VNEN ngành hải quan * customs * 103

5 规矩 gui1 ju5 lit. compass and set square/ fig. established standard/ rule/ customs/ practices/ fig. upright and honest/ well-behaved
5 海关 hai3 guan1 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 风土人情 feng1 tu3 ren2 qing2 local conditions and customs (idiom)
6 申报 shen1 bao4 to report (to the authorities)/ to declare (to customs)
6 取缔 qu3 di4 to ban/ to prohibit (publications; customs etc)/ to outlaw/ to suppress (violators)

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET hải quan customs

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B19 15 1915
海关 用 很怀疑的 眼神 看着 我 , 让 我 把行李 打开 。 + เจ้าหน้าที่ศุลกากรมองฉันอย่างน่าสงสัยและขอให้ฉันเปิดกระเป๋าของฉัน + Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag. + Der Zollbeamte sah mich misstrauisch an und bat mich, meine Tasche zu öffnen. + Il funzionario delle dogane mi guardò con sospetto e mi chiese di aprire la borsa. + L'agent des douanes me regarda avec méfiance et me demanda d'ouvrir mon sac. + El agente de aduanas me miró sospechosamente y me pidió que abriera mi maleta. + De douanebeambte keek mij verdacht aan en vroeg me mijn tas te openen. + (hǎiguān yòng hěnhuáiyíde· yǎnshén kànzhe· wǒ, ràng wó bǎ xínglí dǎkāi.)
C17 28 2828
他们 国家 的 习俗 跟 我们的 很像 。 + ประเพณีในประเทศของพวกเขามีความคล้ายคลึงกับของเรา + Phong tục nước họ giống với chúng tôi. + The customs in their country are similar to ours. + Die Bräuche in ihrem Land sind ähnlich wie bei uns. + Le usanze nel loro paese sono simili alle nostre. + Les coutumes de leur pays sont semblables aux nôtres. + Las costumbres en su país son similares a las nuestras. + De gewoonten in hun land zijn vergelijkbaar met de onze. + (tāmen· guójiā de· xísú gēn wǒmen·de· hěnxiàng.)
Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag.
Phong tục nước họ giống với chúng tôi. + The customs in their country are similar to ours.

Hải Quan + At Customs ...
SNOT Travel • entering and leaving a country customs +
Oxford 3000VieEng
hải quan customs
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-3 Zoll + customs, duty +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 23-2 Das war die Passkontrolle. Wir müssen jetzt noch durch den Zoll.  + Zoll That was passport control. We have to go through customs now.  Đó là kiểm soát hộ chiếu. Chúng ta phải đi qua hải quan ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 23-2 Wir müssen erst noch durch den Zoll gehen.  + Zoll We still have to go through customs.  Chúng ta vẫn phải trải qua phong tục tập quán. +
Exercise 23-2 Wo muss ich den Zoll bezahlen? + Zoll Where do I have to pay customs? Tôi phải trả thuế ở đâu? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zoll + customs, duty + General A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zollkontrolle + customs control + General A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zollbestimmung + customs regulation + General C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Zollbeamte + customs officer + Personnel C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Zollgebühr + customs duty + Marketing and sales A
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Zollabfertigung + customs clearance + Marketing and sales C
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Zollerklärung + customs declaration + Marketing and sales C
+ + + + 103 Employment Zollbeamte(r) + customs officer + Jobs, trades and professions C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications Zollerklärung + customs declaration + Post C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 海關 + * * hai3guan1 customs Zoll +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
board + board sth: The ship was boarded by customs officials. an Bord von etw.: Das Schiff wurde von Zollbeamten geentert.
check + Customs officers have the right to check all luggage going through customs. Zollbeamte haben das Recht, alle Gepäckstücke, die durch den Zoll.
customs + The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. Der Zoll hat große Mengen geschmuggeltes Heroin beschlagnahmt.
customs + a customs officer ein Zollbeamter
customs + to go through customs and passport control durch die Zoll- und Passkontrolle zu gehen
customs + to pay customs on sth auf etw. Zoll zu zahlen
customs + customs duty/duties Zölle/Zölle
deeply + deeply rooted customs/ideas tief verwurzelte Bräuche/Ideen
die + The old customs are dying. Der alte Brauch stirbt.
different + The programme was about customs in different parts of the country. Das Programm drehte sich um den Zoll in verschiedenen Teilen des Landes.
duty + customs/excise/import duties Zölle/Einfuhr-/Zollabgaben
import + customs imported from the West Einfuhrzölle aus dem Westen
link + link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link (zwischen A und B): Soziale Bräuche sind ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen den Generationen.
officer + a customs/prison/welfare officer Zoll/Gefängnis/Sozialhilfebeamter
post + a police/customs/military post einem Polizei-, Zoll- und Militärposten
survive + survive from sth: Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. von etw.[Dat] überleben: Einige seltsame Bräuche haben sich von früherer Zeit erhalten.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
3650 每个 国家 自己 独立 海关 + Each country has its own independent Customs.

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

la coutume est une seconde nature + customs are a kind of second nature

nos agents de douane ne sont pas équipés + our customs agents are not equipped

il n’y avait pas de contrôle douanier + there was no customs check
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 customs +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie