5 chui1 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through
6 吹牛 chui1 niu2 to brag/ to chat (dialect)
6 吹捧 chui1 peng3 to flatter/ to laud sb's accomplishments/ adulation
6 chui2 hammer/ to hammer into shape/ weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)
6 垂直 chui2 zhi2 perpendicular/ vertical

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A13 8 608
什么 风 把 你 吹来了 ? + อะไรทำให้คุณมาที่นี่? + Điều gì mang bạn đến nơi này? + What brings you here? + Was führt Sie hierher? + Cosa ti porta qui? + Qu'est-ce qui vous amène ici? + ¿Qué te trae por aquí? + Wat brengt u hier? + ( shéme fēng bǎ nǐ chuīláile·?)
C20 40 2990
龙卷风 过后 , 他们 发现了 很多 被 连 根 拔起的 树木 和 被 吹倒的 房屋 。 + ในเหตุการณ์พายุทอร์นาโดพวกเขาค้นพบต้นไม้และบ้านที่ถูกทำลายมาก + Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát Trung quốc ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ. + In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. + In der Folgezeit des Tornados entdeckten sie viele entwurzelte Bäume und Häuser, die niedergebrannt worden waren. + All' indomani del tornado, scoprirono molti alberi e case sradicate che erano state abbattute. + Au lendemain de la tornade, ils ont découvert beaucoup d'arbres déracinés et de maisons détruites par le vent. + Después del tornado, descubrieron muchos árboles desarraigados y casas que habían sido derribadas. + In de nasleep van de tornado ontdekten ze veel ontwortelde bomen en huizen die waren afgeblazen. + ( lóngjuǎnfēng guòhòu, tāmen· fāxiànle· hěnduō bèi lián gēn báqǐde· shùmù hé bèi chuīdǎode· fángwū.)
Oxford 3000VieEng
锤子 chuí zi Hammer
吹牛的人 chuī niú de rén Angeber
chuī blasen
吹奏乐器 chuīzòu yuèqì Blasinstrument
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * chui1 blow/ brag/ fail/ break up 1.blasen, pusten, wehen 2.blasen,pfeifen, 3. prahlen 4.sich entzweien, abbrechen +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern +
C 垂直 + * * chui2zhi2 be vertical/ be perpendicular senkrecht, vertikal +
D 永垂不朽 + * * yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal unsterblich, ewigen Ruhm genießen +
D 鼓吹 + * * gu3chui1 advocate/ preach up propagieren,predigen, anpreisen +
D 炊事員 + * * chui1shi4yuan2 the kitchen stuff Koch +
D 吹牛 + * * chui1 niu2 brag/ boast prahlen,Prahlerei +
D 吹捧 + * * chui1peng3 flatter/ puff übermäßig rühmen +
D + * * chui2 beat/ pound mit der Faust (oder Keule) gegen etwas schlagen, klopfen +
D + * * chui2 hammer Hammer, hämmern +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
465 气球 吹走 + The wind has blown the balloon away.
1679 男朋友 吹了 + She's broken up with her boyfriend.
1680 男孩 吹气球 + The little boy is blowing up a balloon.
2295 小女孩 泡泡 + The little girl is blowing bubbles.
2485 气球 + The balloon has been blown up.
2926 准备 生日 蜡烛 + She's ready to blow out the birthday candles.
3108 我们 一起 蜡烛 + We are blowing out the candles together.
3555 树枝 水面 + The willow branches are hanging above the water.

风把气球吹走了。 Fēng bǎ qìqiú chuī zǒu le. The wind has blown the balloon away. Der Wind hat den Ballon weggeblasen.
她跟她的男朋友吹了。 Tā gēn tā de nánpéngyou chuī le. She's broken up with her boyfriend. Sie hat mit ihrem Freund Schluss gemacht.
小男孩在吹气球。 Xiǎo nánhái zài chuī qìqiú. The little boy is blowing up a balloon. Der kleine Junge jagt einen Ballon in die Luft.
小女孩在吹泡泡。 Xiǎonǚ hái zài chuī 【◎Fix:◎pào;◎pāo】 【◎Fix:◎pào;◎pāo】. The little girl is blowing bubbles. Das kleine Mädchen bläst Blasen.
气球被吹胀了。 Qìqiú bèi chuī zhàng le. The balloon has been blown up. Der Ballon wurde gesprengt.
她正准备吹生日蜡烛。 tā zhèng zhǔnbèi chuī shēngri làzhú. She's ready to blow out the birthday candles. Sie ist bereit, die Geburtstagskerzen auszupusten.
我们一起来吹蜡烛。 Wǒmen yīqǐ lái chuī làzhú. We are blowing out the candles together. Wir blasen die Kerzen gemeinsam aus.
柳树枝垂在水面上。 Liǔshù zhī chuí zài shuǐmiàn shàng. The willow branches are hanging above the water. Die Weidenzweige hängen über dem Wasser.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 + to play a musical instrument (using your mouth) / to blow
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 di2zi + to play the flute
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 sa4ke4si1guan3 + to play saxophone
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 sa4ke4si1 + to play saxophone
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5000 FrenchFrzEng
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