1 kuai4 lump (of earth)/ chunk/ piece/ classifier for pieces of cloth; cake; soap etc/ colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc); usually as 塊錢|块钱
6 娃娃 wa2 wa5 baby/ small child/ doll

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
054 1033
I need a doll and a teddy bear.
062 1196
I need US-Dollars.
090 1743
My son did not want to play with the doll.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A01 16 16
我 正在找 两千 块 以下的 房子 。 + ฉันกำลังมองหาอพาร์ตเมนต์ภายในสามร้อยเหรียญ (USD) + Tôi đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ trong vòng ba trăm đô la Mỹ. + I'm looking for an apartment within three hundred dollars (USD). + Ich suche eine Wohnung innerhalb von dreihundert Dollar (USD). + Cerco un appartamento in trecento dollari (USD). + Je cherche un appartement à moins de trois cents dollars (USD). + Busco un apartamento a menos de 300 dólares (USD). + Ik ben op zoek naar een appartement binnen driehonderd dollar (USD). + ( wǒ zhèngzàizhǎo liǎngqiān kuài yǐxiàde· fángzi·.)
A02 24 74
收 您 两百 元 。 + เสมียน: คุณให้ฉันสามสิบเหรียญ + Thư ký: Bạn đang cho tôi ba mươi đô la. + Clerk: You're giving me thirty dollars. + Sie geben mir 30 Dollar. + Direttore: Mi stai dando trenta dollari. + Vous me donnez trente dollars. + Me estás dando treinta dólares. + Clerk: Je geeft me dertig dollar. + ( shōu nín liǎngbǎi yuán.)
A02 25 75
找 您 四十 元 。 + พนักงาน: และการเปลี่ยนแปลงของคุณคือหกเหรียญ + Thư ký: Và sáu đô la là sự thay đổi của bạn. + Clerk: And six dollars is your change. + Clerk: Und sechs Dollar sind Ihr Wechselgeld. + Direttore: E sei dollari è il vostro cambiamento. + Et six dollars, c'est votre monnaie. + Y seis dólares es tu cambio. + Clerk: En zes dollar is uw wisselgeld. + ( zhǎo nín sìshí yuán.)
A09 48 448
一千 块 没办法 找 。 + ฉันไม่สามารถหักค่าบริการเป็นพันดอลล่าร์ได้ + Tôi không thể phá vỡ một dự luật trị giá hàng ngàn đô la. + I can't break a thousand-dollar bill. + Ich kann keinen Tausend-Dollar-Schein brechen. + Non riesco a rompere un conto da mille dollari. + Je ne peux pas casser un billet de mille dollars. + No puedo romper un billete de mil dólares. + Ik kan niet breken een duizend dollarbiljet. + ( yīqiān kuài méibànfǎ zhǎo.)
A18 29 879
五十颗 药 八十 人民币 。 + สิบสามดอลลาร์สำหรับยาห้าสิบ + Mười ba đô la cho năm mươi viên thuốc. + Thirteen dollars for fifty pills. + 13 Dollar für 50 Pillen. + Tredici dollari per cinquanta pillole. + Treize dollars pour cinquante cachets. + Trece dólares por cincuenta píldoras. + Dertien dollar voor vijftig pillen. + ( wǔshíkē yào bāshí rénmínbì.)
A18 31 881
每罐 六十颗 共 一百 五十 人民币 。 + ยี่สิบห้าเหรียญต่อขวดหกสิบเม็ด + Hai mươi lăm đô la cho mỗi chai sáu mươi viên thuốc. + Twenty-five dollars per bottle of sixty pills. + 25 Dollar pro Flasche mit 60 Pillen. + Venticinque dollari per bottiglia di sessanta pillole. + Vingt-cinq dollars par bouteille de soixante pilules. + 25 dólares por botella de 60 píldoras. + Vijfentwintig dollar per fles van zestig pillen vijfentwintig dollar per fles. + ( měiguàn liùshíkē gòng yìbǎi wǔshí rénmínbì.)
B08 34 1384
你 可以 帮 我 换 二十块的 零钱 吗 ? — 不好意思 , 我 没有 。 + คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนค่าเงินยี่สิบเหรียญได้หรือไม่? - ฉันขอโทษฉันไม่สามารถ + Tôi biết chơi dương cầm. Em trai tôi cũng biết chơi dương cầm. + Can you change a twenty-dollar bill? — I'm sorry, I can't. + Kannst du einen 20-Dollar-Schein wechseln? Es tut mir leid, ich kann nicht. + Puoi cambiare una fattura da venti dollari? Mi dispiace, non posso. + Pouvez-vous changer un billet de vingt dollars? Je suis désolé, je ne peux pas. + ¿Puedes cambiar un billete de veinte dólares? Lo siento, no puedo. + Kunt u een factuur van twintig dollar wijzigen? Het spijt me, dat kan ik niet. + ( ní kéyǐ bāng wǒ huàn èrshíkuàide· língqián mā? — bùhǎoyìsi·, wǒ méiyǒu.)
B08 42 1392
我 可以换 一块 钱 零钱 吗 ? 可以 麻烦 您帮 我 换 一块 钱 零钱 吗 ? + ฉันสามารถเปลี่ยนค่าเงินได้หรือไม่? - ฉันสามารถเปลี่ยนค่าเงินได้หรือไม่? + Tôi có thể đổi một đồng đô la được không? Làm ơn cho tôi đổi một đồng đô la được không? + Can I have change for a dollar, please? — Could I have change for a dollar, please. + Kann ich bitte Wechselgeld für einen Dollar haben? Könnte ich bitte Wechselgeld für einen Dollar haben? + Posso cambiare per un dollaro, per favore? Posso cambiare per un dollaro, per favore. + Je peux avoir de la monnaie pour un dollar? Pourrais-je avoir de la monnaie pour un dollar, s'il vous plaît? + ¿Me da cambio de un dólar, por favor? ¿Podría darme cambio de un dólar, por favor? + Kan ik wisselgeld voor een dollar krijgen, alstublieft? Zou ik alstublieft voor een dollar kunnen veranderen? + ( wó kéyǐhuàn yíkuài qián língqián mā? kéyǐ máfán nín bāng wǒ huàn yíkuài qián língqián mā?)
C06 46 2296
美金 是 许多 国家的 货币 。 + ดอลลาร์เป็นสกุลเงินของหลายประเทศ + Dollar là đồng tiền của nhiều quốc gia. + The dollar is the currency of many countries. + Der Dollar ist die Währung vieler Länder. + Il dollaro è la valuta di molti paesi. + Le dollar est la monnaie de nombreux pays. + El dólar es la moneda de muchos países. + De dollar is de valuta van veel landen. + (měijīn shì xǔduō guójiāde· huòbì.)
C07 27 2327
我 不只 需要 六十块 钱 , 六十块 钱 不够。 + ฉันต้องการเงินมากกว่าสิบ (10) ดอลลาร์ สิบเหรียญไม่เพียงพอ - ฉันต้องการเงินมากกว่าหก (6) ยูโร หกยูโรไม่เพียงพอ + Cậu có nghĩ hai ngày là đủ để tham quan New York không? + I need more than ten (10) dollars. Ten dollars isn't enough. — I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough. + Ich brauche mehr als zehn (10) Dollar. Zehn Dollar sind nicht genug. Ich brauche mehr als sechs (6) Euro. Sechs Euro sind nicht genug. + Ho bisogno di più di dieci (10) dollari. Dieci dollari non basta. Ho bisogno di più di sei (6) euro. Sei euro non basta. + J'ai besoin de plus de dix (10) dollars. Dix dollars, ce n'est pas assez. J'ai besoin de plus de six (6) euros. Six euros, ce n'est pas assez. + Necesito más de diez (10) dólares. Diez dólares no es suficiente. Necesito más de seis (6) euros. Seis euros no es suficiente. + Ik heb meer dan tien (10) dollar nodig. Tien dollar is niet genoeg. Ik heb meer dan zes (6) euro nodig. Zes euro is niet genoeg. + (wǒ bùzhǐ xūyào liùshíkuài qián, liùshíkuài qián búgòu.)
C10 36 2486
那位 肇事 司机 被 罚款 三千 元 。 + คนขับรถที่เกิดอุบัติเหตุถูกปรับ 500 ดอลลาร์ (500 ดอลลาร์) - คนขับรถที่เกิดอุบัติเหตุถูกปรับเป็นเงินสี่แสนยูโร (400 ยูโร) + Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400). + Der Fahrer, der den Unfall verursacht hat, wurde mit einer Geldstrafe von fünfhundert Dollar ($500) belegt. Der Fahrer, der den Unfall verursacht hat, wurde mit einer Geldstrafe von 400 Euro (400 Euro) belegt. + Il conducente che ha causato l' incidente è stato multato cinquecento dollari ($500). Il conducente che ha causato l' incidente è stato multato di quattrocento euro (400 euro). + Le conducteur qui a causé l'accident a été condamné à une amende de cinq cents dollars (500 $). Le conducteur qui a causé l'accident a été condamné à une amende de 400 euros. + El conductor que causó el accidente fue multado con quinientos dólares ($500). El conductor que causó el accidente fue multado con cuatrocientos euros (400 euros). + De chauffeur die het ongeval veroorzaakte werd een boete opgelegd van vijfhonderd dollar ($500). De bestuurder die het ongeval heeft veroorzaakt, kreeg een boete van vierhonderd euro (€ 400, -). + (nàwèi zhàoshì sījī bèi fákuǎn sānqiān yuán.)
