VNEN ổ đĩa * drive * 103

3 司机 si1 ji1 chauffeur/ driver/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 主动 zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative/ to do sth of one's own accord/ active/ opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/ drive (of gears and shafts etc)
5 目录 mu4 lu4 catalog/ table of contents/ directory (on computer hard drive)/ list/ contents
5 胡说 hu2 shuo1 to talk nonsense/ drivel
5 促使 cu4 shi3 to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development)
5 驾驶 jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive
6 机动 ji1 dong4 locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc)
6 志气 zhi4 qi4 ambition/ resolve/ backbone/ drive/ spirit
6 魄力 po4 li4 courage/ daring/ boldness/ resolution/ drive

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Taxifahrerin taxi driver tài xế taxi
der Busfahrer bus driver tài xế xe buýt
Ich fahre mit dem Auto. I drive a car. Tôi lái xe.
der USB-Stick USB flash drive Ổ USB
Ich habe die Datei auf einem Stick. I have the file on a USB flash drive. Tôi có tập tin trên một ổ đĩa flash USB.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
039 0723
He drives a motorbike.
040 0751
Please drive slowly.
040 0758
Drive me to this address.
040 0759
Drive me to my hotel.
040 0760
Drive me to the beach.
042 0795
Drive until you reach the third traffic light.
042 0797
Then drive straight through the next intersection.
054 1037
I need a drill and a screwdriver.
072 1398
We want to drive home.
075 1443
Are you already allowed to drive?
079 1527
I have to drive.
079 1528
I’m not drinking it because I have to drive.
087 1698
How fast did you drive?
089 1737
Actually I wanted to drive home.
091 1771
You drive too fast – don’t drive so fast!
097 1892
She calls while she drives.
099 1929
Although he has no license, he drives the car.
099 1930
Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast.
099 1932
Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives the car.
099 1933
Despite the road being slippery, he drives fast.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A16 41 791
吃药 后 请勿 驾驶 。 + อย่าขับรถหลังจากใช้ยานี้ + Không lái xe sau khi dùng thuốc này. + Do not drive after taking this medication. + Fahren Sie nicht, nachdem Sie dieses Medikament genommen haben. + Non guidare dopo l' assunzione di questo farmaco. + Ne pas conduire après avoir pris ce médicament. + No conduzca después de tomar este medicamento. + Rijd niet na het innemen van deze medicatie. + ( chīyào hòu qǐngwù jiàshǐ.)
B04 8 1158
朱莉安娜 有 车 , 但 她 不常 开。 + Giuliana มีรถ แต่เธอไม่ได้ขับรถบ่อยๆ + Ngoài có xe hơi nhưng cô ấy không lái nó thường xuyên lắm. + Giuliana has a car, but she doesn't drive it very often. + Giuliana hat ein Auto, aber sie fährt es nicht sehr oft. + Giuliana ha una macchina, ma non la guida molto spesso. + Giuliana a une voiture, mais elle ne la conduit pas souvent. + Giuliana tiene un coche, pero no lo conduce muy a menudo. + Giuliana heeft een auto, maar ze rijdt er niet vaak mee. + ( zhūlìānnà yǒu chē, dàn tā bùcháng kāi.)
B04 33 1183
彼得罗 十六 岁时 学了 开车 。 + Pietro ได้เรียนรู้ที่จะขับรถเมื่อเขาอายุสิบหก (16) + Pietro học lái xe hơi từ khi anh ấy mười sáu tuổi. + Pietro learned to drive when he was sixteen (16). + Pietro lernte mit sechzehn (16) Jahren das Fahren. + Pietro imparò a guidare all' età di sedici anni (16). + Pietro a appris à conduire quand il avait 16 ans. + Pietro aprendió a conducir a los 16 años (16). + Pietro leerde rijden toen hij zestien was (16). + ( bǐdéluó shíliù suìshí xuéle· kāichē.)
B04 46 1196
你 开过 跑车 吗 ? + คุณเคยขับรถเร็วหรือไม่? + Cậu đã bao giờ lái một chiếc xe hơi cực nhanh chưa? + Have you ever driven a very fast car? + Haben Sie schon einmal ein sehr schnelles Auto gefahren? + Avete mai guidato una macchina molto veloce? + Avez-vous déjà conduit une voiture très rapide? + ¿Alguna vez has conducido un auto muy rápido? + Hebt u ooit een zeer snelle auto gereden? + ( nǐ kāiguò pǎochē mā?)
B06 16 1266
我 觉得 艾曼 可以 通过 驾照 考试 。 + ฉันคิดว่า Ayman จะผ่านการทดสอบของคนขับ + Tôi nghĩ Tên sẽ qua kì thi lái xe. + I think Ayman will pass his driver's test. + Ich denke, Ayman wird seine Fahrprüfung bestehen. + Penso che Ayman supererà il test del suo pilota. + Je pense qu'Ayman réussira son permis de conduire. + Creo que Ayman pasará el examen de conducir. + Ik denk dat Ayman zal slagen voor zijn rijderstest. + (wǒ juéde· àimàn kéyǐ tōngguò jiàzhào kǎoshì.)
B06 21 1271
你 明天 要去考 驾照 吗 ? + คุณกำลังจะเข้ารับการทดสอบในวันพรุ่งนี้ใช่ไหม? + Mai cậu có đi thi lái xe không? + Are you going to take your driver's test tomorrow? + Wirst du morgen deinen Führerschein machen? + Domani affronterai il tuo test pilota? + Tu vas passer ton permis de conduire demain? + ¿Vas a hacer el examen de conducir mañana? + Gaat u morgen uw chauffeurstest afleggen? + ( nǐ míngtiān yàoqùkǎo jiàzhào mā?)
B06 40 1290
我 觉得 恩雅 可以 考到 驾照 。 + ฉันคิดว่า Euna จะผ่านการทดสอบของเธอ + Tôi nghĩ Ân Nhã sẽ qua kì thi lái xe. + I think Euna will pass her driver's test. + Ich denke, Euna wird ihre Fahrprüfung bestehen. + Penso che Euna supererà il test di guida. + Je pense qu'Euna réussira son permis de conduire. + Creo que Euna pasará el examen de conducir. + Ik denk dat Euna de rijtest van haar chauffeur zal doorstaan. + ( wǒ juéde· ēnyá kéyí kǎodào jiàzhào.)
B06 41 1291
我 觉得 志荣 不会 通过 驾照 考试 。 + ฉันไม่คิดว่าจียอนจะผ่านการทดสอบของคนขับ + Tôi nghĩ Chí Vinh sẽ không qua được kì thi lái xe. + I don't think Jiyeong will pass his driver's test. + Ich glaube nicht, dass Jiyeong seine Fahrprüfung bestehen wird. + Non credo che Jiyeong supererà il test del suo pilota. + Je ne pense pas que Jiyeong réussira son permis de conduire. + No creo que Jiyeong pase el examen de conducir. + Ik denk niet dat Jiyeong zal slagen voor zijn rijderstest. + (wǒ juéde· zhìróng búhuì tōngguò jiàzhào kǎoshì.)
B08 49 1399
你 会 开车 吗 ? + คุณขับรถได้ไหม? + Cậu có biết lái xe hơi không? + Can you drive a car? + Kannst du Auto fahren? + Si può guidare una macchina? + Tu sais conduire une voiture? + ¿Puedes conducir un auto? + Kunt u een auto besturen? + ( nǐ huì kāichē mā?)
B08 50 1400
你 会 骑 摩托车 吗 ? + คุณสามารถขับรถมอเตอร์ไซค์ได้หรือไม่? + Cậu biết đi xe máy không? + Can you drive a motorcycle? + Kannst du Motorrad fahren? + Riesci a guidare una moto? + Tu sais conduire une moto? + ¿Puedes conducir una motocicleta? + Kunt u een motor besturen? + ( nǐ huì qí mótuōchē mā?)
B09 42 1442
在 美国 大部分 地方 , 年满 十六 岁 才可以考 驾照 。 + ในส่วนใหญ่ของประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกาคุณต้องมีอายุอย่างน้อยสิบหก (16) เพื่อขอใบอนุญาตขับรถ + Ở hầu như mọi nơi ở Mĩ, cậu phải ít nhất mười sáu tuổi mới được có bằng lái xe hơi. + In most of the United States, you must be at least sixteen (16) to get a driver's license. + In den meisten der Vereinigten Staaten, müssen Sie mindestens sechzehn (16) Jahre alt sein, um einen Führerschein zu bekommen. + Nella maggior parte degli Stati Uniti, è necessario essere almeno sedici (16) per ottenere la patente di guida. + Dans la plupart des États-Unis, vous devez avoir au moins seize (16) ans pour obtenir un permis de conduire. + En la mayoría de los Estados Unidos, usted debe tener por lo menos dieciséis (16) años para obtener una licencia de conducir. + In de meeste Verenigde Staten moet u ten minste zestien (16) zijn om een rijbewijs te krijgen. + ( zài měiguó dàbùfēn dìfāng, niánmǎn shíliù suì cáikéyí kǎo jiàzhào.)
B09 46 1446
这条 高速 封路了 , 司机 得 走 另一条 路 。 + ปิดทางหลวงแห่งนี้แล้ว คนขับต้องใช้ถนนอื่น + Đường cao tốc này đã đóng. Lái xe phải đi một đường khác. + This highway is closed. Drivers must take another road. + Diese Autobahn ist gesperrt. Der Fahrer muss eine andere Straße nehmen. + Questa autostrada è chiusa. I conducenti devono percorrere un' altra strada. + Cette autoroute est fermée. Les conducteurs doivent prendre une autre route. + Esta autopista está cerrada. Los conductores deben tomar otro camino. + Deze snelweg is afgesloten. Bestuurders moeten een andere weg nemen. + ( zhètiáo gāosù fēnglùle·, sījī déi zǒu lìngyìtiáo lù.)
B10 2 1452
骑 自行车 跟 驾驶 机动车 一样 都 必须 遵守交通规则 。 + ผู้ขี่จักรยานต้องปฏิบัติตามกฎจราจรเช่นเดียวกับคนขับ + Người đạp xe đạp phải tuân da luật giao thông như người lái xe + Bicyclists must follow the same traffic rules as drivers. + Radfahrer müssen die gleichen Verkehrsregeln befolgen wie die Fahrer. + I ciclisti devono seguire le stesse regole di circolazione dei conducenti. + Les cyclistes doivent suivre les mêmes règles de circulation que les conducteurs. + Los ciclistas deben seguir las mismas reglas de tráfico que los conductores. + Fietsers moeten dezelfde verkeersregels volgen als bestuurders. + ( qí zìxíngchē gēn jiàshǐ jīdòngchē yíyàng dōu bìxū zūnshǒu jiāotōngguīzé.)
B10 31 1481
我 不该 开得 这么 快 。 + ฉันไม่ควรขับเร็วเกินไป + Tôi không nên lái xe quá nhanh. + I shouldn't drive so fast. + Ich sollte nicht so schnell fahren. + Non dovrei guidare così veloce. + Je ne devrais pas conduire si vite. + No debería conducir tan rápido. + Ik moet niet zo snel rijden. + ( wǒ bùgāi kāide· zhème kuài.)
B10 33 1483
你 不会 开车 : 你 说 我 该学 开车 吗 ? + คุณไม่สามารถขับรถ: "คุณคิดว่าฉันควรจะเรียนรู้วิธีการขับรถ?" + + You can't drive: "Do you think I should learn how to drive?" + Du kannst nicht fahren: "Denkst du, ich sollte fahren lernen?" + Non si può guidare:"Pensi che dovrei imparare a guidare? + Tu ne sais pas conduire:"Penses-tu que je devrais apprendre à conduire?" + No puedes conducir:"¿Crees que debería aprender a conducir?" + Je kunt niet rijden:"Denkt u dat ik moet leren hoe ik moet rijden? + ( nǐ búhuì kāichē : nǐ shuō wǒ gāixué kāichē mā?)
B10 50 1500
你 得 通过 考试 才能 拿到 驾照 。 + คุณต้องผ่านการทดสอบก่อนที่คุณจะได้รับใบอนุญาตขับรถ + Cậu cần qua một kì thi trước khi lấy được bằng lái xe. + You have to pass a test before you can get a driver's license. + Sie müssen einen Test bestehen, bevor Sie einen Führerschein machen können. + È necessario superare un test prima di ottenere la patente di guida. + Vous devez passer un examen avant d'obtenir un permis de conduire. + Usted tiene que pasar una prueba antes de poder obtener una licencia de conducir. + U moet een test doorstaan voordat u een rijbewijs kunt krijgen. + ( ní děi tōngguò kǎoshì cáinéng nádào jiàzhào.)
B11 1 1501
你 必须 通过 考试 才能 拿到 驾照 。 + คุณต้องผ่านการทดสอบก่อนที่คุณจะได้รับใบอนุญาตขับรถ + kəʔ w kəən kwaa moʔt kii VI ii ʨɯəḱ xii ləj ɗɯəʔ k ɓɐɐŋ laj sɛɛ + You must pass a test before you can get a driver's license. + Sie müssen einen Test bestehen, bevor Sie einen Führerschein machen können. + È necessario superare un test prima di ottenere la patente di guida. + Vous devez passer un examen avant d'obtenir votre permis de conduire. + Usted debe pasar una prueba antes de obtener la licencia de conducir. + U moet een test doorstaan voordat u een rijbewijs kunt krijgen. + ( nǐ bìxū tōngguò kǎoshì cáinéng nádào jiàzhào.)
B11 37 1537
我 每天 上班 得 开 八十 公里的 车 。 + ฉันต้องขับรถไปห้าสิบไมล์ (50 ไมล์) ทุกวัน ฉันต้องขับรถแปดสิบ (80) กิโลเมตรไปทำงานทุกวัน + Ngày nào tôi cũng phải lái xe năm mươi dặm đi làm. + I have to drive fifty (50) miles to work every day. — I have to drive eighty (80) kilometers to work every day. + Ich muss fünfzig (50) Meilen fahren, um jeden Tag zu arbeiten. Ich muss achtzig (80) Kilometer fahren, um jeden Tag zur Arbeit zu kommen. + Devo guidare cinquanta (50) miglia per lavorare ogni giorno. Devo guidare ottanta (80) chilometri per lavorare ogni giorno. + Je dois parcourir cinquante (50) milles pour aller travailler tous les jours. Je dois faire 80 kilomètres pour aller travailler tous les jours. + Tengo que conducir cincuenta (50) millas para trabajar todos los días. Tengo que conducir ochenta (80) kilómetros para trabajar todos los días. + Ik moet elke dag vijftig (50) kilometer rijden om te werken. Ik moet dagelijks tachtig (80) kilometer rijden om te werken. + (wó měitiān shàngbān děi kāi bāshí gōnglǐde· chē.)
B13 9 1609
你 更 想当 公交车司机 还是 飞行员 ? + คุณต้องการเป็นคนขับรถหรือนักบินเครื่องบิน? + Cậu thích làm gì hơn: lái xe buýt, hay phi công? + Which would you prefer to be: a bus driver or an airplane pilot? + Was wäre Ihnen lieber: ein Busfahrer oder ein Flugzeugpilot? + Quale preferirebbe essere: un autista di autobus o un pilota di aeroplano? + Lequel préféreriez-vous être: chauffeur de bus ou pilote d'avion? + ¿Cuál preferirías ser: conductor de autobús o piloto de avión? + Wat zou u het liefst willen zijn: een buschauffeur of een vliegtuigpiloot? + ( nǐ gèng xiǎngdāng gōngjiāochēsījī háishì fēixíngyuán?)
B13 10 1610
比起 当 公交车司机 , 我 更 想当 飞行员 。 + ฉันควรเป็นนักบินเครื่องบินมากกว่าคนขับรถประจำทาง + Tôi thích làm phi công hơn làm lái xe bus. + I'd rather be an airplane pilot than a bus driver. + Ich bin lieber Flugzeugpilot als Busfahrer. + Preferirei essere un pilota di aeroplano piuttosto che un autista di autobus. + Je préfère être pilote d'avion que chauffeur de bus. + Preferiría ser piloto de avión que conductor de autobús. + Ik zou liever een vliegtuigpiloot zijn dan een buschauffeur. + ( bíqǐ dāng gōngjiāochēsījī, wǒ gèng xiǎngdāng fēixíngyuán.)
B17 5 1805
我 不经常 开车 上班 , 但 昨天 我 开了 。 + ฉันไม่ค่อยขับรถไปทำงาน แต่ฉันเคยไปเมื่อวานนี้ + Tôi không lái xe di làm thường xuyên nhưng hôm qua tôi đã lái. + I don't usually drive to work, but I did yesterday. + Normalerweise fahre ich nicht zur Arbeit, aber gestern schon. + Di solito non sono al lavoro, ma lo ho fatto ieri. + D'habitude, je ne conduis pas pour aller travailler, mais je l'ai fait hier. + No suelo ir al trabajo, pero lo hice ayer. + Ik rijd meestal niet naar mijn werk, maar gisteren wel. + (wǒ bùjīngcháng kāichē shàngbān, dàn zuótiān wǒ kāile·.)
B17 25 1825
乔凡尼 不会 开车 。 — 他 不会 吗 ? 我 都不知道 。 + Giovanni ไม่สามารถขับรถได้ - เขาไม่สามารถ? ฉันไม่รู้ + Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy. + Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that. + Giovanni kann nicht fahren. Er kann nicht? Das wusste ich nicht. + Giovanni non può guidare. Non può? Non lo sapevo. + Giovanni ne sait pas conduire. Il ne peut pas? Je ne le savais pas. + Giovanni no sabe conducir. ¿No puede? Yo no sabía eso. + Giovanni kan niet rijden. Hij kan niet? Dat wist ik niet. + ( qiáofánní búhuì kāichē. — tā búhuì mā? wǒ dōu bùzhīdào.)
B18 1 1851
安吉拉 不会 开车 。 — 她 不会 吗 ? 她 应该学一下 。 + แองเจล่าไม่สามารถขับรถได้ - เธอไม่สามารถ? เธอควรจะเรียนรู้ + Angela không biết lái xe. Không à? Cô ấy nên học. + Angela can't drive. — She can't? She should learn. + Angela kann nicht fahren. Sie kann nicht? Sie sollte es lernen. + Angela non può guidare. Non può? Lei dovrebbe imparare. + Angela ne sait pas conduire. Elle ne peut pas? Elle devrait apprendre. + Angela no sabe conducir. ¿Ella no puede? Debería aprender. + Angela kan niet rijden. Ze kan niet? Ze moet leren. + ( ānjílā búhuì kāichē. — tā búhuì mā? tā yīnggāixuéyíxià.)
B19 42 1942
她 问 我 有没有 驾照 。 + เธอถามว่าฉันมีใบขับขี่หรือไม่ + Cô ấy hỏi tôi có bằng lái chưa. + She asked if I had a driver's license. + Sie fragte, ob ich einen Führerschein habe. + Ha chiesto se avevo la patente di guida. + Elle a demandé si j'avais un permis de conduire. + Me preguntó si tenía licencia de conducir. + Ze vroeg of ik een rijbewijs had. + ( tā wèn wó yǒuméiyǒu jiàzhào.)
B20 34 1984
你 几岁 学的 开车 ? + คุณอายุเท่าไรเมื่อคุณเรียนขับรถ? + Cậu bao nhiêu tuổi khi cậu học lái xe? + How old were you when you learned to drive? + Wie alt warst du, als du fahren gelernt hast? + Quanti anni hai imparato a guidare? + Quel âge aviez-vous quand vous avez appris à conduire? + ¿Cuántos años tenías cuando aprendiste a conducir? + Hoe oud was je toen je leerde rijden? + ( ní jǐsuì xuéde· kāichē?)
C01 2 2002
是 谁 教 你 开车 的 ? + ใครสอนให้คุณขับรถ? + Ai dạy cậu lái xe như vậy? + Who taught you to drive? + Wer hat dir das Fahren beigebracht? + Chi ti ha insegnato a guidare? + Qui t' a appris à conduire? + ¿Quién te enseñó a conducir? + Wie heeft u geleerd rijden? + ( shì shuí jiào nǐ kāichē de·?)
C02 11 2061
比起 坐 火车 我 更 喜欢 开车 旅行 。 + ฉันชอบขับรถไปท่องเที่ยวโดยรถไฟ - ฉันชอบขับรถแทนที่จะเดินทางโดยรถไฟ + Tôi thích lái xe hơn là đi tàu hoả. + I prefer driving over traveling by train. — I prefer to drive rather than travel by train. + Ich ziehe es vor, mit dem Zug zu fahren. Ich fahre lieber mit dem Auto als mit dem Zug. + Preferisco guidare piuttosto che viaggiare in treno. Preferisco guidare piuttosto che viaggiare in treno. + Je préfère conduire plutôt que de voyager en train. Je préfère conduire plutôt que de voyager en train. + Prefiero viajar en tren. Prefiero conducir que viajar en tren. + Ik rijd liever met de trein dan met de trein. Ik rijd liever dan met de trein. + ( bíqǐ zuò huǒchē wǒ gèng xǐhuan· kāichē lǚxíng.)
C02 44 2094
我 以前 每天 开车 上班 , 但 最近 我 都 骑自行车 。 + ฉันเคยขับรถไปทำงานทุกวัน แต่วันนี้ฉันมักจะขี่จักรยาน + Tôi từng ngày nào cũng lái xe đi làm nhưng ngày nay tôi thường đi xe đạp. + I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually ride my bike. + Früher fuhr ich jeden Tag zur Arbeit, aber heutzutage fahre ich meistens mit dem Fahrrad. + Ho usato per guidare al lavoro ogni giorno, ma in questi giorni di solito guido la mia moto. + J'avais l'habitude de conduire au travail tous les jours, mais ces jours-ci, j'ai l'habitude de faire du vélo. + Solía ir al trabajo todos los días, pero estos días suelo andar en bicicleta. + Vroeger reed ik elke dag naar het werk, maar tegenwoordig rijd ik meestal op mijn fiets. + (wó yǐqián měitiān kāichē shàngbān, dàn zuìjìn wǒ dōu qí zìxíngchē.)
C04 36 2186
我 看到 当娜 上车 然后 开走了 。 + เห็น Donna เข้าไปในรถของเธอและขับรถออกไป + Tôi đã thấy Donna vào xe hơi của cô ấy và lái xe đi. + I saw Donna get into her car and drive away. + Ich sah, wie Donna in ihr Auto stieg und wegfuhr. + Ho visto Donna entrare in macchina e guidare via. + J'ai vu Donna monter dans sa voiture et partir. + Vi a Donna meterse en su coche y alejarse. + Ik zag Donna in haar auto stappen en wegrijden. + (wǒ kàndào dāngnà shàngchē ránhòu kāizǒule·.)
C05 41 2241
我 邻居 开 一辆 越野车 。 + เพื่อนบ้านขับรถ SUV + Hàng xóm của tôi lái một con xe thể thao đa dụng. + My neighbor drives an SUV. + Mein Nachbar fährt einen SUV. + Il mio vicino di casa guida un SUV. + Mon voisin conduit un 4x4. + Mi vecino conduce un todoterreno. + Mijn buurman rijdt een SUV. + ( wǒ línjū kāi yíliàng yuèyěchē.)
C07 37 2337
要开车 两个 小时的 时间 叫 "两小时的 车程"。 + ไดรฟ์ที่ใช้เวลาสอง (2) ชั่วโมงเป็นไดรฟ์สองชั่วโมง + Một chuyến xe đi mất hai tiếng là một chuyến xe hai tiếng. + A drive that takes two (2) hours is a two-hour drive. + Eine Fahrt, die zwei (2) Stunden dauert, ist eine zweistündige Fahrt. + Un' unità che impiega due (2) ore è un' unità di due ore. + Un trajet en voiture de deux (2) heures est un trajet de deux heures. + Un viaje que toma dos (2) horas es un viaje de dos horas. + Een rit die twee (2) uur duurt is twee uur rijden. + (yàokāichē liǎngge· xiǎoshíde· shíjiān jiào "liángxiǎoshíde· chēchéng".)
C08 28 2378
驾校 学员 不可以 自己 开车 上路 。 + นักเรียนขับรถไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ขับด้วยตนเอง + Những người lái xe cho học sinh không được phép tự lái xe cho mình. + Student drivers are not allowed to drive by themselves. + Fahrschüler dürfen nicht alleine fahren. + I conducenti studenti non sono autorizzati a guidare da soli. + Les étudiants conducteurs ne sont pas autorisés à conduire seuls. + No se permite que los estudiantes conduzcan solos. + Studentenchauffeurs mogen niet alleen rijden. + ( jiàxiào xuéyuán bùkéyǐ zìjǐ kāichē shànglù.)
C10 23 2473
车上的 安全带 保障了 我们的 生命安全 , 每位 驾驶员 都 应该 系好 。 + เข็มขัดนิรภัยในรถประหยัดชีวิต คนขับรถแต่ละคนควรสวมใส่ + Dây an toàn ở xe hơi bảo vệ mạng sống. Mỗi lái xe nên đeo một cái. + Seat belts in cars save lives. Each driver should wear one. + Sicherheitsgurte im Auto retten Leben. Jeder Fahrer sollte einen tragen. + Le cinture di sicurezza nelle automobili salvano vite umane. Ogni conducente deve indossarne uno. + Les ceintures de sécurité dans les voitures sauvent des vies. Chaque conducteur doit en porter un. + Los cinturones de seguridad en los coches salvan vidas. Cada conductor debe usar uno. + Zitgordels in auto's redden levens. Elke bestuurder moet er een dragen. + (chēshàngde· ānquándài bǎozhàngle· wǒmen·de· shēngmìng'ānquán, měiwèi jiàshǐyuán dōu yīnggāi xīhǎo.)
C10 36 2486
那位 肇事 司机 被 罚款 三千 元 。 + คนขับรถที่เกิดอุบัติเหตุถูกปรับ 500 ดอลลาร์ (500 ดอลลาร์) - คนขับรถที่เกิดอุบัติเหตุถูกปรับเป็นเงินสี่แสนยูโร (400 ยูโร) + Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400). + Der Fahrer, der den Unfall verursacht hat, wurde mit einer Geldstrafe von fünfhundert Dollar ($500) belegt. Der Fahrer, der den Unfall verursacht hat, wurde mit einer Geldstrafe von 400 Euro (400 Euro) belegt. + Il conducente che ha causato l' incidente è stato multato cinquecento dollari ($500). Il conducente che ha causato l' incidente è stato multato di quattrocento euro (400 euro). + Le conducteur qui a causé l'accident a été condamné à une amende de cinq cents dollars (500 $). Le conducteur qui a causé l'accident a été condamné à une amende de 400 euros. + El conductor que causó el accidente fue multado con quinientos dólares ($500). El conductor que causó el accidente fue multado con cuatrocientos euros (400 euros). + De chauffeur die het ongeval veroorzaakte werd een boete opgelegd van vijfhonderd dollar ($500). De bestuurder die het ongeval heeft veroorzaakt, kreeg een boete van vierhonderd euro (€ 400, -). + (nàwèi zhàoshì sījī bèi fákuǎn sānqiān yuán.)
C14 2 2652
虽然 她 不会 开车 , 她 还是 买了 一辆 车。 + แม้ว่าเธอจะไม่สามารถขับรถได้ แต่ก็ยังซื้อรถอยู่ + Cho dù cô ấy không biết lái, cô ấy vẫn mua xe hơi. + Even though she can't drive, she still bought a car. + Obwohl sie nicht fahren kann, hat sie sich trotzdem ein Auto gekauft. + Anche se non può guidare, ha ancora comprato un' auto. + Même si elle ne peut pas conduire, elle a quand même acheté une voiture. + Aunque no sabe conducir, compró un coche. + Hoewel ze niet kan rijden, kocht ze nog steeds een auto. + ( suīrán tā búhuì kāichē, tā háishì mǎile· yíliàng chē.)
C14 20 2670
只要 你 答应 我 不开 太快 , 我 就 可以把车 借给 你 。 + คุณสามารถยืมรถได้ตราบเท่าที่คุณสัญญาว่าจะไม่ขับรถเร็วเกินไป - คุณสามารถยืมรถได้โดยที่คุณไม่ได้ขับรถเร็วเกินไป + Cậu có thể cô xe hơi của tôi miễn là cậu hứa sẽ không lái quá nhanh. > Cậu có thể cô xe hơi của tôi với điều kiện là cậu không lái quá nhanh. + You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast. — You can borrow my car provided that you don't drive too fast. + Du kannst dir mein Auto ausleihen, solange du versprichst, nicht zu schnell zu fahren. Du kannst dir mein Auto ausleihen, wenn du nicht zu schnell fährst. + È possibile prendere in prestito la mia auto a condizione che si promette di non guidare troppo veloce. È possibile prendere in prestito la mia auto a condizione che non si guida troppo veloce. + Tu peux emprunter ma voiture tant que tu promets de ne pas rouler trop vite. Vous pouvez emprunter ma voiture à condition de ne pas rouler trop vite. + Te presto mi auto siempre y cuando prometas no ir muy rápido. Puedes pedir prestado mi coche siempre que no conduzcas demasiado rápido. + U kunt mijn auto lenen zolang u belooft niet te snel te rijden. U kunt mijn auto lenen op voorwaarde dat u niet te snel rijdt. + ( zhǐyào nǐ dāyìng wǒ bùkāi tàikuài, wǒ jiù kéyíbǎ chē jiègéi nǐ.)
C15 26 2726
在 英国 、 日本 和 新加坡 都是 左侧行驶 。 + ขับไปทางซ้ายมือที่ประเทศอังกฤษญี่ปุ่นและสิงคโปร์ + Người ta lái xe bên trái đường ở Anh, Nhật Bản và Singapore. + They drive on the left in Britain, Japan, and Singapore. + Sie fahren links in Großbritannien, Japan und Singapur. + Guidano a sinistra in Gran Bretagna, Giappone e Singapore. + Ils roulent à gauche en Grande-Bretagne, au Japon et à Singapour. + Conducen por la izquierda en Gran Bretaña, Japón y Singapur. + Ze rijden links in Groot-Brittannië, Japan en Singapore. + ( zài yīngguó, rìběn hé xīnjiāpō dōushì zuǒcèxíngshǐ.)
C15 50 2750
驾驶员 失去 控制时 , 火车 正以 时速 两百公里 行进 。 + รถไฟกำลังเดินทางด้วยความเร็วหนึ่งร้อยยี่สิบ (120) ไมล์ต่อชั่วโมงเมื่อคนขับเสียการควบคุม - รถไฟเดินทางด้วยความเร็วสองร้อย (200) กิโลเมตรต่อชั่วโมงเมื่อผู้ขับขี่สูญเสียการควบคุม + Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái. + The train was traveling at a speed of one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. — The train was traveling at a speed of two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control. + Der Zug fuhr mit einer Geschwindigkeit von einhundertzwanzig (120) Meilen pro Stunde, als der Fahrer die Kontrolle verlor. Der Zug fuhr mit einer Geschwindigkeit von zweihundert (200) Kilometern pro Stunde, als der Fahrer die Kontrolle verlor. + Il treno viaggiava a una velocità di centoventiventi (120) miglia all' ora quando il macchinista perdeva il controllo. Il treno viaggiava a una velocità di duecento (200) chilometri all' ora quando il macchinista perdeva il controllo. + Le train roulait à une vitesse de cent vingt (120) milles à l'heure lorsque le conducteur a perdu la maîtrise du train. Le train roulait à une vitesse de deux cents (200) kilomètres à l'heure lorsque le conducteur a perdu le contrôle. + El tren viajaba a una velocidad de ciento veinte (120) millas por hora cuando el conductor perdió el control. El tren viajaba a una velocidad de 200 kilómetros por hora cuando el conductor perdió el control. + De trein reed met een snelheid van honderd twintig (120) kilometer per uur toen de machinist de controle verloor. De trein reed met een snelheid van tweehonderd (200) kilometer per uur toen de machinist de controle verloor. + (jiàshǐyuán shīqù kòngzhìshí, huǒchē zhèngyǐ shísù liángbǎi gōngli· xíngjìn.)
C16 17 2767
搭 车 去 机场 要 两个 小时 , 但 搭 高速铁路 只要 四十五 分钟 。 + ใช้เวลาเดินทางประมาณ 2 ชั่วโมงไปยังสนามบินโดยทางรถยนต์ แต่ใช้เวลาเพียง 40 นาทีโดยรถไฟความเร็วสูง + Lái xe đến vịnh bằng xe hơi mất hai tiếng nhưng đi bằng đường sắt cao tốc thì chỉ mất bốn mươi phút. + It's a two-hour drive to the airport BY car, but it's only forty (40) minutes by high-speed rail. + Es ist eine zweistündige Fahrt mit dem Auto zum Flughafen, aber mit dem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug sind es nur vierzig (40) Minuten. + Si tratta di due ore di macchina per l' aeroporto BY auto, ma è solo quaranta (40) minuti di treno ad alta velocità. + Il est à deux heures de route de l'aéroport EN voiture, mais à seulement quarante (40) minutes en train à grande vitesse. + Es un viaje de dos horas en coche al aeropuerto BY, pero son sólo cuarenta (40) minutos en tren de alta velocidad. + Het is een twee uur rijden naar de luchthaven BY auto, maar het is slechts veertig (40) minuten rijden per hogesnelheidstrein. + ( dā chē qù jīchǎng yào liǎngge· xiǎoshí, dàn dā gāosùtiělù zhǐyào sìshíwǔ fēnzhōng.)
C20 4 2954
你 应该 随时 备份 你的 电脑 档案 , 以防 硬盘 坏了 。 + คุณควรสำรองไฟล์คอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณไว้เสมอในกรณีที่ฮาร์ดไดรฟ์เสียชีวิต + Cậu nên luôn luôn sao lưu các tệp tin máy tính phòng khi ổ cứng chết. + You should always back up your computer files just in case the hard drive dies. + Sie sollten Ihre Computerdateien immer sichern, nur für den Fall, dass die Festplatte ausfällt. + È sempre necessario eseguire il backup dei file del computer solo nel caso in cui il disco rigido muore. + Vous devriez toujours sauvegarder vos fichiers informatiques au cas où le disque dur disparaîtrait. + Usted siempre debe hacer una copia de seguridad de los archivos de su ordenador sólo en caso de que el disco duro muere. + Maak altijd een back-up van uw computerbestanden voor het geval de harde schijf sterft. + (nǐ yīnggāi suíshí bèifèn nǐde· diànnáo dǎngàn, yǐfáng yìngpán huàile·.)
C20 22 2972
F1 赛车 起火 爆炸了 ,幸运的 是 ,驾驶员 死里 逃生。 + นักแข่ง F1 ถูกไฟไหม้และระเบิดขึ้น โชคดีที่คนขับหนีรอดไปได้อย่างหวุดหวิด + Chiếc xe đua công thức một đã bắt lửa và nổ tung. May mắn là lái xe vừa kịp thoát ra. + The F1 racer caught fire and blew up. Luckily the driver just narrowly escaped. + Der F1-Rennfahrer fing Feuer und explodierte. Zum Glück ist der Fahrer nur knapp entkommen. + Il pilota di F1 ha preso fuoco e fatto saltare in aria. Fortunatamente il conducente è sfuggito di poco. + Le pilote F1 a pris feu et a explosé. Heureusement, le conducteur s'est échappé de justesse. + El piloto de F1 se incendió y explotó. Por suerte, el conductor escapó por poco. + De F1 racer ving vuur en blies op. Gelukkig ontsnapte de chauffeur net net even weg. + (F1 sàichē qíhuǒ bàozhàle·, xìngyùnde· shì, jiàshǐyuán sǐli· táoshēng.)
Tôi làm lái xe taxi. + I'm a taxi driver.
Cô ấy có lái xe buýt không? + Does she drive a bus?
Anh ấy từng là lái xe taxi. + He used to be a taxi driver.
Cậu từng lái xe bus bao giờ chưa? - Chưa bao giờ. + Have you ever driven a bus? — No, never.
Tôi chưa bao giờ lái xe tải. + I've never driven a truck.
Ngoài có xe hơi nhưng cô ấy không lái nó thường xuyên lắm. + Giuliana has a car, but she doesn't drive it very often.
Pietro học lái xe hơi từ khi anh ấy mười sáu tuổi. + Pietro learned to drive when he was sixteen (16).
Cậu đã bao giờ lái một chiếc xe hơi cực nhanh chưa? + Have you ever driven a very fast car?
Tôi nghĩ Tên sẽ qua kì thi lái xe. + I think Ayman will pass his driver's test.
Mai cậu có đi thi lái xe không? + Are you going to take your driver's test tomorrow?
Tôi nghĩ Ân Nhã sẽ qua kì thi lái xe. + I think Euna will pass her driver's test.
Tôi nghĩ Chí Vinh sẽ không qua được kì thi lái xe. + I don't think Jiyeong will pass his driver's test.
Cậu có biết lái xe hơi không? + Can you drive a car?
Cậu biết đi xe máy không? + Can you drive a motorcycle?
Ở hầu như mọi nơi ở Mĩ, cậu phải ít nhất mười sáu tuổi mới được có bằng lái xe hơi. + In most of the United States, you must be at least sixteen (16) to get a driver's license.
Đường cao tốc này đã đóng. Lái xe phải đi một đường khác. + This highway is closed. Drivers must take another road.
Người đạp xe đạp phải tuân da luật giao thông như người lái xe + Bicyclists must follow the same traffic rules as drivers.
Tôi không nên lái xe quá nhanh. + I shouldn't drive so fast.
+ You can't drive: "Do you think I should learn how to drive?"
Cậu cần qua một kì thi trước khi lấy được bằng lái xe. + You have to pass a test before you can get a driver's license.
kəʔ w kəən kwaa moʔt kii VI ii ʨɯəḱ xii ləj ɗɯəʔ k ɓɐɐŋ laj sɛɛ + You must pass a test before you can get a driver's license.
Ngày nào tôi cũng phải lái xe năm mươi dặm đi làm. + I have to drive fifty (50) miles to work every day. — I have to drive eighty (80) kilometers to work every day.
Cậu thích làm gì hơn: lái xe buýt, hay phi công? + Which would you prefer to be: a bus driver or an airplane pilot?
Tôi thích làm phi công hơn làm lái xe bus. + I'd rather be an airplane pilot than a bus driver.
Tôi không lái xe di làm thường xuyên nhưng hôm qua tôi đã lái. + I don't usually drive to work, but I did yesterday.
Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy. + Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that.
Angela không biết lái xe. Không à? Cô ấy nên học. + Angela can't drive. — She can't? She should learn.
Cô ấy hỏi tôi có bằng lái chưa. + She asked if I had a driver's license.
Cậu bao nhiêu tuổi khi cậu học lái xe? + How old were you when you learned to drive?
Ai dạy cậu lái xe như vậy? + Who taught you to drive?
Tôi thích lái xe hơn là đi tàu hoả. + I prefer driving over traveling by train. — I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
Tôi từng ngày nào cũng lái xe đi làm nhưng ngày nay tôi thường đi xe đạp. + I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually ride my bike.
Tôi đã thấy Donna vào xe hơi của cô ấy và lái xe đi. + I saw Donna get into her car and drive away.
Hàng xóm của tôi lái một con xe thể thao đa dụng. + My neighbor drives an SUV.
Một chuyến xe đi mất hai tiếng là một chuyến xe hai tiếng. + A drive that takes two (2) hours is a two-hour drive.
Những người lái xe cho học sinh không được phép tự lái xe cho mình. + Student drivers are not allowed to drive by themselves.
Dây an toàn ở xe hơi bảo vệ mạng sống. Mỗi lái xe nên đeo một cái. + Seat belts in cars save lives. Each driver should wear one.
Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400).
Cho dù cô ấy không biết lái, cô ấy vẫn mua xe hơi. + Even though she can't drive, she still bought a car.
Cậu có thể cô xe hơi của tôi miễn là cậu hứa sẽ không lái quá nhanh. > Cậu có thể cô xe hơi của tôi với điều kiện là cậu không lái quá nhanh. + You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast. — You can borrow my car provided that you don't drive too fast.
Người ta lái xe bên trái đường ở Anh, Nhật Bản và Singapore. + They drive on the left in Britain, Japan, and Singapore.
Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái. + The train was traveling at a speed of one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. — The train was traveling at a speed of two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control.
Lái xe đến vịnh bằng xe hơi mất hai tiếng nhưng đi bằng đường sắt cao tốc thì chỉ mất bốn mươi phút. + It's a two-hour drive to the airport BY car, but it's only forty (40) minutes by high-speed rail.
Cậu nên luôn luôn sao lưu các tệp tin máy tính phòng khi ổ cứng chết. + You should always back up your computer files just in case the hard drive dies.
Chiếc xe đua công thức một đã bắt lửa và nổ tung. May mắn là lái xe vừa kịp thoát ra. + The F1 racer caught fire and blew up. Luckily the driver just narrowly escaped.

