2 自行车 zi4 xing2 che1 bicycle/ bike/ CL:輛|辆[liang4]
5 摩托车 mo2 tuo1 che1 motorbike/ motorcycle/ CL:輛|辆[liang4];部[bu4]
6 循环 xun2 huan2 to cycle/ to circulate/ circle/ loop
6 回收 hui2 shou1 to recycle/ to reclaim/ to retrieve/ to recover
6 周期 zhou1 qi1 period/ cycle
6 人道 ren2 dao4 human sympathy/ humanitarianism/ humane/ the "human way"; one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)/ sexual intercourse

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET xe đạp bicycle
2000VIET xe máy motorcycle

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
020 0348
The children are cleaning the bicycles.
039 0724
He rides a bicycle.
051 0968
Or we cycle.
065 1253
I also have a motorcycle.
099 1931
Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B01 46 1046
自行车 是 什么时候 发明的 ? + จักรยานถูกคิดค้นเมื่อไหร่? + Xe đạp được phát minh khi nào? + When was the bicycle invented? + Wann wurde das Fahrrad erfunden? + Quando è stata inventata la bicicletta? + Quand le vélo a-t-il été inventé? + ¿Cuándo se inventó la bicicleta? + Wanneer is de fiets uitgevonden? + ( zìxíngchē shì shémeshíhou· fāmíngde·?)
B04 30 1180
琳达的 自行车 上礼拜 被 偷了 。 + จักรยานของ Linda ถูกขโมยไปเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว + Xe đạp của Linda bị ăn trộm tuần trước. + Linda's bicycle was stolen last week. + Lindas Fahrrad wurde letzte Woche gestohlen. + La bicicletta di Linda è stata rubata la scorsa settimana. + Le vélo de Linda a été volé la semaine dernière. + La bicicleta de Linda fue robada la semana pasada. + De fiets van Linda is vorige week gestolen. + (líndáde· zìxíngchē shànglǐbài bèi tōule·.)
B08 50 1400
你 会 骑 摩托车 吗 ? + คุณสามารถขับรถมอเตอร์ไซค์ได้หรือไม่? + Cậu biết đi xe máy không? + Can you drive a motorcycle? + Kannst du Motorrad fahren? + Riesci a guidare una moto? + Tu sais conduire une moto? + ¿Puedes conducir una motocicleta? + Kunt u een motor besturen? + ( nǐ huì qí mótuōchē mā?)
B20 23 1973
我 没有 办法 想像 提奥 骑 摩托车 的 样子。 + ฉันไม่สามารถจินตนาการ Theo ขี่มอเตอร์ไซค์ + Tôi không tưởng tượng thành phố cảnh Theo đi xe máy. + I can't imagine Theo riding a motorcycle. + Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Theo ein Motorrad fährt. + Non riesco a immaginare Theo in sella a una moto. + Je ne peux pas imaginer Theo à moto. + No puedo imaginarme a Theo montando una motocicleta. + Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat Theo op een motorfiets rijdt. + (wǒ méiyǒu bànfá xiǎngxiàng tíào qí mótuōchē de· yàngzi·.)
C07 22 2322