C16 20 2770
我 每个月的 工资 从 一万 两千 块 涨到了 一万 五千。 + เงินเดือนของฉันเพิ่มขึ้นจากสองพันดอลลาร์ ($ 2000) ต่อเดือนเป็น 25,500 (2500 ดอลลาร์) - เงินเดือนของฉันเพิ่มขึ้น 500 เหรียญ (500 ดอลลาร์) - เงินเดือนของฉันเพิ่มขึ้นจาก 1,500 ยูโร (1550) ต่อเดือนเป็น 19,600 (1900) - เงินเดือนของฉันเพิ่มขึ้น 350 ยูโร (350 ยูโร) + Lương của tôi đã tăng từ hai nghìn đô la một tháng lên hai nghìn, năm trăm đô-la. > Lương của tôi đă tăng thêm năm trăm đô-la. + My salary has increased from two thousand dollars ($2000) a month to twenty-five hundred ($2500). — My salary's increased BY five hundred dollars ($500). — My salary has increased from fifteen hundred fifty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). — My salary's increased BY three hundred fifty euro (€350). + Mein Gehalt hat sich von zweitausend Dollar ($2000) im Monat auf fünfundzwanzighundert ($2500) erhöht. Mein Gehalt wurde um 500 Dollar ($500) erhöht. Mein Gehalt hat sich von fünfzehnhundertfünfzig Euro (1550 Euro) im Monat auf neunzehnhundert (1900 Euro) erhöht. Mein Gehalt erhöht sich um dreihundertfünfzig Euro (350 Euro). + Il mio stipendio è aumentato da duemila dollari ($2000) al mese a venticinquecento ($2500). Il mio stipendio è aumentato di cinquecento dollari ($500). Il mio stipendio è passato da quindicicentocinquanta euro (1550 euro) al mese a diciannovecento euro (1900 euro). Il mio stipendio è aumentato di trecentocinquanta euro (350 euro). + Mon salaire est passé de deux mille dollars (2000 $) par mois à vingt-cinq cents (2500 $). Mon salaire a augmenté de cinq cents dollars (500 $). Mon salaire est passé de quinze cent cinquante euros (1550 €) par mois à dix-neuf cents (1900 €). Mon salaire a augmenté de trois cent cinquante euros (350 euros). + Mi salario ha aumentado de dos mil dólares ($2000) al mes a veinticinco mil ($2500). Mi salario se ha incrementado en quinientos dólares ($500). Mi salario ha aumentado de 1500 euros (1550 euros) al mes a mil novecientos (1900 euros). Mi salario ha aumentado en trescientos cincuenta euros (350 euros). + Mijn salaris is gestegen van tweeduizend dollar ($2000) per maand tot vijfentwintighonderd ($2500). Mijn salaris verhoogd BY vijfhonderd dollar ($500). Mijn salaris is gestegen van vijftienhonderd vijftig euro (€1550) per maand naar negentienhonderd (€1900). Mijn salaris verhoogd BY driehonderd vijftig euro (€ 350). + (wó měige·yuède· gōngzī cóng yíwàn liǎngqiān kuài zhǎngdàole· yíwàn wǔqiān.)
C16 22 2772
有些 美国 公司 会给 大学毕业生 五千 块 的支票 作为 签约金 。 + บริษัท อเมริกันบางแห่งให้ผู้สำเร็จการศึกษาจากวิทยาลัยตรวจสอบ 5,000 ดอลลาร์ (5000 ดอลล่าร์สหรัฐฯ) เป็นโบนัสสำหรับการลงนาม + Một số công ti của Mĩ, cho sinh viên tốt quản lý đại học một tờ séc năm nghìn đô la coi như tiền thưởng kí kết. + Some American companies give college graduates a check FOR five thousand dollars ($5000) AS a signing bonus. + Einige amerikanische Firmen geben Hochschulabsolventen einen Scheck FÜR fünftausend Dollar ($5000) AS einen Unterzeichnungsbonus. + Alcune aziende americane dare laureati universitari un assegno per cinquemila dollari (5000 dollari) come un bonus di firma. + Certaines entreprises américaines donnent aux diplômés universitaires un chèque de cinq mille dollars (5 000 $) en prime à la signature. + Algunas compañías americanas dan a los graduados universitarios un cheque POR cinco mil dólares ($5000) COMO un bono de firma. + Sommige Amerikaanse bedrijven geven afgestudeerden een cheque FOR vijfduizend dollar ($5000) AS een tekenbonus. + (yǒuxiē měiguó gōngsī huìgěi dàxuébìyèshēng wǔqiān kuài de· zhīpiào zuòwéi qiānyuējīn.)