Họ lái một chiếc xe hơi đến châu Phi. + They drive a car to Africa.

Cô ấy tự lái xe máy. + She drives the motorbike by herself.

Tổng thống không có một tài xế. + The president does not have a driver.

 tài xế + driver

Nhớ lái xe bên tay ... + Remember to drive on the …

Bạn có thế hỏi tài xế tãi / một ai khác + You could ask the taxi driver / someone else

Tài xế xe bus + Bus driver

Tài xế taxi + Taxi driver
SNOT Travel • public transport driver tài xế +
dear driver bác tài +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi driver, cab driver +
SNOT Travel • private transport to drive lái +
to drive chạy +
SNOT Travel • private transport driver +
Oxford 3000VieEng
lái xe drive
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-3 Führerschein + driving licence, driver's permit +
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 überfahren + 1. to drive through, 2. to run over   (überfährt, überfuhr, hat überfahren) +
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-7 heizen + 1. to heat, 2. to drive fast   (heizt, heizte, hat geheizt) +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Fahrer + driver +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Ausfahrt + 1. driveway, 2. exit, 3. pleasure trip +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Einfahrt + gateway, drive +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Fahrt + 1. drive, 2. journey +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-16 fahren + 1. to drive, 2. to ride, 3. to take someone to   (fährt, fuhr, hat/ist gefahren) +
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-3 Laufwerk + drive, running gear +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-4 treiben + 1. to drive, 2. to drift, 3. to do   (treibt, trieb, hat/ist getrieben) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-9 Fahren Sie bitte nicht so schnell!  + so Please don't drive so fast!  Xin đừng lái xe quá nhanh! +
Exercise 2-8 Ich fahre nicht oft Auto. Mir fehlt die Übung.  + Übung I don't drive often. I don't have the practice.  Tôi không lái xe thường xuyên. Tôi không có thực hành. +
Exercise 3-1 Fahren Sie über Stuttgart oder über Würzburg?  + über  Drive via Stuttgart or Würzburg?  Lái xe qua Stuttgart hoặc Würzburg? +
Exercise 5-3 Die Pflanze treibt neue Blätter.  + Blatt The plant drives new leaves.  Nhà máy vận chuyển lá mới. +
Exercise 6-3 Haben Sie den Führerschein Klasse zwei?  + Klasse Do you have a class two driver's license?  Bạn có bằng lái xe cấp hai? +
Exercise 6-7 Fahr nicht so schnell.  + fahren* Don't drive so fast.  Không lái xe quá nhanh. +
Exercise 6-7 Haben Sie den Wagen gefahren?  + fahren* Did you drive the car?  Bạn đã lái xe? +
Exercise 6-7 Der Chef fährt einen Mercedes.  + fahren* The boss drives a Mercedes.  Ông chủ lái xe một chiếc Mercedes. +
Exercise 6-7 Soll ich dich nach Hause fahren?  + fahren* Want me to drive you home?  Muốn tôi lái xe về nhà? +
Exercise 6-8 Stefan fährt mit dem Auto zur Arbeit.  + Auto Stefan drives his car to work.  Stefan lái chiếc xe của mình để làm việc. +
Exercise 6-8 Fahren Sie Ihren Wagen bitte hinter das Haus.  + hinter Please drive your car behind the house.  Hãy lái xe của bạn phía sau nhà. +
Exercise 8-1 Sie müssen sich einen neuen Führerschein ausstellen lassen.  + ausstellen  You'll have to get a new driver's license.  Bạn sẽ phải có bằng lái xe mới. +
Exercise 9-2 Muss man dich immer treiben, damit du etwas tust?  + treiben* Do you always have to be driven to do something?  Bạn luôn phải buộc phải làm gì đó? +
Exercise 9-2 Treib ihn nicht immer so!  + treiben* Don't drive him like that all the time!  Đừng lái xe như vậy mọi lúc! +
Exercise 9-6 Der Nebel war so dicht, dass wir sehr langsam fahren mussten.  + dicht The fog was so dense that we had to drive very slowly.  Sương mù dày đặc đến nỗi chúng tôi phải lái xe rất chậm. +
Exercise 9-9 Er fährt sportlich.  + sportlich He drives sporty.  Anh lái xe thể thao. +
Exercise 11-2 Ich wollte gerade einparken. Da kam ein Wagen rückwärts aus der Einfahrt.  + da I was just about to park. There was a car coming out of the driveway backwards.  Tôi vừa mới về công viên. Có một chiếc xe xuất hiện trên đường lái xe về phía sau. +
Exercise 11-9 Fahr vorsichtig, denn die Straßen sind glatt.  + denn Drive carefully, because the roads are slippery.  Lái xe cẩn thận, bởi vì những con đường trơn trượt. +
Exercise 12-3 Während der Fahrt darf man nicht mit dem Fahrer sprechen.  + während Do not talk to the driver while driving.  Không nói chuyện với tài xế khi lái xe. +
Exercise 21-6 Der Fahrer konnte den Wagen nicht mehr kontrollieren.  + kontrollieren The driver couldn't control the car anymore.  Người lái xe không thể kiểm soát chiếc xe nữa. +
Exercise 21-7 Der Fahrer hat die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug verloren. + Kontrolle The driver has lost control of his vehicle. Người lái xe đã mất kiểm soát chiếc xe của mình. +
Exercise 22-4 Ich muss zu meiner Arbeit quer durch die ganze Stadt fahren.  + quer  I have to drive across town to my work.  Tôi phải lái xe qua thị trấn để làm việc của tôi. +
Exercise 22-8 Als Autofahrer müssen Sie eine Versicherung haben. Das ist Pflicht.  + Pflicht As a driver, you must have insurance. It's mandatory.  Là lái xe, bạn phải có bảo hiểm. Đó là bắt buộc. +
Exercise 22-8 Die Verbindung ist sehr gut. Ich kann direkt fahren und muss nicht umsteigen.  + Verbindung The connection is very good. I can drive directly and don't have to change trains.  Kết nối là rất tốt. Tôi có thể lái xe trực tiếp và không phải thay đổi tàu hỏa. +
Exercise 22-9 Bitte vorn beim Fahrer einsteigen!  + vorn  Please get in front of the driver!  Xin hãy đứng trước người lái xe! +
Exercise 23-3 Ab 20 Uhr vorne beim Fahrer einsteigen.  + einsteigen* Get in the front of the driver's seat from 8:00.  Đứng trước ghế lái xe từ 8:00. +
Exercise 25-7 Halt, Polizei! Fahren Sie bitte an den Straßenrand.  + halten* Stop, police! Drive along the side of the road, please.  Dừng lại, cảnh sát! Lái xe dọc theo đường, xin vui lòng. +
Exercise 25-8 Er war früher Busfahrer.  + früher He used to be a bus driver.  Anh ấy từng là lái xe buýt. +
Exercise 26-3 Fahren Sie bei Nebel besonders vorsichtig!  + Nebel Drive very carefully in fog!  Lái xe rất cẩn thận trong sương mù! +
Exercise 26-4 Fahr vorsichtig! Es ist neblig.  + neblig Drive carefully! It's foggy.  Lái xe cẩn thận! Nó có sương mù. +
Exercise 26-8 Hier musst du langsam fahren. Das ist eine verkehrsberuhigte Zone. + Zone Here you have to drive slowly. This is a traffic-calmed zone. Ở đây bạn phải lái xe chậm. Đây là một khu vực an toàn giao thông. +
Exercise 27-8 Der Fahrer hupte ungeduldig. + hupen The driver honked impatiently. Người lái xe hét lên một cách thiếu kiên nhẫn. +
Exercise 27-8 Was sagst du dazu wenn wir jetzt eine Ausfahrt machen? + Ausfahrt What do you say we take a driveway now? Bạn nói gì khi đi xe điện? +
Exercise 27-8 Da parkt wieder jemand vor unserer Einfahrt.  + Einfahrt There's another parker outside our driveway.  Có một người đỗ xe bên ngoài đường lái xe của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 27-8 Können Sie nicht lesen: Einfahrt freihalten! + Einfahrt Can't you read: Keep the driveway clear! Bạn không thể đọc được: Giữ đường lái xe sạch! +
Exercise 27-8 Fahren Sie bitte vorsichtig. Es sind Kühe auf der Fahrbahn.  + Fahrbahn Drive carefully, please. There are cows on the road.  Lái xe cẩn thận, xin vui lòng. Có những con bò trên đường. +
Exercise 27-9 Bewegen Sie ihr Fahrzeug aus der Einfahrt!  + Fahrzeug Move your vehicle out of the driveway!  Di chuyển xe của bạn ra khỏi đường lái xe vào nhà! +
Exercise 28-2 Der Fahrer des Wagens war nicht verletzt.  + Fahrer The driver of the car was not injured.  Người lái xe không bị thương. +
Exercise 28-2 Stefan ist von Beruf Busfahrer.  + Fahrer Stefan is a bus driver by profession.  Stefan là một tài xế xe buýt theo nghề nghiệp. +
Exercise 28-2 Er ist ein sicherer Fahrer.  + Fahrer He's a safe driver.  Anh ấy là người lái xe an toàn. +
Exercise 28-2 Bitte nicht mit dem Fahrer sprechen! + Fahrer Please do not speak to the driver! Xin vui lòng không nói chuyện với người lái xe! +
Exercise 28-8 Der Fahrer hatte zu scharf gebremst.  + bremsen The driver had braked too hard.  Người lái xe đã phanh quá mạnh. +
Exercise 28-8 Der Faher hat zu spät gebremst. + bremsen The driver braked too late. Người lái xe đã phanh quá muộn. +
Exercise 29-3 Im Frühjahr wird das Vieh auf die Alm getrieben. + Vieh In spring the cattle are driven to the mountain pasture. Vào mùa xuân gia súc được đưa tới đồng cỏ núi. +
Exercise 29-4 Ursprünglich wollte ich in einem Restaurant arbeiten. Aber dann bin ich Busfahrerin geworden.  + ursprünglich I was originally planning to work in a restaurant. But then I became a bus driver.  Ban đầu tôi đã lên kế hoạch làm việc trong một nhà hàng. Nhưng rồi tôi trở thành tài xế xe buýt. +
