VNEN ban ngày * in the daytime, during the day * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET ban ngày daytime

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
067 1295
Are you driving home tomorrow?
070 1348
The day is bright.
094 1823
I’m angry that you snore.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B09 35 1435
我 知道 汤普森太太 有 工作 , 但 她 白天 都在 家 , 她 肯定是 晚上 工作 。 + ฉันรู้ว่านางสาว ธ อมป์สันมีงานทำ แต่เธออยู่บ้านตลอดทั้งวัน เธอต้องทำงานในเวลากลางคืน + Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm. + I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. + Ich weiß, dass Ms. Thompson einen Job hat, aber sie ist tagsüber immer zu Hause. Sie muss nachts arbeiten. + So che la signora Thompson ha un lavoro, ma è sempre a casa durante il giorno. Deve lavorare di notte. + Je sais que Mme Thompson a un travail, mais elle est toujours à la maison le jour. Elle doit travailler la nuit. + Sé que la Sra. Thompson tiene un trabajo, pero siempre está en casa durante el día. Debe trabajar de noche. + Ik weet dat mevrouw Thompson een baan heeft, maar ze is altijd thuis gedurende de dag. Ze moet's nachts werken. + (wǒ zhīdào tāngpǔsēntàitai· yǒu gōngzuò, dàn tā báitiān dōuzài jiā, tā kěndìngshì wǎnshàng gōngzuò.)
C03 28 2128
你 多久 去 游 一次 泳 ? + คุณไปว่ายน้ำบ่อยแค่ไหน? + Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày. + How often do you go swimming? + Wie oft gehen Sie schwimmen? + Quante volte si va a nuotare? + Combien de fois allez-vous nager? + ¿Con qué frecuencia vas a nadar? + Hoe vaak gaat u zwemmen? + ( nǐ duōjiǔ qù yóu yícì yǒng?)
Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm. + I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night.
Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày. + How often do you go swimming?
• divisions of time daytime ban ngày +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
59 Der Handykauf Bạn đã từng để ý, rằng bạn điện thoại nhiều vào ban ngày hay tối không? Hast du schon mal darauf geachtet, ob du du eher am Tag oder am Abend telefonierst?
59 Der Handykauf Tôi sẽ từ bỏ việc điện thoại ban ngày. Ich werde darauf verzichten, tagsüber zu telefonieren.
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-9 Ich melde mich, so schnell ich kann.  + so I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  Tôi sẽ liên lạc lại với bạn ngay khi có thể. +
Exercise 17-4 Ich bringe vormittags mein Kind in die Kita, weil ich bis 13 Uhr arbeiten muss. (Kindertagesstätte) + Kita I bring my child to the nursery in the morning because I have to work until 1 pm. (children's daycare center) Tôi mang con tôi đến nhà trẻ vào buổi sáng vì tôi phải làm việc cho đến 1 giờ chiều. (trung tâm giữ trẻ ban ngày) +
Exercise 17-4 Im Moment kann ich dir das Geld nicht zurückzahlen.  + Geld I can't pay you back right now.  Tôi không thể trả nợ bạn ngay bây giờ. +
Exercise 22-2 Ich habe dich sofort an der Stimme erkannt.  + Stimme I recognized you immediately by your voice.  Tôi nhận ra bạn ngay lập tức bằng giọng nói của bạn. +
Exercise 22-4 Dieser Käse ist heute im Angebot.  + Angebot This cheese is on sale today.  Pho mát này đang được bán ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 36-4 Ich habe das Essen heute extra für dich gekocht.  + extra I cooked the food specially for you today.  Tôi nấu món ăn đặc biệt cho bạn ngày hôm nay. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
automatic + an automatic rifle (= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed) eine Selbstladewaffe (= ein Gewehr, das solange feuert, bis der Abzug gedrückt wird)
best + Painting is best done in daylight. Malen ist am besten bei Tageslicht.
by + We rented the car by the day. Wir haben den Wagen tagsüber gemietet.
date + Thank you for your letter dated 24th March. Danke für Ihr Schreiben vom 24. März.
day + Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. Nachtaktive Tiere schlafen tagsüber und jagen nachts.
heat + You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time). Sie sollten nicht in der Hitze des Tages ausgehen (= zur heißesten Zeit).
matter + What's the matter with you today (= why are you behaving like this)? Was ist heute mit dir los (= warum benimmst du dich so)?
night + They sleep by day and hunt by night. Sie schlafen tagsüber und jagen nachts.
pack + Send for your free information pack today. Fordern Sie noch heute Ihr kostenloses Informationspaket an.
reach + Daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. Die Tagestemperaturen können bis zu 40°C erreichen.
reply + I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March. Ich schreibe auf Ihr Schreiben vom 16. März.
rob sb blind + You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. Du kannst ihnen nicht trauen. Sie werden dich ausrauben, sobald du weg bist.
sight + The soldiers were given orders to shoot on sight (= as soon as they saw sb). Die Soldaten wurden angewiesen, auf sie zu schießen, sobald sie jdn. sahen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie
day ban ngày + +
day ban ngày + +