C16 23 2773
我 写了 一张 三千 元 的 支票 给 保险公司 。 + ฉันได้เขียนเช็คเป็นเงิน 500 เหรียญ (500 เหรียญ) แก่ บริษัท ประกันภัย - ฉันเขียนเช็คเป็นเงินสี่แสนยูโร (400 ยูโร) ให้กับ บริษัท ประกันภัย + Tôi đã viết một tờ séc năm trăm đô-la cho công ti bảo hiểm. + I wrote a check FOR five hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. — I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company. + Ich schrieb einen Scheck über 500 Dollar ($500) an die Versicherungsgesellschaft. Ich habe einen Scheck über vierhundert Euro (400 Euro) an die Versicherung ausgestellt. + Ho scritto un assegno per cinquecento dollari ($500) alla compagnia di assicurazione. Ho scritto un assegno per quattrocento euro (€400) alla compagnia di assicurazione. + J'ai fait un chèque de 500 $ à la compagnie d'assurance. J'ai fait un chèque de 400 euros à la compagnie d'assurance. + Escribí un cheque por quinientos dólares ($500) a la compañía de seguros. Escribí un cheque por cuatrocientos euros (€400) a la compañía de seguros. + Ik schreef een cheque FOR vijfhonderd dollar ($500) aan de verzekeringsmaatschappij. Ik schreef een cheque FOR vierhonderd euro (€ 400, -) aan de verzekeringsmaatschappij. + (wó xiěle· yìzhāng sānqiān yuán de· zhīpiào géi báoxiǎngōngsī.)
Giá một đô-la. + They're a dollar. They're a buck. They're a pound. They're a euro.
Một đô la rưỡi một pound. + A dollar fifty a pound ($1.50/lb). They're 2.3 Euros a kilo.
Cái máy ảnh mới của cậu giá bao nhiêu? - Giá ba trăm đô-la. + How much did your new camera cost? It was three hundred dollars ($300). > It was two hundred euros (€200).
Giá bốn mươi đô-la. + It cost forty dollars ($40). > It cost thirty euros (€30)
Tôi biết chơi dương cầm. Em trai tôi cũng biết chơi dương cầm. + Can you change a twenty-dollar bill? — I'm sorry, I can't.
Tôi có thể đổi một đồng đô la được không? Làm ơn cho tôi đổi một đồng đô la được không? + Can I have change for a dollar, please? — Could I have change for a dollar, please.
Dollar là đồng tiền của nhiều quốc gia. + The dollar is the currency of many countries.
Cậu có nghĩ hai ngày là đủ để tham quan New York không? + I need more than ten (10) dollars. Ten dollars isn't enough. — I need more than six (6) euros. Six euros isn't enough.
Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400).
Lương của tôi đã tăng từ hai nghìn đô la một tháng lên hai nghìn, năm trăm đô-la. > Lương của tôi đă tăng thêm năm trăm đô-la. + My salary has increased from two thousand dollars ($2000) a month to twenty-five hundred ($2500). — My salary's increased BY five hundred dollars ($500). — My salary has increased from fifteen hundred fifty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). — My salary's increased BY three hundred fifty euro (€350).
Một số công ti của Mĩ, cho sinh viên tốt quản lý đại học một tờ séc năm nghìn đô la coi như tiền thưởng kí kết. + Some American companies give college graduates a check FOR five thousand dollars ($5000) AS a signing bonus.
Tôi đã viết một tờ séc năm trăm đô-la cho công ti bảo hiểm. + I wrote a check FOR five hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. — I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company.

Tôi dùng hai đô la để mua một cái bánh. + I use two dollars to buy a cake.

đô la + dollar

Hai nghìn đô la bằng tiền mặt + two thousand dollars in cash

Tôi muốn một ít tiền đô la Mỹ. + I'd like some US dollars.
SNOT Shopping • prices dollar đô la +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Puppe + doll +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 13-1 Unsere kleine Tochter bekommt zum Geburtstag eine Puppe.  + Puppe Our little daughter gets a doll for her birthday.  Con gái nhỏ của chúng tôi được một con búp bê cho ngày sinh nhật của cô. +
Exercise 13-1 Das kleine Mädchen spielt mit einer Puppe. + Puppe The little girl is playing with a doll. Cô bé đang chơi với một con búp bê. +
Exercise 30-5 Bitte nicht weinen. Du bekommst eine neue Puppe.  + weinen Please don't cry. You get a new doll.  Xin đừng khóc. Bạn nhận được một con búp bê mới. +
Exercise 35-6 Kannst du einen Fünfzigeuroschein wechseln?  + Schein Can you change a fifty dollar ticket?  Bạn có thể thay đổi một vé năm mươi đô la? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
doll The Kid's Bedroom 21
+ + + + 103 Leisure Puppe + doll + Games A
+ + + + 103 Finance Dollar + dollar + Money A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 美元 + * * mei3yuan2 U.S. dollar US Dollar +
C 港幣 + * * gang3bi4 Hong Kong dollar/ currency of Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar +
C 娃娃 + * * wa2wa baby-baby/ baby/ child/ doll Baby, Säugling, kleines Kind +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
approach + profits approaching 30 million dollars Gewinn nähert sich 30 Millionen Dollar
appropriate + Five million dollars have been appropriated for research into the disease. Fünf Millionen Dollar wurden für die Erforschung der Krankheit bereitgestellt.
be + 'How much is that dress?' 'Eighty dollars.' Wie viel kostet das Kleid? "80 Dollar."
be + A thousand dollars is nothing to somebody as rich as he is. 1000 Dollar sind nichts für jemanden, der so reich ist wie er.
bill + a ten-dollar bill ein Zehn-Dollar-Schein
billion + half a billion dollars eine halbe Milliarde Dollar
billion + They have spent billions on the problem (= billions of dollars, etc.). Sie haben Milliarden für das Problem ausgegeben (= Milliarden Dollar usw.).
change + change sth into sth: to change dollars into yen etw.[Akk] in etw.[Akk] umwandeln, um Dollar in Yen zu ändern
change + change sth for/into sth: to change a dollar bill for four quarters etw.[Akk] für/zu etw.[Dat] ändern, um einen Dollarnoten für vier Quartale zu ändern
change + a dollar in change (= coins that together are worth one dollar) einen Dollar im Wechselgeld (= Münzen, die zusammen einen Dollar wert sind)
climb + The dollar has been climbing all week. Der Dollar klettert die ganze Woche.
collapse + the collapse of share prices/the dollar/the market den Zusammenbruch der Aktienkurse/Dollar/Markt
contain + a brown envelope containing dollar bills ein brauner Umschlag mit Dollarnoten
convert + What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros? Welchen Preis bekomme ich, wenn ich meine Dollar in Euro umtausche?
cost + Tickets cost ten dollars each. Tickets kosten zehn Dollar pro Stück.