Exercise 30-6 Er fährt zur Erholung ins Gebirge.  + Erholung He drives to the mountains for recovery.  Anh lái xe đến những ngọn núi để phục hồi. +
Exercise 30-9 Wenn Sie betrunken Auto fahren, verlieren Sie Ihren Führerschein.  + betrunken If you drive a drunk car, you lose your driver's license.  Nếu bạn lái một chiếc xe say rượu, bạn sẽ bị mất giấy phép lái xe. +
Exercise 32-2 Du willst mit meinem Auto fahren? Hast du überhaupt einen Führerschein?  + überhaupt You want to drive my car? Do you even have a license?  Bạn muốn lái xe của tôi? Bạn thậm chí có giấy phép? +
Exercise 32-7 Hier darfst du nur Tempo 30 fahren.  + Tempo  You're only allowed to drive 30 kph here.  Bạn chỉ được phép lái 30 km / h ở đây. +
Exercise 33-2 Der Autofahrer drehte und fuhr zurück. + drehen  The driver turned and drove back. Người lái xe quay lại và lái xe về. +
Exercise 33-7 Bitte fahr vorsichtig, die Straße ist glatt.  + vorsichtig Please drive carefully, the road is slippery.  Hãy lái xe cẩn thận, con đường trơn trượt. +
Exercise 36-6 Achten Sie auf die Fußgänger, wenn Sie Auto fahren.  + Fußgänger Watch out for pedestrians when you drive a car.  Xem ra cho người đi bộ khi bạn lái xe ô tô. +
Exercise 36-7 Passen Sie auf, dass Sie in einer Einbahnstraße nicht in die falsche Richtung fahren. + Einbahnstraße Be careful not to drive in the wrong direction on a one-way street. Hãy cẩn thận không lái xe theo chiều hướng sai trên con đường một chiều. +
Exercise 36-8 Fahr bitte nicht so schnell in die Kurven.  + Kurve Don't drive into the curves so fast, please.  Đừng lái xe vào đường cong quá nhanh, làm ơn. +
Exercise 36-8 Fahren Sie geradeaus bis zur nächsten Kreuzung.  + geradeaus  Drive straight ahead until the next intersection.  Lái xe thẳng về phía trước cho đến giao lộ tiếp theo. +
Exercise 36-8 Ich kann nicht vorbei. Bitte fahr noch ein Stück vorwärts.  + vorwärts I can't pass. Please drive a little further.  Tôi không thể vượt qua. Hãy lái xe thêm một chút. +
Exercise 36-9 Der Fahrer konnte nicht mehr stoppen.  + stoppen The driver couldn't stop.  Người lái xe không thể dừng lại. +
Exercise 38-2 Jahrelang hat er als Taxifahrer gejobbt. + jobben  For years he's been working as a taxi driver. Trong nhiều năm ông đã làm việc như một lái xe taxi. +
Exercise 39-6 Fahr vorsichtig! Es ist heute glatt draußen.  + glatt Drive carefully! It's slippery out today.  Lái xe cẩn thận! Nó trơn trượt ra ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 40-3 Mein Mann ist LKW-Fahrer.  + LKW My husband is a truck driver.  Chồng tôi là lái xe tải. +
Exercise 41-9 Es ist gefährlich, gleichzeitig zu telefonieren und zu fahren.  + gefährlich It's dangerous to talk on the phone and drive at the same time.  Thật nguy hiểm khi nói chuyện điện thoại và lái xe vào cùng một thời điểm. +
Exercise 43-6 Gestern hat ein Autofahrer einen Fußgänger überfahren.  + überfahren* Yesterday, a car driver ran over a pedestrian.  Hôm qua, một tài xế chạy trên một người đi bộ. +
Exercise 43-8 Ich habe die theoretische Prüfung bestanden. Nach der praktischen bekomme ich den Führerschein.  + theoretisch I passed the theory test. After the practical one, I get my driver's license.  Tôi đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra lý thuyết. Sau khi thực tế một, tôi nhận được giấy phép lái xe của tôi. +
Exercise 44-1 Mein Computer hat ein CD-ROM-Laufwerk. + CD-ROM My computer has a CD-ROM drive. Máy tính của tôi có ổ CD-ROM. +
Exercise 44-1 Mein Computer hat eine große Festplatte.  + Festplatte My computer has a large hard drive.  Máy tính của tôi có một ổ cứng lớn. +
Exercise 44-2 Für meinen Computer habe ich mir ein neues Laufwerk gekauft.  + Laufwerk I bought a new drive for my computer.  Tôi đã mua một ổ đĩa mới cho máy tính của tôi. +
Exercise 44-2 Der Computer hat zwei Laufwerke für CD-ROMs. + Laufwerk The computer has two CD-ROM drives. Máy tính có hai ổ đĩa CD-ROM. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Einfahrt + drive + Domestic buildings A
+ + + + 103 Household Schraubenzieher + screwdriver + Tools B
+ + + + 103 Household eine Schraube (in etw) hineindrehen + to drive a screw (into sth) + Tools C
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement spazieren gehen/fahren + to go for a walk/drive + General A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour jmdn verrückt machen + to drive sb crazy + Amiability A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Trieb + drive, urge, desire + Energy and apathy B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Schwung + drive, energy + Energy and apathy B
+ + + + 103 Speaking jmdm ein Loch in den Bauch fragen + to drive sb up the wall with all one's questions + Asking and answering B
+ + + + 103 Speaking faseln (coll. + to drivel, blather + Rambling and chattering C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport (etw) lenken + to steer/drive sth + Road transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport im Rückwärtsgang fahren + to (drive in) reverse + Road transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Lokführer(in) + driver + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Industry Getriebe + gears, gearbox, drive, works + Machinery, tools and equipment B
+ + + + 103 Employment Last(kraft)wagen-fahrer(in) + lorry/truck driver + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing CD-ROM -Laufwerk + CD-ROM drive + Computing and typing B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Diskettenlaufwerk + disk drive + Computing and typing B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B + * * gan3 drive 1. einholen, aufholen 2.sich beeilen, um etw nicht zu versäumen 3.treiben, vertreiben, verjagen +
B 司機 + * * si1ji1 driver Fahrer, Chauffeur +
C 動機 + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation +
C 行駛 + * * xing2shi3 move-drive/ (of a boat; vehicle; etc.) go/ travel/ drive verkehren, fahren +
C 駕駛 + * * jia4shi3 drive/ pilot/ steer/ astrogate/ navigate lenken, fahren, steuern +
C 幹勁 + * * gan4jin4 vigor/ drive/ enthusiasm/ energy Arbeitseifer, Enthusiasmus +
C 推進 + * * tui1jin4 push-progress/ propel/ advance/ drive forward vorwärtstreiben, vorantreiben, vorrücken, vordringen +
C 機動 + * * ji1dong4 engine-driven/ power-driven/ motorized motorisiert,beweglich, +
C 帶動 + * * dai4dong4 lead/ drive antreiben, anspornen, lenken +
C + * * shi3 drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen +
C 胡說 + * * hu2shuo1 talk nonsense/ drivel Unsinn reden +
D + * * jia4 drive 1. anspannen, vorspannen,ziehen, 2. fahren, steuern, lenken, führen +
D + * * nian3 drive out vertreiben, verjagen, fortjagen +
D 驅逐 + * * qu1zhu2 drive out/ banish ausweisen, vertreiben,verjagen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accident + One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers. Jeder siebte Unfall wird von verschlafenen Fahrern verursacht.
admit + admit doing sth: She admitted having driven the car without insurance. zugeben, dass sie nicht versichert war.
ask + I was asked if/whether I could drive. Ich wurde gefragt, ob ich fahren darf.
attitude + A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem (= they do not behave in a way that is acceptable to other people). Viele Fahrer haben ein ernsthaftes Einstellungsproblem (= sie verhalten sich nicht in einer Weise, die für andere Menschen akzeptabe
automatic + a fully automatic driverless train vollautomatischer fahrerloser Zug
back + back sth + adv./prep.: If you can't drive in forwards, try backing it in. etw. + Adv. /Vorbereitung unterstützenWenn Sie nicht vorwärts fahren können, versuchen Sie es mit dem Rückwärtsfahren.
be to blame (for sth) + Which driver was to blame for the accident? Welcher Fahrer war für den Unfall verantwortlich?
bus + a bus company/driver ein Busunternehmen/Fahrer
by + Just drive by. Don't stop. Fahren Sie einfach vorbei. Nicht aufhören.
can + I could drive a car before I left school. Ich könnte Auto fahren, bevor ich die Schule verließ.
car + a car driver/manufacturer/dealer ein Autofahrer/Hersteller/Händler
carefully + Drive carefully. Fahr vorsichtig.
careless + a careless worker/driver ein fahrlässiger Arbeiter/Fahrer
clean + a clean driving licence/driver's license einen sauberen Führerschein/Führerschein
control + a car with dual control(s) (= one set of controls for the driver and one for the instructor ). ein Auto mit Doppelsteuerung (en) (= eine Steuereinheit für den Fahrer und eine für den Instruktor).
curve + The driver lost control on a curve and the vehicle hit a tree. Der Fahrer verlor auf einer Kurve die Kontrolle und das Fahrzeug traf auf einen Baum.
distance + Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. Paul muss im Rahmen seiner Arbeit sehr lange Strecken fahren.
drink + The children are enough to drive me to drink. Die Kinder bringen mich zum Trinken.