自行车 和 汽车 都 是 交通工具 。 + จักรยานและรถยนต์เป็นวิธีการขนส่ง + Xe đạp và xe hơi là những phương tiện giao thông. + The bicycle and the car are means of transportation. + Das Fahrrad und das Auto sind Transportmittel. + La bicicletta e l' auto sono mezzi di trasporto. + Le vélo et la voiture sont des moyens de transport. + La bicicleta y el coche son medios de transporte. + De fiets en de auto zijn vervoermiddelen. + ( zìxíngchē hé qìchē dōu shì jiāotōnggōngjù.)
C14 29 2679
有些 运动 很危险 , 比如 摩托车赛 。 + กีฬาบางประเภทเช่นการแข่งรถมอเตอร์ไซค์อาจเป็นอันตรายได้ + Một số môn thể thao - đua xe máy có thể nguy hiểm. + Some sports, like motorcycle racing, can be dangerous. + Einige Sportarten, wie z.B. Motorradrennen, können gefährlich sein. + Alcuni sport, come le corse motociclistiche, possono essere pericolosi. + Certains sports, comme les courses de moto, peuvent être dangereux. + Algunos deportes, como las carreras de motocicletas, pueden ser peligrosos. + Sommige sporten, zoals motorraces, kunnen gevaarlijk zijn. + (yǒuxiē yùndòng hěnwēixiǎn, bǐrú mótuōchēsài.)
C19 19 2919
如果 你 有 可回收 垃圾 , 就 把 它 扔到 相应的 垃圾桶里 。 + หากคุณมีถังขยะที่สามารถรีไซเคิลได้ทิ้งไปในถังขยะที่เหมาะสม + Nếu cậu có rác cần phải tái chế thì hãy vứt nó vào đúng thùng rác. + If you have trash that can be recycled, throw it away in the proper bins. + Wenn Sie Abfall haben, der recycelt werden kann, werfen Sie ihn in die dafür vorgesehenen Behälter. + Se si dispone di rifiuti che possono essere riciclati, buttarli via in appositi contenitori. + Si vous avez des déchets recyclables, jetez-les dans les bacs appropriés. + Si usted tiene basura que puede ser reciclada, tírela en los recipientes apropiados. + Als u afval hebt dat gerecycled kan worden, gooi het dan weg in de juiste bakken. + ( rúguó ní yóu kěhuíshōu lājī, jiù bǎ tā rēngdào xiāngyìngde· lājītǒngli·.)
Cô ấy thích đạp xe đạp hàng ngày. + She likes to ride her bicycle every day.
Cậu đã đi xe đạp bao giờ chưa? - Không thường xuyên. + Do you ever ride a bicycle? — Not usually.
Cô ấy không có xe hơi. Cô ấy đi đâu cũng bằng xe đạp. + She doesn't have a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.
Anh ấy không đạp xe. + He wasn't riding a bicycle.
Xe đạp được phát minh khi nào? + When was the bicycle invented?
Xe đạp của Linda bị ăn trộm tuần trước. + Linda's bicycle was stolen last week.
Cậu biết đi xe máy không? + Can you drive a motorcycle?
Tôi không tưởng tượng thành phố cảnh Theo đi xe máy. + I can't imagine Theo riding a motorcycle.
Xe đạp và xe hơi là những phương tiện giao thông. + The bicycle and the car are means of transportation.
Một số môn thể thao - đua xe máy có thể nguy hiểm. + Some sports, like motorcycle racing, can be dangerous.
Nếu cậu có rác cần phải tái chế thì hãy vứt nó vào đúng thùng rác. + If you have trash that can be recycled, throw it away in the proper bins.

