzige, die den Job bekommt.
the only thing is... + I'd love to come—the only thing is I might be late. Ich würde gerne kommen. Das Einzige ist, dass ich mich verspäten könnte.
passport + The only passport to success is hard work. Der einzige Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist harte Arbeit.
point + It just isn't true. That's the whole point (= the only important fact). Es ist einfach nicht wahr. Das ist der ganze Punkt (= das einzig Wichtige).
possess + I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess. Ich fürchte, das ist der einzige Koffer, den ich besitze.
problem + It's a nice table! The only problem is (that) it's too big for our room. Ein schöner Tisch! Das einzige Problem ist, dass es für unser Zimmer zu groß ist.
rear + A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear. Ein hohes Tor versperrt den einzigen Eingang nach hinten.
simple + a simple sentence (= one with only one verb) ein einfacher Satz (= einer mit nur einem Verb)
single + All these jobs can now be done by one single machine. All diese Arbeiten können nun von einer einzigen Maschine erledigt werden.
single + I couldn't understand a single word she said! Ich konnte kein einziges Wort verstehen, was sie sagte!
source + The tiny window was the only source of light. Das winzige Fenster war die einzige Lichtquelle.
speak out (against sth) + He was the only one to speak out against the decision. Er war der Einzige, der sich gegen die Entscheidung ausgesprochen hat.
special + As an only child she got special attention. Als Einzelkind bekam sie besondere Aufmerksamkeit.
tell + The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it. Der einzige Weg, um herauszufinden, ob dir etwas gefällt, ist, es zu versuchen.
test + test sth out: They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market. etw.[Akk] ausprobieren: Um den Markt zu erproben, eröffneten sie ein einziges Geschäft in Europa.
unique + Everyone's fingerprints are unique. Jeder Fingerabdruck ist einzigartig.
unique + The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe. Durch die Übernahme erhält das Unternehmen eine einzigartige Ausgangsposition für den Export von Waren nach Osteuropa.
unique + The koala is unique to Australia. Der Koala ist einzigartig in Australien.
weapon + Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. Bildung ist die einzige Waffe, um die Ausbreitung der Krankheit zu bekämpfen.
when + Sunday is the only day when I can relax. Sonntag ist der einzige Tag, an dem ich mich entspannen kann.
worry + My only worry is that... Meine einzige Sorge ist, dass...

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Wiktionary VietnameseVie
one duy nhất + +
duy nhất + + only, sole