drink + Don't drink and drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol). Nicht trinken und fahren (= Auto fahren nach dem Alkoholkonsum).
drive + drive sb + adj.: to drive sb crazy/mad/insane jdn. + adj. fahrenjdm. den Verstand zu versetzen
drive + drive sb to do sth: Hunger drove her to steal. jdn. zu etw.[Dat] treiben: Hunger trieb sie zum Stehlen.
drive + drive sb to sth: Those kids are driving me to despair. jdm. zu etw.[Dat]: Diese Kinder treiben mich in Verzweiflung.
drive + It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). Es reicht aus, um Sie zum Trinken zu treiben (= damit Sie zu viel Alkohol trinken).
drive + a steam-driven locomotive eine Dampflokomotive
drive + Can you drive? Kannst du fahren?
drive + Don't drive so fast! Fahr nicht so schnell!
drive + Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train? Sollen wir fahren (= mit dem Auto) oder mit der Bahn?
drive + drive sth: He drives a taxi (= that is his job). etw.[Akk] fahren: Er fährt ein Taxi (= das ist sein Job).
drive + Could you drive me home? Kannst du mich nach Hause fahren?
drive + What car do you drive? Welches Auto fahren Sie?
drive away, drive sb/sth away + We heard him drive away. Wir hörten ihn wegfahren.
drive + Let's go for a drive. Lass uns spazieren fahren.
drive + a drive through the mountains eine Fahrt durch die Berge
drive + It's a three-hour drive to London. Es ist eine dreistündige Fahrt nach London.
driver + a bus/train/ambulance/taxi driver einen Bus/Zug-/Ambulanz-Taxi-Fahrer
driver + She climbed into the driver's seat. Sie kletterte auf den Fahrersitz.
driver + The accident was the other driver's fault. Der Unfall war die Schuld des anderen Fahrers.
driver + a learner driver (= one who has not yet passed a driving test) ein Fahrschüler (= jemand, der noch keine Fahrprüfung bestanden hat)
driver + a student driver Fahrschüler
driver + The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag. Das Auto ist mit einem Fahrer-Airbag ausgestattet.
DVD + a DVD-ROM drive ein DVD-ROM-Laufwerk
economy + We're on an economy drive at home (= trying to avoid waste and spend as little money as possible). Wir sind auf einer Sparfahrt zu Hause (= versuchen Verschwendung zu vermeiden und so wenig Geld wie möglich auszugeben).
encounter + I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers. Ich hatte eine Reihe von engen Begegnungen (= Situationen, die gefährlich hätten sein können) mit schlechten Fahrern.
expert + an expert driver ein erfahrener Fahrer
fast + Don't drive so fast! Fahr nicht so schnell!
flash + Why is that driver flashing his lights at us? Warum blinkt der Fahrer uns an?
flash + flash at sb: Why is that driver flashing at us? jdm. zu blinken: Warum blinkt uns dieser Fahrer an?
front + I prefer to travel in the front of the car (= next to the driver). Ich fahre am liebsten vorne im Auto (= neben dem Fahrer).
go + to go for a walk/drive/swim/run spazieren gehen/fahren/schwimmen/laufen
head + The driver suffered head injuries. Der Fahrer erlitt Kopfverletzungen.
hear + I heard a car drive off. Ich hörte ein Auto wegfahren.
home + Anna will drive me home after work. Anna wird mich nach der Arbeit nach Hause fahren.
hour + York was within an hour's drive. York war innerhalb einer Autostunde zu erreichen.
illegal + It's illegal to drive through a red light. Es ist illegal, durch eine rote Ampel zu fahren.
impatient + An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn. Ein ungeduldiger Fahrer hinter mir hupte.
in + She learnt to drive in three weeks (= after three weeks she could drive). Sie lernte in drei Wochen Autofahren (= nach drei Wochen konnte sie fahren).
key + key (to doing sth): The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime. Schlüssel (um etw. zu tun): Der Fahrer des Autos hat wahrscheinlich den Schlüssel zur Lösung des Verbrechens in der Hand.
legal + The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). Der Fahrer war mehr als dreimal so hoch wie die erlaubte Höchstgrenze (= die Alkoholmenge, die Sie während der Fahrt in Ihrem Körper
license + a driver's license ein Führerschein
light + Check your car before you drive to make sure that your lights are working. Überprüfen Sie Ihr Auto vor der Fahrt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Beleuchtung funktioniert.
limit + You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). Sie können nicht fahren - Sie haben das Limit überschritten (= Sie haben mehr Alkohol getrunken, als beim Fahren erlaubt ist).
long + a long journey/walk/drive/flight eine lange Anreise/Spaziergang/Fahrt/Fahrt/Flug
lorry + a lorry driver ein LKW-Fahrer
many + New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. Neue Fahrer haben doppelt so viele Unfälle wie erfahrene Fahrer.
matter + Learning to drive is all a matter of coordination. Autofahren zu lernen ist eine Frage der Koordination.
mean + I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. Ich weiß, was Sie meinen (= ich verstehe und spüre Sympathie). Ich habe es auch gehasst, fahren zu lernen.
mile + a 20-mile drive to work 20 Meilen Fahrt zur Arbeit
milligram + The driver was well above the limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood Der Fahrer lag deutlich über der Grenze von 80 Milligramm Alkohol pro 100 Milliliter Blut
mirror + a rear-view mirror (= in a car, so that the driver can see what is behind) einen Rückspiegel (= im Auto, damit der Fahrer sehen kann, was dahinter liegt)
open + driving along the open road (= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast) Fahren auf offener Straße (= Teil einer Landstraße, wo man schnell fahren kann)
pay + pay sb (for sth): Would you mind paying the taxi driver? jdn. (für etw.) bezahlen: Würden Sie den Taxifahrer bezahlen?
qualify + qualify sb to do sth: The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. jdn. für etw. qualifizieren: Der Test berechtigt Sie zum Fahren schwerer Fahrzeuge.
question + question whether, what, etc...: He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. Frage, ob, was, usw...: Er stellte in Frage, ob der Unfall allein dem Lkw-Fahrer zuzuschreiben war.
racing + a racing driver ein Rennfahrer
reaction + a skilled driver with quick reactions ein erfahrener Fahrer mit schnellen Reaktionen
release + release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. jdn. /etw.[Akk] aus etw.[Dat] befreien: Die Feuerwehr brauchte zwei Stunden, um den Fahrer aus dem Wrack zu befreien.
round + The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. Die Straße ist blockiert, Sie müssen den langen Weg umfahren.
safe + a safe driver ein sicherer Fahrer
sale + a sales drive/campaign (= a special effort to sell more) eine Verkaufsaktion/Kampagne (= eine besondere Anstrengung, um mehr zu verkaufen)
seek + seek sth/sb: Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. nach etw. /etw. suchen: Autofahrer sollten nach alternativen Routen suchen.
sex + These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it). Diese Drogen können Ihren Sexualtrieb beeinflussen (= Ihr Interesse am Sex und die Fähigkeit, ihn zu haben).
share + share sth (with sb): Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. etw.[Akk] mit jdm. teilen: Beide Fahrer waren mitschuldig an dem Unfall
should + You shouldn't drink and drive. Du solltest nicht trinken und fahren.
side + They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Japan. Sie fahren auf der linken Straßenseite in Japan.
signal + hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) Handzeichen (= Bewegungen, die Radfahrer und Fahrer mit den Händen machen, um anderen Menschen mitzuteilen, dass sie anhalten, sich
slow + a slow driver ein langsamer Fahrer
state + You're not in a fit state to drive. Du bist nicht in einem guten Zustand zum Fahren.
strike + the train drivers' strike Streik der Lokführer
strike + The train drivers have voted to take strike action. Die Lokführer haben sich für einen Streik entschieden.
taxi + a taxi driver/ride Taxifahrer/Fahrt
the + There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed. Gestern gab es hier einen Unfall. Ein Auto traf einen Baum und der Fahrer wurde getötet.
through + The flood was too deep to drive through. Die Flut war zu tief, um durchzukommen.
unload + The truck driver was waiting to unload. Der LKW-Fahrer wartete darauf, entladen zu werden.
van + a van driver ein Lieferwagenfahrer
vehicle + Are you the driver of this vehicle? Sind Sie der Fahrer dieses Fahrzeugs?
(there is) no way + No way am I going to drive them there. Ich werde sie auf keinen Fall dorthin fahren.
wheel + Do you want to take the wheel (= drive) now? Wollen Sie jetzt das Steuer (= fahren) übernehmen?
where + It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left. Es ist eines der wenigen Länder, in dem die Leute auf der linken Seite fahren.
woman + women drivers weibliche Fahrer

Mcc SentencesGbEng
102 开车 不可以 + Don't drink and drive.
214 拿给 司机 + Please give it to the driver.
219 开车 上班 + He drives to work.
826 卡车 司机 + He's a truck driver.
2123 驾驶 汽车 + She can drive a car.
2465 他们 驱车 前往 华盛顿 + They drive to Washington.
3093 开车 谨慎 + She drives very carefully.

开车不可以喝酒。 Kāichē bùkě yǐ hē jiǔ. Don't drink and drive. Nicht trinken und fahren.
请把它拿给司机。 Qǐng bǎ tā ná gěi sījī. Please give it to the driver. Bitte geben Sie es dem Fahrer.
他开车去上班。 Tā kāichē qù shàngbān. He drives to work. Er fährt zur Arbeit.
他是卡车司机。 Tā shì kǎchē sījī. He's a truck driver. Er ist Lkw-Fahrer.
她会驾驶汽车。 Tā huì jiàshǐ qìchē. She can drive a car. Sie kann Auto fahren.
他们驱车前往华盛顿。 Tāmen qūchē qiánwǎng Huáshèngdùn. They drive to Washington. Sie fahren nach Washington.
她开车很谨慎。 Tā kāichē hěn jǐnshèn. She drives very carefully. Sie fährt sehr vorsichtig.
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
shi1fu + master / "driver"
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
si1ji1 + driver
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Shi1fu, ni3 zou3 ma? + Driver, are you going?
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Shi1fu, qing3wen4 dao4 ... zen3me zou3? + Driver, excuse me how to get to ...
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
si1ji1 + driver
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
kai1che1 + to drive a car
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Ni3 hui4 kai1che1 ma? + Can you drive? /Do you know how to drive?
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Dui4, wo3 hui4 kai1che1. + Yes, I can drive.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Wo3 bu4 hui4 kai1che1. + I cannot drive.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
jia4shi3 + to drive (formal) / to operate a vehicle
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Wo3 zhi3 hui1 kai zi4dong4 dang3 de che1. + I can only drive with automatic transmission.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Wo3 bu4 hui4 kai gua4dang3 de che1. + I can't drive cars with standard transmission.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
bu4 ke3yi3 he1 jiu3 yi3hou4 kai1che1. + ...that he can't drive after drinking alcohol
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

qu’est-ce qui le pousse à agir ainsi? + what drives him to act that way?

les exportations sont le moteur de notre économie + exports are what drive our economy

conduisons-la à l’hôpital + let’s drive her to the hospital

seule la police roule en noir et blanc? + only the police drive black-and-white vehicles?

tu te contenteras d’être le chauffeur + you will be satisfied to be the driver

il essaie de nous doubler + he’s trying to drive past us

vos papiers? pièce d’identité, permis de conduire + your papers? identity card, driver’s license

le conducteur a été tué sur le coup + the driver was killed instantly

le chauffeur du véhicule n’a pas été identifié + the driver of the vehicle has not been identified

je te reconduis à l’aéroport + I’ll drive you back to the airport

on va s’acheter un émetteur et on va se promener dans une van + we’re going to buy a transmitter and drive around in a van
00317594-n drive
00567044-n drive
03242995-n drive
03243218-n drive
04835724-n drive
14035298-n drive
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
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+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
+ + + + 103 drive +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
drive lái xe + +
lái + + drive