xe đạp + bicycle, bike

xe máy + motorcycle

Một ai đó đã lấy chiếc xe đạp của tôi. + Someone took my bicycle.

Cô ấy đang rửa chiếc xe đạp. + She is washing the bicycle.
SNOT Travel • public transport names of vehicles e.g. bike/bicycle, car, lorry +
SNOT Travel • private transport bike / bicycle xe đạp +
motorcycle xe máy +
Oxford 3000VieEng
chu kỳ cycle
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-1 Fahrrad + bicycle +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-3 Rad + 1. bicycle, 2. wheel, 3. cartwheel +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-16 Rad fahren + to cycle   (fährt Rad, fuhr Rad, ist Rad gefahren) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 21-2 Das Fahrrad kann man leider nicht mehr reparieren.  + reparieren Unfortunately, the bicycle cannot be repaired.  Thật không may, xe đạp không thể sửa chữa. +
Exercise 22-6 Das Geschäft verleiht Fahrräder.  + verleihen* The shop rents bicycles.  Cửa hàng cho thuê xe đạp. +
Exercise 30-8 Ich fahre jeden Morgen mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit.  + Fahrrad I cycle to work every morning.  Tôi đi làm mỗi sáng. +
Exercise 30-8 Ich fahre jeden Morgen mit dem Rad zur Arbeit.  + Rad I cycle to work every morning.  Tôi đi làm mỗi sáng. +
Exercise 30-9 Am Sonntag fahren wir oft Rad.  + Rad fahren* On Sunday we cycle often.  Vào Chủ Nhật, chúng tôi thường xuyên đạp xe. +
Exercise 36-6 Man sollte nicht auf dem Bürgersteig Fahrrad fahren.  + Bürgersteig You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.  Bạn không nên đi xe đạp trên vỉa hè. +
Exercise 37-2 Dieses Motorrad ist gebraucht, aber es ist in gutem Zustand.  + Motorrad This motorcycle is used, but in good condition.  Xe máy này được sử dụng, nhưng trong tình trạng tốt. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Radfahrweg + cycle lane + Towns B
+ + + + 103 Containers Fahrradständer + bicycle rack + Carriers and racks B
+ + + + 103 Containers Gepäckträger + luggage carrier [on bicycle] + Carriers and racks B
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Zyklus + cycle + Structure C
+ + + + 103 Sport Radrennbahn + cycle (racing) track + Premises B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Motorrad + motor cycle + Road transport A
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues etw recyclen + to recycle sth + Environment A
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues etw wiederverwerten + to recycle sth + Environment B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * qi2 ride (an animal or bicycle) reiten, radfahren +
A 自行車 + * * zi4xing2che1 bike/ bicycle Fahrrad,Rad +
C 循環 + * * xun2huan2 follow-cycle/ circle/ cycle/ circulate zirkulieren, im Kreis laufen, umlaufen +
C 摩托車 + * * mo2tuo11che1 motorcycle/ motorbike/ motor bicycle Motorrad +
D 周期 + * * zhou1qi1 period cycle Periode, Zyklus +
D 機車 + * * ji1che1 engine/ motorcycle Lokomotive,Maschine +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
balance + She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. Sie fuhr um die Ecke, verlor das Gleichgewicht und fiel herunter.
bell + a bicycle bell eine Fahrradklingel
beyond + The bicycle was beyond repair (= is too badly damaged to repair). Das Fahrrad war nicht mehr zu reparieren (= ist zu stark beschädigt).
bicycle + He got on his bicycle and rode off. Er stieg aufs Fahrrad und ritt davon.
bicycle + We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday. Am Sonntag machten wir eine Fahrradtour.
chain + a bicycle chain eine Fahrradkette
chain + chain sb/sth to sb/sth: She chained her bicycle to the gate. jdn. /etw.[Akk] an jdn. /etw.[Akk] anketten: Sie hat ihr Fahrrad an das Tor angekettet.
convenient + A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. Ein Fahrrad ist in Städten oft bequemer als ein Auto.
cycle + We went for a cycle ride on Sunday. Am Sonntag machten wir eine Radtour.
cycle + a cycle route/track eine Radroute/Strecke
cycle + the cycle of the seasons der Zyklus der Jahreszeiten
cycle + They could not break the cycle of harvest failure, food shortage, price increase and misery. Sie konnten den Kreislauf von Ernteausfall, Nahrungsmittelknappheit, Preisanstieg und Elend nicht durchbrechen.
cycle + I usually cycle home through the park. Ich fahre normalerweise nach Hause durch den Park.
delicate + a cool wash cycle for delicate fabrics ein kühler Waschgang für empfindliche Stoffe
frame + the frame of an aircraft/a car/a bicycle den Rahmen eines Flugzeugs/eines Autos/eines Fahrrads
hire + bicycles for hire, £2 an hour Fahrräder zu mieten, £2 pro Stunde
lamp + a table/desk/bicycle, etc. lamp eine Tisch-/Schreibtisch-/Fahrradlampe etc.
lock + a bicycle lock Fahrradschloss
motorcycle + motorcycle racing Motorradrennen
motorcycle + a motorcycle accident ein Motorradunfall
paper + recycled paper Recyclingpapier
rider + a motorcycle dispatch rider ein Motorrad-Versandfahrer
route + a cycle route (= a path that is only for cyclists ) einen Radweg (= nur für Radfahrer)
sight + A bicycle came into sight on the main road. Ein Fahrrad kam auf der Hauptstraße in Sicht.
stand + a bicycle/microphone/cake, etc. stand Fahrradständer/Mikrofon/Kuchenständer etc.
useful + Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. Einige Produkte können am Ende ihrer Nutzungsdauer recycelt werden.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1968 这里 进行 自行车 竞赛 + A bicycle race is being held here.
3543 摩托车 汽车 迂回 前进 + The motorcycles zigzag between the cars.

这里在进行自行车竞赛。 Zhèlǐ zài jìnxíng zìxíngchē jìngsài. A bicycle race is being held here. Hier findet ein Radrennen statt.
摩托车在汽车中迂回前进。 Mótuōchē zài qìchē zhōng yūhuí qiánjìn. The motorcycles zigzag between the cars. Die Motorräder im Zickzack zwischen den Autos.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

comment sortir de ce cercle vicieux? + how to escape this vicious cycle?

le cycle de la violence peut être enrayé + the cycle of violence can be broken

elles se sont amenées hier en vélo + they arrived here yesterday by bicycle
07342495-n cycle
08377332-n cycle
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
+ + + + 103 cycle +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie