VNEN bôm * apple * 103

1 苹果 ping2 guo3 apple/ CL:個|个[ge4];顆|颗[ke1]

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET táo apple
2000VIET dứa pineapple

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Apfel apple táo
Ich möchte ein Kilo Äpfel, bitte. I would like a kilo of apples, please. Tôi muốn một lát táo, xin vui lòng.
die Apfelschorle apple juice spritzer nước táo spritzer
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
014 0239
The child likes cocoa and apple juice.
017 0286
I have an apple and a mango.
017 0287
I have a banana and a pineapple.
032 0583
An apple juice, please.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
C12 47 2597
这些 苹果 还没 熟 , 不能吃 。 + แอปเปิ้ลเหล่านี้ไม่สุกพอที่จะกินได้ + Những quả táo này chưa đủ chín để ăn. + These apples aren't ripe enough to eat. + Diese Äpfel sind nicht reif genug, um zu essen. + Queste mele non sono abbastanza mature da mangiare. + Ces pommes ne sont pas assez mûres pour manger. + Estas manzanas no están lo suficientemente maduras para comer. + Deze appels zijn niet rijp genoeg om te eten. + (zhèxiē píngguǒ háiméi shú, bùnéngchī.)
Cô ấy đang ăn táo. + She's eating an apple.
Những quả táo này chưa đủ chín để ăn. + These apples aren't ripe enough to eat.

trái táo + apple

Cô ấy ăn táo. + She eats the apple.

Người đàn ông uống nước ép táo. + The man drinks apple juice.

Đứa trẻ uống nước ép táo. + The kid drinks the apple juice.

Cô gái ăn trái táo. + The girl eats the apple.

Cô ấy ăn táo của tôi. + She eats my apple.

+ I eat her apple.

Đây là nước ép táo. + This is apple juice / This is the apple juice.

Anh ấy không ăn quả táo. + He does not eat the apple.

Quả táo + the apple (1)

Cái bánh táo + the apple cake / apple pie

Tôi ăn quả táo. + I eat the apple.

Trái táo + the apple (2)

Bạn có bao nhiêu quả táo? + How many apples do you have?

Một người đàn ông, một thung lũng và một quả táo + A man, a valley and an apple

Một trái táo trống rỗng + An empty apple

Những nông dân muốn xuất khẩu táo đến Pháp. + The farmers want to export apples to France.

Để tôi giới thiệu bạn với quả táo của tôi. + Let me introduce you to my apple.

So voi qua tao do, qua tao nay ngon hon. + In comparison to that apple, this appleis more delicious.

Có một vũ trụ nhỏ bên trong quả táo. + There is a small universe inside the apple.

Táo + Apple

Dứa / Thơm + Pineapple

Mãng Cẩu (Na) + Custard-apple

Vú sữa + Star apple

Quả roi + Malay apple
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink apple táo +
SNOT • types of food and drink custard apple bình bát +
SNOT • types of food and drink pineapple dứa +
SNOT • types of food and drink rose apple roi +
SNOT • types of food and drink Siamese custard apple mãng cầu xiêm +
SNOT • types of food and drink star-apple vú sữa +
SNOT • types of food and drink sugar apple, custard apple Na / Mãng cầu +
SNOT • types of food and drink apple juice +
Oxford 3000VieEng
Táo apple
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-6 Apfel + apple +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-2 Welche Äpfel möchten Sie? + welch Which apples do you want? Bạn muốn cái táo nào? +
Exercise 5-2 Versuchen Sie doch mal meinen Apfelkuchen.  + versuchen  Why don't you try my apple pie?  Tại sao bạn không thử chiếc bánh táo của tôi? +
Exercise 5-4 Ich trinke gern Apfelsaft.  + Saft I like to drink apple juice.  Tôi thích uống nước táo. +
Exercise 9-4 Die Äpfel sind noch ganz grün. + grün The apples are still green. Táo vẫn xanh. +
Exercise 18-5 Möchtest du einen Apfel?  + Apfel Would you like an apple?  Bạn có muốn một quả táo? +
Exercise 18-5 Dieser Apfel schmeckt süß.  + Apfel This apple tastes sweet.  Táo này có vị ngọt. +
Exercise 18-5 Der Apfel ist vom Baum gefallen. + Apfel The apple fell from the tree. Quả táo rơi ra khỏi cây. +
Exercise 18-6 Ich mag Bananen lieber als Äpfel.  + Banane I prefer bananas to apples.  Tôi thích chuối hơn táo. +
Exercise 18-6 Magst du lieber einen Apfel oder eine Birne?  + Birne Do you like an apple or a pear?  Bạn có thích quả táo hay quả lê? +
Exercise 18-6 Du vergleichst Äpfel mit Birnen.  + Birne You compare apples to pears.  Bạn so sánh táo với quả lê. +
Exercise 18-7 Den Apfel kannst du nicht mehr essen. Der ist faul.  + faul You can't eat the apple anymore. He's lazy.  Bạn không thể ăn quả táo nữa. Anh ta lười biếng. +
Exercise 18-7 Die Äpfel sind erst halb reif.  + reif The apples are only half ripe.  Táo chỉ chín muồi. +
Exercise 19-4 Die Äpfel sind mir zu sauer.  + sauer The apples are too angry for me.  Táo thì quá tức giận đối với tôi. +
Exercise 19-8 Diese Äpfel schmecken gut. + schmecken These apples taste good. Những quả táo này ngon miệng. +
Exercise 19-9 Ich möchte ein Pfund Äpfel.  + Pfund I want a pound of apples.  Tôi muốn một cân táo. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Apfel + apple + Fruit A
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Apfelmus + apple sauce + Fruit B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Bratapfel + baked apple + Fruit B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Apfeltasche + apple turnover + Pastries, desserts and sweets B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Apfelstrudel + apple strudel + Pastries, desserts and sweets B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Ananas + pineapple + Fruit C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light gefleckt + spotted, speckled, dappled + Colours A
+ + + + 103 Colour and light scheckig + spotted, gaudy, blotchy, patchy, dappled [horse] + Colours C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light buntscheckig + spotted, dappled [horse] + Colours C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 蘋果 + * * ping2guo3 apple Apfel +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
the apple of sb's eye + She is the apple of her father's eye. Sie ist der Apfel im Auge ihres Vaters.
apples and oranges + They really are apples and oranges. Das sind wirklich Äpfel und Orangen.
apples and oranges + They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges. Sie sind beide großartig, aber man kann Äpfel und Orangen nicht
apples and oranges + It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges. Es ist eine völlig andere Situation, es sind Äpfel und Orangen.
bake + bake (sth): baked apples backen (etw.): gebackene Äpfel
crisp + a crisp apple/lettuce ein knackiger Apfel/Salat
fruit + tropical fruits, such as bananas and pineapples tropische Früchte wie Bananen und Ananas
fruit + a piece of fruit (= an apple, an orange, etc.) ein Stück Obst (= Apfel, Orange usw.)
juice + a carton of apple juice eine Packung Apfelsaft
last + These are the last of our apples. Das sind unsere letzten Äpfel.
polish + She polished the apple on her sleeve. Sie polierte den Apfel am Ärmel.
quarter + Cut the apple into quarters. Den Apfel vierteln.
select + She selected an apple from the fruit bowl. Sie wählte einen Apfel aus der Obstschale.
sour + sour apples saure Äpfel
that + How much are those apples at the back? Wie viel kosten die Äpfel da hinten?
variety + Apples come in a great many varieties. Äpfel gibt es in sehr vielen Sorten.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
67 苹果 + This apple is very big.
162 苹果 + I've got three apples.
178 一些 苹果 + He bought some apples.
213 几个 苹果 + I've bought a few apples.
603 苹果 健康 食品 + Apples are a healthy food item.
1038 苹果皮 + I'm peeling an apple.
1303 苹果 + The apple is rotting.
2011 苹果 腐烂 + The apple is rotten.
2134 上佳 苹果 + These apples are of the best quality.
2336 地上 苹果 + There's a rotten apple on the ground.
2821 苹果 + She's eating an apple.
3752 波罗蜜 果实 重量 大于 10 公斤 + A pineapple can weigh up to 10 kilograms.

这个苹果很大。 Zhège píngguǒ hěn dà. This apple is very big. Dieser Apfel ist sehr groß.
他买了一些苹果。 Tā mǎi le yīxiē píngguǒ. He bought some apples. Er hat Äpfel gekauft.
我有三个苹果。 Wǒ yǒu sān gè píngguǒ. I've got three apples. Ich habe drei Äpfel.
我买了几个苹果。 Wǒ mǎi le jǐgè píngguǒ. I've bought a few apples. Ich habe ein paar Äpfel gekauft.
苹果是健康食品。 Píngguǒ shì jiànkāng shípǐn. Apples are a healthy food item. Äpfel sind ein gesundes Nahrungsmittel.
我在削苹果皮。 Wǒ zài xiāo píngguǒ pí. I'm peeling an apple. Ich schäle einen Apfel.
苹果坏了。 Píngguǒ huài le. The apple is rotting. Der Apfel verfault.
苹果腐烂了。 Píngguǒ fǔlàn le. The apple is rotten. Der Apfel ist verdorben.
这是上佳的苹果。 Zhè shì shàng jiā de píngguǒ. These apples are of the best quality. Diese Äpfel sind von bester Qualität.
地上有一个烂苹果。 Dìshang yǒu yīgè làn píngguǒ. There's a rotten apple on the ground. Da liegt ein fauler Apfel auf dem Boden.
她在吃苹果。 Tā zài chī píngguǒ. She's eating an apple. Sie isst einen Apfel.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xi3huan shui3guo3, you2qi2shi4 ping2guo3. + I like fruits, especially apples.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Ping2guo3 shen2me jia4qian? + Apples, what price? / How much are the apples?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il y a une différence entre les pommes et les hommes + there’s a difference between men and apples

elle croqua la pomme avec un bruit qu’il détesta + she crunched into the apple with a noisethathedetested
07739125-n apple
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 apple +
+ + + + 103 apple +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
apple quả táo, trái táo, táo tây, bôm + +
apple gỗ táo + +
quả táo + + apple