debt + He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars. Er hatte Kreditkartenschulden in Höhe von Tausenden von Dollar gemacht.
dollar + You will be paid in American dollars. Sie werden in US-Dollar bezahlt.
dollar + Do you have a dollar? Hast du einen Dollar?
dollar + a dollar bill ein Dollarschein
dress + The children spend hours dressing and undressing their dolls. Die Kinder verbringen Stunden damit, ihre Puppen anzuziehen und auszuziehen.
drug + Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars. Drogen wurden mit einem Straßenwert von zwei Millionen Dollar beschlagnahmt.
euro + The price is given in dollars or euros. Der Preis wird in Dollar oder Euro angegeben.
euro + the value of the euro against the dollar den Wert des Euro gegenüber dem Dollar
exchange + exchange A for B: You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. Austausch A gegen B: Sie können Ihre Währung im Hotel in Dollar umtauschen.
figure + a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) ein Gehalt im sechsstelligen Bereich (= über 100 000 Pfund oder Dollar)
finish + The dollar finished the day slightly down. Der Dollar beendete den Tag leicht abwärts.
for + Copies are available for two dollars each. Kopien sind für jeweils zwei Dollar erhältlich.
hundred + This vase is worth several hundred dollars. Diese Vase ist mehrere hundert Dollar wert.
keep + Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change. Hier ist ein Fünf-Dollar-Schein, bitte behalten Sie den Rest.
at least + It'll cost at least 500 dollars. Das kostet mindestens 500 Dollar.
million + tens of millions of dollars mehrere zehn Millionen Dollar
million + It must be worth a million (= pounds, dollars, etc.) Es muss eine Million wert sein (= Pfund, Dollar, etc.)
money + Where can I change my money into dollars? Wo kann ich mein Geld in Dollar umtauschen?
number + You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number. Du schuldest mir 27 Dollar? Mach 30 daraus, das ist eine gute runde Zahl.
offer + Taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work. Taylor bot ihm 500 Dollar für die Arbeit an.
owe + The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors. Das Land schuldet ausländischen Gläubigern Milliarden Dollar.
plus + Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax. Die Mitgliedschaft kostet 350 Dollar pro Jahr plus Steuern.
pound + They cost two dollars a pound. Sie kosten zwei Dollar pro Pfund.
round + Make it a round figure—say forty dollars. Machen Sie 40 Dollar daraus.
same + He gave me five dollars, same as usual. Er gab mir fünf Dollar, wie immer.
sign + a dollar/pound sign ($/£) ein Dollar/Pfund Zeichen ($/£)
somewhere around, between, etc. sth + It cost somewhere around two thousand dollars. Es hat etwa zweitausend Dollar gekostet.
strong + The euro is getting stronger against the dollar. Der Euro wird gegenüber dem Dollar stärker.
tip + tip sb sth: She tipped the porter a dollar. jdm. etw. geben: Sie gab dem Portier einen Dollar Trinkgeld.
to the tune of sth + The hotel has been refurbished to the tune of a million dollars. Das Hotel wurde mit einer Million Dollar renoviert.
under + prices of ten dollars and under Preise unter zehn Dollar
weakness + the weakness of the dollar against the pound die Dollarschwäche gegenüber dem Pfund Sterling

Mcc SentencesGbEng
169 美元 + I've got ten U.S. dollars.
251 一千 美金 + I've got one thousand U.S. dollars.
252 一万 美金 + I've got ten thousand U.S. dollars.
1453 今天 美元 人民币 汇率 多少 + What's today's exchange rate for US dollars to RMB?
2077 钱包 + There are only a few dollars left in my wallet.
2703 娃娃 + She's playing with her dolls.
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 + The profits from the agricultural industry have reached mega-million US dollars.
3446 打扮 妖豔 + She's dolled up gorgeously but coquettishly.

我有十美元。 Wǒ yǒu shí měiyuán. I've got ten U.S. dollars. Ich habe zehn Dollar.
我有一万美金。 Wǒ yǒu yīwàn měijīn. I've got ten thousand U.S. dollars. Ich habe zehntausend Dollar.
我有一千美金。 Wǒ yǒu yīqiān měijīn. I've got one thousand U.S. dollars. Ich habe tausend Dollar.
今天美元兑人民币的汇率是多少? Jīntiān měiyuán duì rénmínbì de huìlǜ shìduōshao? What's today's exchange rate for US dollars to RMB? Was ist der heutige Wechselkurs von US-Dollar zu RMB?
钱包里只剩几块钱了。 Qiánbāo lǐ zhī shèng jǐ kuài qián le. There are only a few dollars left in my wallet. In meiner Brieftasche sind nur noch ein paar Dollar.
她在玩娃娃。 Tā zài wán wáwa. She's playing with her dolls. Sie spielt mit ihren Puppen.
农业的收益已达兆亿美金。 Nóngyè de shōuyì yǐ dá zhào yì měijīn. The profits from the agricultural industry have reached mega-million US dollars. Die Gewinne aus der Landwirtschaft haben Mega-Millionen US-Dollar erreicht.
她打扮得很妖豔。 Tā dǎban de hěn yāo yàn. She's dolled up gorgeously but coquettishly. Sie ist großartig, aber kokett aufgetakelt.
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
kuai4 + yuan / dollar
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Mei3jin1 huan4cheng2 ren2min2bi4. + Change US Dollars in RMB.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Mei3jin1 + US Dollar
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Jia1bi4 + Canadian Dollars
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
wa2wa + doll
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Ba3bi wa2wa + Barbie doll
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu m’attends? bien sûr, poupée + will you wait for me? of course, doll

tu veux combien? 10 dollars + you want how much? 10 dollars

cette décision va coûter des milliards de dollars + this decision will cost billions of dollars

l’euro cède quelques fractions face au dollar + the euro lost some percentage points to the dollar

ces lunettes de soleil valent 100 millions de dollars? + these sunglasses are worth 100 million dollars?

le dollar progressait également face aux autres devises + the dollar also gained over the other currencies

en septembre, le dollar cotait encore 1.20 euro + In September, the dollar still stood at 1.20 euros

l’euro a profité de l’affaiblissement du dollar + the euro has profited from the weakened dollar

le dollar a concédé une partie du terrain gagné + the dollar lost some of the ground it had gained
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 doll +
+ + + + 103 doll +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
doll búp bê + +