VNEN điều gì * anything * 103

1 什么 shen2 me5 what?/ who?/ something/ anything
6 后顾之忧 hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1 fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)/ family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/ worries about the future consequences/ often in negative expressions; meaning "no worries about anything"

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
030 0557
Do you have anything cheaper?
049 0924
Don’t forget anything!
089 1733
We did not want to drink anything.
097 1895
I can’t see anything when I don’t have glasses.
097 1896
I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud.
097 1897
I can’t smell anything when I have a cold.
102 1994
No, I don’t want anything else.
102 1997
No, I haven’t eaten anything yet.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 19 69
你 还要 点 其他的 吗 ? + มีอะไรอื่นที่คุณต้องการสั่งซื้อหรือไม่? + Có điều gì khác mà bạn muốn đặt hàng không? + Is there anything else you would like to order? + Möchten Sie noch etwas anderes bestellen? + C' è qualcos' altro che vorresti ordinare? + Y a-t-il autre chose que vous aimeriez commander? + ¿Desea pedir algo más? + Is er nog iets anders wat u wilt bestellen? + ( nǐ háiyào diǎn qítāde· mā?)
A03 18 118
有什么 地方 需要 为您 服务 ? + มีอะไรที่ฉันช่วยคุณได้บ้างไหม? + Có bất cứ điều gì tôi có thể giúp bạn với? + Is there anything I could help you with? + Gibt es irgendetwas, womit ich Ihnen helfen könnte? + C' è qualcosa con cui potrei aiutarvi? + Je peux vous aider? + ¿Hay algo en lo que pueda ayudarte? + Is er iets waarmee ik u kan helpen? + ( yǒushéme dìfāng xūyào wèinín fúwù?)
A05 36 236
我 提不起劲 。 + ฉันไม่รู้สึกอยากทำอะไร + Tôi không cảm thấy như làm bất cứ điều gì. + I don't feel like doing anything. + Ich habe keine Lust, irgendetwas zu tun. + Non mi sento di fare nulla. + Je n'ai pas envie de faire quoi que ce soit. + No tengo ganas de hacer nada. + Ik heb geen zin om iets te doen. + ( wǒ tíbùqǐjìn.)
A06 37 287
我 到现在 还在 被 之前的 打击 困扰 , 我 没办法 振作 起来 。 + เป็นการยากที่จะใช้สถานการณ์นี้และฉันยังไม่สามารถทำอะไรได้ + Thật khó để làm quen với tình huống này, và tôi vẫn không thể làm gì được. + It's really hard to get used to this situation, and I still can't get anything done. + Es ist wirklich schwer, sich an diese Situation zu gewöhnen, und ich kann immer noch nichts erreichen. + E' davvero difficile abituarmi a questa situazione, e non riesco ancora ad ottenere nulla da fare. + C'est vraiment difficile de s'habituer à cette situation, et je n'arrive toujours pas à faire quoi que ce soit. + Es realmente difícil acostumbrarse a esta situación, y todavía no puedo hacer nada. + Het is echt moeilijk om aan deze situatie te wennen en ik kan nog steeds niets doen. + ( wǒ dàoxiànzài háizài bèi zhīqiánde· dǎjī kùnrǎo, wǒ méibànfǎ zhènzuò qǐlai·.)
A08 42 392
你 有什么 过敏 吗 ? + คุณแพ้อะไร? + Bạn có dị ứng cái gì không? + Are you allergic to anything? + Sind Sie auf irgendetwas allergisch? + Sei allergico a qualcosa? + Tu es allergique à quelque chose? + ¿Eres alérgico a algo? + Bent u allergisch voor iets? + ( nǐ yǒushéme guòmǐn mā?)
A10 25 475
一小时 八 块 , 超过 十五分钟 以 一小时 计算 。 + เป็นเงิน 1.30 เหรียญต่อชั่วโมงและคุณจะถูกเรียกเก็บเงินเป็นเวลาเกิน 15 นาที + Đó là $ 1,30 mỗi giờ, và bạn sẽ bị tính phí cho bất cứ điều gì trên 15 phút. + It's $1.30 per hour, and you'll be charged for anything over 15 minutes. + Es kostet $1,30 pro Stunde, und Sie zahlen für alles, was länger als 15 Minuten dauert. + E' di $1.30 all' ora, e sarete addebitati per qualsiasi cosa oltre i 15 minuti. + C'est 1,30 $ de l'heure et vous serez facturé pour tout ce qui dépasse 15 minutes. + Es $1.30 por hora, y se le cobrará por más de 15 minutos. + Het is $1,30 per uur, en je wordt meer dan 15 minuten in rekening gebracht. + ( yìxiǎoshí bā kuài, chāoguò shíwǔfēnzhōng yǐ yìxiǎoshí jì suàn.)
A15 49 749
你 有 任何 需要 吗 ? + คุณต้องการอะไร? + Bạn có cần gì không? + Do you need anything? + Brauchst du irgendwas? + Hai bisogno di qualcosa? + Vous avez besoin de quelque chose? + ¿Necesitas algo? + Heeft u iets nodig? + ( nǐ yǒu rènhé xūyào mā?)
A15 50 750
我 能帮 你 什么 忙 吗 ? + มีอะไรที่ฉันพอจะทำได้บ้าง? + Có điều gì tôi có thể làm được không? + Is there anything I can do? + Kann ich irgendetwas für Sie tun? + C' è qualcosa che posso fare? + Je peux faire quelque chose? + ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer? + Is er iets wat ik kan doen? + ( wǒ néngbāng nǐ shéme máng mā?)
A16 1 751
我 可以帮 你 什么 ? + ฉันจะทำให้คุณได้อะไร? + Tôi có thể lấy gì cho bạn? + Can I get you anything? + Kann ich Ihnen etwas anbieten? + Posso ottenere qualcosa? + Je vous sers quelque chose? + ¿Puedo traerte algo? + Kan ik je iets krijgen? + ( wǒ kěyǐbāng nǐ shéme?)
A18 34 884
你 要找 什么 特别的 吗 ? + คุณกำลังมองหาอะไรพิเศษ? + Bạn đang tìm kiếm bất cứ điều gì đặc biệt? + Are you looking for anything special? + Suchen Sie etwas Spezielles? + Stai cercando qualcosa di speciale? + Vous cherchez quelque chose de spécial? + ¿Estás buscando algo especial? + Bent u op zoek naar iets bijzonders? + ( nǐ yàozhǎo shéme tèbiéde· mā?)
B07 37 1337
你 今天晚上 要做 什么 吗 ? + คุณกำลังทำอะไรในตอนเย็นนี้หรือไม่? + Cậu có làm gì tối nay không? + Are you doing anything this evening? + Haben Sie heute Abend etwas vor? + Stai facendo qualcosa stasera? + Tu fais quelque chose ce soir? + ¿Estás haciendo algo esta noche? + Doe je vanavond iets? + (nǐ jīntiānwǎnshàng yàozuò shéme mā?)
B09 27 1427
现在 都 晚上了 , 你 一天 都没有 吃 东西 。 你 肯定 饿了 。 + ตอนเย็นและคุณไม่ได้ทานอะไรเลยตลอดทั้งวัน คุณต้องหิว + Bây giờ là buổi tối và cậu chưa ăn gì cả ngày. Cậu hẳn là đang đói. + It's evening, and you haven't eaten anything all day. You must be hungry. + Es ist Abend und du hast den ganzen Tag nichts gegessen. Du musst hungrig sein. + E' sera, e non avete mangiato nulla tutto il giorno. Devi essere affamato. + C'est le soir, et tu n'as rien mangé de la journée. Vous devez avoir faim. + Es de noche, y no has comido nada en todo el día. Debes tener hambre. + Het is avond, en je hebt de hele dag niets gegeten. U moet honger hebben. + (xiànzài dōu wǎnshàngle·, nǐ yìtiān dōuméiyǒu chī dōngxī. ní kěndìng èle·.)
B14 37 1687
今天晚上 有什么 好看的 电视 吗 ? — 有 啊, 八点 有一部 电影 。 + มีอะไรที่ดีในทีวีคืนนี้หรือไม่? - ใช่แล้วมีภาพยนตร์ตอนแปดโมงเย็น (8:00 น.) + Có gì hay trên vô tuyến tối nay không? - Có, có một bộ phim lúc tám giờ. + Is there anything good on TV tonight? — Yes, there's a movie at eight [o'clock] (8:00). + Gibt es heute Abend etwas Gutes im Fernsehen? Ja, es gibt einen Film um acht Uhr (8:00 Uhr). + C' è qualcosa di buono in TV stasera? Sì, c' è un film alle otto (ore 8:00). + Y a-t-il quelque chose de bien à la télé ce soir? Oui, il y a un film à 20 heures (8:00). + ¿Hay algo bueno en la tele esta noche? Sí, hay una película a las ocho en punto. + Is er vanavond iets goeds op TV? Ja, er is een film om acht uur (8:00 uur). + ( jīntiānwǎnshàng yǒushéme hǎokànde· diànshì mā? — yǒu a, bādián yǒuyíbù diànyǐng.)
B14 48 1698
我 饿了 , 但 没有 什么 东西 可以吃 。 + ฉันหิว แต่ไม่มีอะไรกิน + Tôi đói nhưng không có gì để ăn hết. + I'm hungry, but there isn't anything to eat. + Ich habe Hunger, aber es gibt nichts zu essen. + Ho fame, ma non c' è niente da mangiare. + J'ai faim, mais il n' y a rien à manger. + Tengo hambre, pero no hay nada que comer. + Ik heb honger, maar er is niets te eten. + ( wǒ èle·, dàn méiyǒu shéme dōngxī kéyǐchī.)
B14 49 1699
我 回家 的时候 很饿 , 但是 没有 什么 东西可以吃 。 + ฉันหิวเมื่อฉันกลับถึงบ้าน แต่ไม่มีอะไรกิน + Tôi đói khi tôi về đến nhà nhưng không có gì để ăn hết. + I was hungry when I got home, but there wasn't anything to eat. + Ich war hungrig, als ich nach Hause kam, aber es gab nichts zu essen. + Ero affamato quando tornai a casa, ma non c' era niente da mangiare. + J'avais faim quand je suis rentré, mais il n' y avait rien à manger. + Tenía hambre cuando llegué a casa, pero no había nada que comer. + Ik had honger toen ik thuis kwam, maar er was niets te eten. + (wǒ huíjiā de·shíhou· hěnè, dànshì méiyǒu shéme dōngxī kéyǐchī.)
B17 19 1819
你 昨天 买了 什么 吗 ? — 嗯 , 买了 。 + คุณได้ซื้ออะไรเมื่อวานนี้หรือไม่? - ใช่ฉันทำ. + Hôm qua cậu có mua gì không? - Có. + Did you buy anything yesterday? — Yes, I did. + Hast du gestern etwas gekauft? Ja, das habe ich. + Hai comprato qualcosa ieri? Sì, ho fatto. + Tu as acheté quelque chose hier? Oui, je l'ai fait. + ¿Compraste algo ayer? Sí, lo hice. + Heeft u gisteren iets gekocht? Ja, dat heb ik gedaan. + ( nǐ zuótiān mǎile· shéme mā? — ń, mǎile·.)
C01 15 2015
我的 律师 让 我 什么都 不要告诉 警方 。 — 我的 律师 建议 我 不要 跟 警方 说 任何 事 。 + ทนายความของฉันบอกว่าฉันไม่ควรพูดอะไรกับตำรวจ - ทนายความของฉันแนะนำให้ฉันไม่พูดอะไรกับตำรวจ + Luật sư của tôi nói tôi không nên nói gì với cảnh sát. > Luật sư của tôi khuyên tôi đừng nói gì với cảnh sát. + My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police. — My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police. + Mein Anwalt sagte, ich solle der Polizei nichts sagen. Mein Anwalt riet mir, der Polizei nichts zu sagen. + Il mio avvocato ha detto che non dovrei dire nulla alla polizia. Il mio avvocato mi ha consigliato di non dire nulla alla polizia. + Mon avocat m' a dit de ne rien dire à la police. Mon avocat m' a conseillé de ne rien dire à la police. + Mi abogado dijo que no debería decirle nada a la policía. Mi abogado me aconsejó que no dijera nada a la policía. + Mijn advocaat zei dat ik niets tegen de politie moest zeggen. Mijn advocaat heeft me geadviseerd niets tegen de politie te zeggen. + (wǒde· lǜshī ràng wǒ shémedōu búyàogàosù jǐngfāng.)
C01 16 2016
有人 告诉 我 , 他 说 什么 我 都 不应该 相信 。 — 有人 警告 我 , 不要相信 他 说的 任 何事 。 + ฉันบอกว่าฉันไม่ควรเชื่อทุกสิ่งที่เขาพูด - ฉันถูกเตือนไม่ให้เชื่อในสิ่งที่เขาพูด + Tôi được bảo rằng tôi không nên tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. > Tôi được cảnh báo rằng đừng tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. + I was told that I shouldn't believe everything he says. — I was warned not to believe anything he says. + Mir wurde gesagt, ich solle nicht alles glauben, was er sagt. Ich wurde gewarnt, nichts zu glauben, was er sagt. + Mi è stato detto che non dovrei credere a tutto quello che dice. Sono stato avvertito di non credere a nulla che dice. + On m' a dit que je ne devais pas croire tout ce qu'il disait. On m'avait averti de ne pas croire ce qu'il disait. + Me dijeron que no debería creer todo lo que dice. Me advirtieron que no creyera nada de lo que dijera. + Ik kreeg te horen dat ik niet alles wat hij zegt moest geloven. Ik werd gewaarschuwd om niets wat hij zegt te geloven. + (yǒurén gàosù wǒ, tā shuō shéme wǒ dōu bùyīnggāi xiāngxìn. — yǒurén jǐnggào wǒ, búyàoxiāngxìn tā shuōde· rènhéshì.)
C08 43 2393
他 拒绝 吃 任何 东西 。 + เขาปฏิเสธที่จะกินอะไร + Anh ấy từ chối không ăn gì. + He refused to eat anything. + Er weigerte sich, etwas zu essen. + Si rifiutò di mangiare qualcosa. + Il a refusé de manger quoi que ce soit. + Se negó a comer nada. + Hij weigerde iets te eten. + ( tā jùjué chī rènhé dōngxī.)
C08 46 2396
如果 需要 什么 就 跟 我 说 。 + แจ้งให้เราทราบหากคุณต้องการอะไร + Hãy cho tôi biết nếu cậu có cần gì. + Let me know if you need anything. + Lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie etwas brauchen. + Fatemi sapere se avete bisogno di qualcosa. + Prévenez-moi si vous avez besoin de quelque chose. + Avísame si necesitas algo. + Laat het me weten als je iets nodig hebt. + ( rúguǒ xūyào shéme jiù gēn wǒ shuō.)
C09 11 2411
我 完全 不懂 经济 。 + ฉันไม่ทราบอะไรเกี่ยวกับเศรษฐศาสตร์ + Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế. + I don't know anything about economics. + Ich weiß nichts über Wirtschaft. + Non so nulla di economia. + Je ne connais rien à l'économie. + No sé nada de economía. + Over economie weet ik niets. + ( wǒ wánquán bùdǒng jīngjì.)
C11 35 2535
给 我 做检查的 位 医生 检查不出 任何 问题。 + หมอที่ตรวจสอบฉันไม่พบสิ่งผิดปกติ + Vị bác sĩ khám cho tôi không tìm thấy được vấn đề gì. + The doctor who examined me couldn't find anything wrong. + Der Arzt, der mich untersucht hat, konnte nichts Falsches finden. + Il medico che mi ha esaminato non ha trovato nulla di sbagliato. + Le médecin qui m' a examiné n' a rien trouvé de mal. + El médico que me examinó no encontró nada malo. + De dokter die mij onderzocht kon niets fout vinden. + (géi wǒ zuòjiǎncháde· wèi yīshēng jiǎnchábùchū rènhé wèntí.)
C12 7 2557
我 没什么 事 做 , 我 好无聊 。 + ฉันไม่มีอะไรจะทำ ฉันเบื่อ. + Tôi không có việc gì để làm. Tôi đang chán. + I don't have anything to do. I'm bored. + Ich habe nichts zu tun. Mir ist langweilig. + Non ho nulla da fare. Sono annoiato. + Je n'ai rien à faire. Je m'ennuie. + No tengo nada que hacer. Estoy aburrida. + Ik heb niets te doen. Ik ben me vervelen. + ( wǒ méishéme shì zuò, wó hǎowúliáo.)
C12 13 2563
他 是 我 见过 最无聊的 人 之一 , 他 一直说话 ,也 没什么 有趣的 话题。 + เขาเป็นหนึ่งในคนที่น่าเบื่อที่สุดเท่าที่ฉันเคยเจอ เขาไม่เคยหยุดพูดและไม่เคยพูดอะไรที่น่าสนใจ + Anh ấy là một trong những người tẻ nhạt nhất mà tôi từng gặp. Anh ấy không bao giờ ngừng nói và anh ấy không bao giờ nói được thứ gì thú vị. + He's one of the most boring people I've ever met. He never stops talking, and he never says anything interesting. + Er ist einer der langweiligsten Menschen, die ich je getroffen habe. Er hört nie auf zu reden, und er sagt nie etwas Interessantes. + È una delle persone più noiose che abbia mai incontrato. Non smette mai di parlare, e non dice mai nulla di interessante. + C'est un des gens les plus ennuyeux que j'aie jamais rencontré. Il n'arrête jamais de parler, et il ne dit jamais rien d'intéressant. + Es una de las personas más aburridas que he conocido. Nunca deja de hablar y nunca dice nada interesante. + Hij is een van de saaiste mensen die ik ooit heb ontmoet. Hij stopt nooit met praten en hij zegt nooit iets interessants. + ( tā shì wǒ jiànguò zuìwúliáode· rén zhīyī, tā yìzhí shuōhuà, yě méishéme yǒuqùde· huàtí.)
C12 35 2585
我 讨厌 这个 小镇 , 都没什么 事 可做 , 也没 地方 玩儿 。 + ฉันเกลียดเมืองนี้ ไม่มีอะไรที่จะทำและแทบจะทุกที่ที่จะไปเพื่อความสนุกสนาน + Tôi ghét thị trấn này. Gần như chẳng có gì để làm và chẳng có nơi nào để chơi. + I hate this town. There's hardly anything to do and hardly anywhere to go for fun. + Ich hasse diese Stadt. Es gibt kaum etwas zu tun und kaum einen Ort, an dem man Spaß haben kann. + Odio questa città. Non c' è quasi nulla da fare e quasi ovunque per divertirsi. + Je déteste cette ville. Il n' y a pas grand-chose à faire et il n' y a pas grand-chose à faire pour s'amuser. + Odio esta ciudad. Apenas hay nada que hacer y casi nada para divertirse. + Ik haat deze stad. Er is nauwelijks iets te doen en bijna nergens om voor de lol te gaan. + (wó tǎoyàn zhège· xiǎozhèn, dōuméishéme shì kězuò, yě méi dìfāng wánr.)
C18 2 2852
我 会 安排好 所有的 行程 , 你 什么 都 不用担心 。 + ฉันจะดูแลเรื่องการเดินทางทั้งหมดเพื่อที่คุณจะได้ไม่ต้องกังวลอะไร + Tôi sẽ lo tất cả các da tục đi lại nên cậu không cần phải lo gì cả. + I'll take care of all the travel arrangements so you don't need to worry about anything. + Ich kümmere mich um alle Reisevorbereitungen, damit Sie sich um nichts kümmern müssen. + Mi prendo cura di tutte le modalità di viaggio in modo da non doversi preoccupare di nulla. + Je m'occuperai de tous les préparatifs de voyage pour que tu n'aies pas à t'inquiéter de quoi que ce soit. + Yo me encargaré de todos los preparativos del viaje para que no tengas que preocuparte por nada. + Ik zorg voor alle reisarrangementen zodat u zich nergens zorgen over hoeft te maken. + (wǒ huì ānpáiháo suóyǒude· xíngchéng, nǐ shéme dōu búyòngdānxīn.)
Cậu có làm gì tối nay không? + Are you doing anything this evening?
Bây giờ là buổi tối và cậu chưa ăn gì cả ngày. Cậu hẳn là đang đói. + It's evening, and you haven't eaten anything all day. You must be hungry.
Có gì hay trên vô tuyến tối nay không? - Có, có một bộ phim lúc tám giờ. + Is there anything good on TV tonight? — Yes, there's a movie at eight [o'clock] (8:00).
Tôi đói nhưng không có gì để ăn hết. + I'm hungry, but there isn't anything to eat.
Tôi đói khi tôi về đến nhà nhưng không có gì để ăn hết. + I was hungry when I got home, but there wasn't anything to eat.
Hôm qua cậu có mua gì không? - Có. + Did you buy anything yesterday? — Yes, I did.
Luật sư của tôi nói tôi không nên nói gì với cảnh sát. > Luật sư của tôi khuyên tôi đừng nói gì với cảnh sát. + My lawyer said I shouldn't say anything to the police. — My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.
Tôi được bảo rằng tôi không nên tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. > Tôi được cảnh báo rằng đừng tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. + I was told that I shouldn't believe everything he says. — I was warned not to believe anything he says.
Anh ấy từ chối không ăn gì. + He refused to eat anything.
Hãy cho tôi biết nếu cậu có cần gì. + Let me know if you need anything.
Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế. + I don't know anything about economics.
Vị bác sĩ khám cho tôi không tìm thấy được vấn đề gì. + The doctor who examined me couldn't find anything wrong.
Tôi không có việc gì để làm. Tôi đang chán. + I don't have anything to do. I'm bored.
Anh ấy là một trong những người tẻ nhạt nhất mà tôi từng gặp. Anh ấy không bao giờ ngừng nói và anh ấy không bao giờ nói được thứ gì thú vị. + He's one of the most boring people I've ever met. He never stops talking, and he never says anything interesting.
Tôi ghét thị trấn này. Gần như chẳng có gì để làm và chẳng có nơi nào để chơi. + I hate this town. There's hardly anything to do and hardly anywhere to go for fun.
Tôi sẽ lo tất cả các da tục đi lại nên cậu không cần phải lo gì cả. + I'll take care of all the travel arrangements so you don't need to worry about anything.

Họ có muốn bất kỳ cái gì ở đây không? + Do they want anything here?

bất kỳ cái gì + anything

Bạn không nên chạm vào bất kỳ cái gì trong bảo tàng. + You should not touch anything in the museum.

Anh có thuốc nào chữa bệnh rộp môi? + Have you got anything for cold sores.

Bạn có thể giới thiệu thuốc nào chữa cảm không? + Can you recommend anything for a cold?

Bạn có thuốc gì giúp tôi bó thuốc không? + Have you got anything to help me stop smoking?

Có gì hay chiếu tối nay không? + Is there anything good at the cinema?

Cậu muốn uống gì không? + Do you want anything to drink?

Bạn có tiền nhỏ hơn không? + Have you got anything smaller?

Tôi không có gì để làm. + I don't have anything to do

Quý khách còn gọi gì nữa không ạ? + Would you like anything else?

Còn gì nữa không? + Anything else?

Có vấn đề gì không? + Is anything wrong?

Bạn có cần gì nứa không? + Do you need anything else?

Anh không làm được gì ra trò sao? + Can't you do anything right?
everything/anything gì ... cũng +
anything bất cứ gì +
anything bất cứ cái gì +
Oxford 3000VieEng
bất cứ vật gì anything
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-2 Es war alles andere als gut.  + andere It was anything but good.  Đó là bất cứ điều gì nhưng tốt. +
Exercise 2-4 Die Nachrichten haben nichts über das Unglück gebracht.  + Nachricht The news didn't tell us anything about the disaster.  Tin tức không cho chúng tôi biết bất cứ điều gì về thiên tai. +
Exercise 2-9 Sonst noch etwas? – Nein, danke.  + noch  Anything else? No, thank you.  Còn gì nữa không? Không cám ơn. +
Exercise 3-1 Ich habe nur Tee. Etwas anderes kann ich Ihnen leider nicht anbieten.  + etwas I only have tea. I'm afraid I can't offer you anything else.  Tôi chỉ có trà. Tôi e rằng tôi không thể cung cấp cho bạn bất cứ thứ gì khác. +
Exercise 3-1 Haben Sie etwas zum Schreiben?  + etwas Do you have anything to write on?  Bạn có gì để viết không? +
Exercise 3-1 So etwas habe ich noch nie gehört.  + etwas I've never heard anything like this before.  Tôi chưa bao giờ nghe bất cứ điều gì như thế này trước đây. +
Exercise 3-1 Hat er etwas gesagt?  + etwas Did he say anything?  Anh ấy có nói gì không? +
Exercise 3-5 Von mir wird er nichts davon erfahren.  + erfahren* He won't know anything about me.  Anh ta sẽ không biết gì về tôi. +
Exercise 6-1 So etwas findet man heute nicht mehr.  + finden* You can't find anything like that anymore.  Bạn không thể tìm thấy bất cứ điều gì như thế nữa. +
Exercise 6-6 Sag ihr bitte nichts davon.  + sagen Please don't tell her anything.  Xin đừng nói với cô ấy bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 6-6 Keine Angst, ich sage nichts.  + sagen Don't worry, I won't say anything.  Đừng lo lắng, tôi sẽ không nói gì. +
Exercise 7-9 Haben Sie sonst noch einen Wunsch?  + Wunsch Anything else you want?  Bất cứ thứ gì khác bạn muốn? +
Exercise 9-5 Ich wundere mich über gar nichts mehr.  + wundern I'm not surprised about anything anymore.  Tôi không ngạc nhiên về bất cứ điều gì nữa. +
Exercise 9-8 Dieses Handy kann praktisch alles, was ein Computer kann.  + praktisch This mobile phone can do virtually anything a computer can do.  Điện thoại di động này có thể làm hầu như bất cứ điều gì một máy tính có thể làm. +
Exercise 10-9 Ich bin erkältet. Ich kann nichts riechen.  + riechen* I have a cold. I can't smell anything.  Tôi bị cảm lạnh. Tôi không thể ngửi bất cứ thứ gì. +
Exercise 11-6 Auf dem Foto kann man kaum etwas erkennen.  + erkennen* You can hardly see anything in the photo.  Bạn khó có thể nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì trong bức ảnh. +
Exercise 11-9 Möchten Sie noch etwas? – Nein danke, ich bin satt.  + satt You want anything else? No thanks, I'm full.  Bạn muốn gì khác? Không, cảm ơn, tôi đầy. +
Exercise 12-2 Haben Sie schon etwas zum Trinken gewählt?  + wählen Have you chosen anything to drink?  Bạn đã chọn bất cứ thứ gì để uống? +
Exercise 12-3 Mit Strafen kannst du bei ihm absolut nichts ausrichten. + ausrichten With punishments, you can't do anything to him. Với hình phạt, bạn không thể làm bất cứ điều gì với anh ta. +
Exercise 12-5 Er versteht nichts von Musik.  + Musik He doesn't know anything about music.  Anh ấy không biết gì về âm nhạc. +
Exercise 13-7 Für die Verpackung berechne ich nichts.  + berechnen I do not charge anything for the packaging.  Tôi không tính bất cứ thứ gì cho bao bì. +
Exercise 13-7 Mit so etwas hatte ich nicht gerechnet.  + rechnen I didn't expect anything like this.  Tôi đã không mong đợi bất cứ điều gì như thế này. +
Exercise 14-5 Ich verstehe nichts von moderner Kunst.  + Kunst I don't know anything about modern art.  Tôi không biết gì về nghệ thuật hiện đại. +
Exercise 14-8 Hast du so etwas schon jemals gesehen?  + jemals Have you ever seen anything like this before?  Bạn đã bao giờ nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì như thế này trước đây? +
Exercise 14-8 Hast du so etwas jemals gehört?  + jemals Have you ever heard anything like that before?  Bạn đã bao giờ nghe bất cứ điều gì như vậy trước đây? +
Exercise 15-1 Einerseits will er alles haben, andererseits möchte er nichts dafür geben.  + einerseits  On the one hand he wants to have it all, on the other hand he doesn't want to give anything. Một mặt ông muốn có tất cả, mặt khác ông không muốn cho bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 15-7 Ich habe noch nichts gegessen.  + nichts I haven't eaten anything yet.  Tôi chưa ăn gì cả. +
Exercise 15-7 Ich weiß auch nichts Genaues.  + nichts I don't know anything specific.  Tôi không biết gì cụ thể. +
Exercise 15-7 Ich habe nichts zum Schreiben dabei.  + nichts I don't have anything to write about.  Tôi không có gì để viết. +
Exercise 16-3 Ich verstehe nichts von Computern.  + verstehen* I don't know anything about computers.  Tôi không biết gì về máy tính. +
Exercise 17-6 Das bedeutet nichts Gutes.  + bedeuten That doesn't mean anything good.  Điều đó không có nghĩa gì cả. +
Exercise 17-6 Das hat nichts zu bedeuten.  + bedeuten It doesn't mean anything.  Nó không có ý nghĩa gì. +
Exercise 17-6 Gibt es etwas Interessantes im Fernsehen heute abend? + Fernsehen Is there anything interesting on TV tonight? Có điều gì thú vị trên TV tối nay không? +
Exercise 21-1 Sonst noch etwas? – Nein, danke. Das ist alles.  + sonst Anything else? No, thank you. That's all.  Còn gì nữa không? Không cám ơn. Đó là tất cả. +
Exercise 21-1 Darf es sonst noch etwas sein?  + sonst Is there anything else?  Có gì khác? +
Exercise 21-2 Ich musste nichts bezahlen. Die Reparatur war umsonst.  + umsonst I didn't have to pay anything. The repair was free.  Tôi không phải trả bất cứ cái gì. Việc sửa chữa hoàn toàn miễn phí. +
Exercise 24-6 Alles ist möglich.  + möglich Anything is possible.  Mọi thứ đều có thể. +
Exercise 24-9 Haben sie dazu etwas zu bemerken?  + bemerken Do you have anything to say about that?  Bạn có gì để nói về điều đó? +
Exercise 26-8 Die Medien haben damals über nichts anderes berichtet.  + damals The media did not report anything else at the time.  Các phương tiện truyền thông đã không báo cáo bất cứ điều gì khác vào thời điểm đó. +
Exercise 28-7 Sagen Sie Bescheid, wenn Sie noch etwas benötigen.  + benötigen Let me know if you need anything else.  Cho tôi biết nếu bạn cần thứ gì khác. +
Exercise 28-8 Der Arzt hat mich untersucht, konnte aber nichts feststellen.  + feststellen The doctor examined me, but he couldn't find anything.  Bác sĩ kiểm tra tôi, nhưng ông không thể tìm thấy bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 28-8 In meiner Gegenwart hat er davon nichts gesagt.  + Gegenwart He hasn't said anything about this in my presence.  Anh ấy đã không nói gì về điều này trong sự hiện diện của tôi. +
Exercise 29-5 Du hast mir gar nichts zu verbieten!  + verbieten* You have nothing to forbid me from anything!  Bạn không có gì để ngăn cấm tôi từ bất cứ điều gì! +
Exercise 29-6 Wenn alle gleichzeitig sprechen, verstehe ich überhaupt nichts. + gleichzeitig If everyone talks at once, I don't understand anything. Nếu mọi người nói chuyện ngay lập tức, tôi không hiểu gì. +
Exercise 31-3 Die Soldaten schießen auf alles, was sich bewegt.  + schießen* The soldiers are shooting at anything that moves.  Những người lính đang bắn vào bất cứ thứ gì di chuyển. +
Exercise 31-6 Haben Sie etwas Ungewöhnliches gesehen?  + ungewöhnlich Have you seen anything unusual?  Bạn đã nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì bất thường? +
Exercise 31-8 Du hast davon überhaupt keine Ahnung.  + Ahnung You don't know anything about it.  Bạn không biết gì về nó. +
Exercise 32-3 Hat er weiter nichts gesagt?  + weiter He didn't say anything else?  Anh ta không nói gì khác? +
Exercise 32-5 Fass bitte nichts an!  + anfassen Don't touch anything!  Đừng chạm vào bất cứ thứ gì! +
Exercise 32-8 Ich bin zu allem bereit.  + bereit I'm ready for anything.  Tôi đã sẵn sàng cho bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 32-8 Alle meine Sachen sind durcheinander. Ich finde nichts mehr.  + durcheinander All my things are mixed up. I can't find anything else.  Tất cả mọi thứ của tôi đều bị lẫn lộn. Tôi không thể tìm thấy bất cứ điều gì khác. +
Exercise 33-1 Ich möchte nichts kaufen. Ich möchte mich bloß umsehen.  + bloß I don't want to buy anything. I just want to look around.  Tôi không muốn mua gì cả. Tôi chỉ muốn nhìn xung quanh. +
Exercise 33-6 Jeder hat einen anderen Vorschlag. Wir können uns leider nicht einigen.  + einigen Everyone has a different proposal. I'm afraid we can't agree on anything.  Mọi người đều có một đề nghị khác nhau. Tôi e rằng chúng tôi không thể đồng ý về bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 34-5 Ich trainiere nicht mehr. Es hat ja doch keinen Wert.  + Wert I don't exercise anymore. It's not worth anything.  Tôi không tập thể dục nữa. Nó không có giá trị gì. +
Exercise 34-6 Haben Sie etwas Verdächtiges gesehen?  + verdächtig Have you seen anything suspicious?  Bạn đã nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì đáng ngờ? +
Exercise 34-7 Die Einbrecher haben nichts gestohlen.  + Einbrecher The burglars didn't steal anything.  Những kẻ trộm không ăn cắp gì cả. +
Exercise 34-8 Ist dir nichts aufgefallen?  + auffallen* You didn't notice anything?  Bạn đã không nhận thấy bất cứ điều gì? +
Exercise 35-2 Du brauchst dich nicht zu sorgen, dass mir etwas passiert.  + sorgen You don't have to worry about anything happening to me.  Bạn không phải lo lắng về bất cứ điều gì xảy ra với tôi. +
Exercise 35-4 Sie meinen wohl, sie können sich alles erlauben.  + erlauben I suppose you mean they can afford anything.  Tôi cho rằng bạn có nghĩa là họ có thể đủ khả năng. +
Exercise 35-9 Er hat mir gar nichts gesagt. + gar He didn't tell me anything. Anh ấy không nói gì với tôi. +
Exercise 36-4 Lass dich durch nichts daran hindern, Erfolg zu haben.  + hindern Don't let anything stop you from being successful.  Đừng để bất cứ điều gì ngăn cản bạn thành công. +
Exercise 37-4 Er kümmert sich um nichts.  + kümmern He doesn't care about anything.  Anh ta không quan tâm đến bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 38-4 Wenn etwas passiert, mache ich dich dafür verantwortlich!  + verantwortlich If anything happens, I'll hold you responsible!  Nếu bất cứ điều gì xảy ra, tôi sẽ giữ bạn có trách nhiệm! +
Exercise 38-9 Ist noch etwas zu essen übrig?  + übrig Is there anything left to eat?  Có còn gì để ăn không? +
Exercise 40-4 Kannst du bitte Licht machen? Ich kann so nichts sehen.  + Licht Can you please turn on the light? I can't see anything like this.  Bạn có thể bật đèn không? Tôi không thể nhìn thấy bất cứ điều gì như thế này. +
Exercise 40-6 Es gibt Tage, an denen einem nichts gelingt.  + gelingen* There are days when you can't do anything.  Có những ngày bạn không thể làm bất cứ điều gì. +
Exercise 41-8 Mit solchen Leuten will ich nichts zu tun haben.  + solch I don't want anything to do with people like that.  Tôi không muốn làm gì với những người như thế. +
Exercise 44-9 Nachdem ich nicht da war, kann ich nichts dazu sagen.  + nachdem I can't say anything about it after I've been away.  Tôi không thể nói gì về nó sau khi tôi đi đâu. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * qiu2 ball/ anything shaped like a ball 1. Ball 2. Erde, Erdkugel, Globus 3. etwas Ballförmiges, kugelförmiger Gegenstand +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
acknowledge + acknowledge that...: I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong. dass er etwas Falsches getan hatte.
actually + I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first. Ich wollte nichts sagen, ohne den Brief vorher gelesen zu haben.
almost + They'll eat almost anything. Sie werden fast alles essen.
anything + Would you like anything else? Möchten Sie noch etwas?
anything + There's never anything worth watching on TV. Es gibt nie etwas, das es sich lohnt, im Fernsehen zu gucken.
anything + If you remember anything at all, please let us know. Wenn Sie sich an irgendetwas erinnern, lassen Sie es uns wissen.
anything + We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. Wir hoffen, dass nichts Unangenehmes passiert.
anything + I'm so hungry, I'll eat anything. Ich bin so hungrig, ich esse alles.
anything like sb/sth + He isn't anything like my first boss. Er ist nicht wie mein erster Boss.
apart from + You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother. Du musst helfen. Abgesehen von allem anderen bist du mein Bruder.
approval + I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval. Ich kann nichts ohne die Einwilligung meines Partners akzeptieren.
as if/as though + 'Don't say anything' 'As if I would! ' (= surely you do not expect me to) Sag nichts Als ob ich das würde!" (= erwartest du sicher nicht von mir)
aware + As far as I'm aware, nobody has done anything about it. Soweit ich weiß, hat niemand etwas dagegen getan.
before + He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). Er stellt seine Arbeit vor alles (= betrachtet sie als wichtiger als alles andere).
can + I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can. Ich kann nichts versprechen, aber ich tue, was ich kann.
clearly + It's difficult to see anything clearly in this mirror. Es ist schwierig, etwas klar in diesem Spiegel zu sehen.
declare + Do you have anything to declare? Haben Sie etwas zu verzollen?
desperate + desperate (for sth): He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything. verzweifelt (für etw.): Er war so verzweifelt nach einem Job, dass er alles getan hätte.
do + Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? Hast du morgen Abend etwas vor?
drunk + She was too drunk to remember anything about the party. Sie war zu betrunken, um sich an irgendwas von der Party zu erinnern.
easy + I'll agree to anything for an easy life. Ich stimme allem zu, für ein leichtes Leben.
else + I don't want anything else, thanks. Ich will nichts anderes, danke.
else + Haven't you got anything else to wear? Hast du sonst nichts zum Anziehen?
empty + empty hands (= not holding anything) leere Hände (= nichts halten)
except + I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money. Ich habe ihm nichts erzählt, außer dass ich das Geld brauchte.
extreme + Don't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country. Geh nicht so extrem wie das Land zu verlassen.
find + I'm having trouble finding anything new to say on this subject. Ich habe Probleme, etwas Neues zu diesem Thema zu finden.
find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb) + I haven't found anything out about him yet. Ich habe noch nichts über ihn herausgefunden.
food + He's off his food (= he does not want to eat anything). Er isst nichts mehr (= er will nichts essen).
forget + forget (that)...: Forget (that) I said anything! Vergiss (das)...: Vergiss (das), was ich gesagt habe!
forgive + forgive sb sth: She'd forgive him anything. jdm. etw. verzeihen, sie würde ihm alles vergeben.
give + give sth: I'd give anything to see him again. Ich würde alles geben, um ihn wiederzusehen.
happy + happy (about sb/sth): If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. happy (über jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Wenn es etwas gibt, worüber du nicht glücklich bist, dann komm und frag mich.
hate + I'd hate anything to happen to him. Ich würde es hassen, wenn ihm was zustoßen würde.
hear + I couldn't hear anything. Ich konnte nichts hören.
hear from sb, hear sth from sb + I haven't heard anything from her for months. Ich habe seit Monaten nichts mehr von ihr gehört.
sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth + She won't be invited again, not if I can help it (= if I can do anything to prevent it). Sie wird nicht noch einmal eingeladen, nicht wenn ich ihr helfen kann (= wenn ich etwas tun kann, um das zu verhindern).
little + She said little or nothing (= hardly anything) about her experience. Sie sagte wenig oder gar nichts (= kaum etwas) über ihre Erfahrung.
lovely + 'Can I get you anything?' 'A cup of tea would be lovely.' Kann ich dir etwas bringen? "Eine Tasse Tee wäre schön."
matter + Is anything the matter? Ist etwas nicht in Ordnung?
matter + matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. Angelegenheit (an jdn.): Die Kinder sind ihr wichtiger als alles andere auf der Welt.
mean + See what I mean (= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it)? She never agrees to anything I suggest. Sehen, was ich meine (= ich hatte Recht und das beweist es, nicht wahr? Sie stimmt nie etwas zu, was ich vorschlage.
mean + mean sth to sb: Does the name 'Jos Vos' mean anything to you (= do you know who he is)? jdm. etw. bedeuten: Sagt dir der Name Jos Vos "irgendwas (= weißt du, wer er ist)?
mind + When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank (= I couldn't remember anything). Als ich die Prüfungsfragen sah, war mein Verstand leer (= ich konnte mich an nichts mehr erinnern).
miss + Sorry I'm late—have I missed anything? Tut mir leid, dass ich etwas verpasst habe?
miss sb/sth out + I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. Ich lese noch einmal das Formular durch, um sicherzugehen, dass ich nichts verpasst habe.
missing + He didn't notice there was anything missing from his room until later on. Ihm fiel erst später auf, dass in seinem Zimmer etwas fehlte.
need + If she wants anything, she need only ask. Wenn sie etwas will, muss sie nur fragen.
on + I don't think we've got anything on this weekend. Ich glaube nicht, dass wir an diesem Wochenende etwas haben.
own + I don't own anything of any value. Ich besitze nichts von Wert.
in particular + Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner? Gibt es etwas Bestimmtes, das Sie zum Abendessen möchten?
past + We don't know anything about his past. Wir wissen nichts über seine Vergangenheit.
possible + 'Do you think he'll resign?' 'Anything's possible where he's concerned.' Denkst du, er wird zurücktreten? Alles ist möglich, was er will.
possibly + How could you possibly think that I had anything to do with it! Wie konntest du nur denken, dass ich etwas damit zu tun hatte!
promise + I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything. Ich werde sehen, was ich tun kann, aber ich kann nichts versprechen.
prove + I certainly don't have anything to prove—my record speaks for itself. Ich habe sicherlich nichts, was meine Leistung beweisen könnte.
publish + She hasn't published anything for years. Sie hat seit Jahren nichts veröffentlicht.
ready + I was twenty years old and ready for anything. Ich war zwanzig Jahre alt und zu allem bereit.
reason + He's looking for a job and he's willing to do anything within reason. Er sucht einen Job und ist bereit, alles zu tun, was in seinem Rahmen liegt.
refuse + She would never refuse her kids anything. Sie würde ihren Kindern nie etwas verweigern.
report + Call me urgently if you have anything to report. Rufen Sie mich dringend an, wenn Sie etwas zu berichten haben.
require + Do you require anything else? (= in a shop/store, for example) Brauchen Sie sonst noch etwas? (= z. B. in einem Shop/Shop)
rival + You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps. In den Alpen finden Sie alles, was Sie sehen können.
rush + rush sb into sth/into doing sth: I'm not going to be rushed into anything. jdn. in etw. hineinstürzen lassen: Ich lasse mich in nichts überstürzen.
search + search sb for sth: The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them. jdn. nach etw. durchsuchen: Die Jugendlichen wurden verhaftet und nach allem gesucht, was sie belasten könnte.
take sb/sth seriously + Why can't you ever take anything seriously? Warum kannst du nie etwas ernst nehmen?
take sb/sth seriously + You can't take anything she says very seriously. Du kannst nichts von dem, was sie sagt, ernst nehmen.
shop + I'm just going down to the shops. Can I get you anything? Ich gehe gerade runter in die Läden. Kann ich Ihnen etwas bringen?
sign + There were no outward signs that anything was wrong. Es gab keine äußeren Anzeichen dafür, dass etwas nicht stimmt.
solve + You can't solve anything by just running away. Du kannst nichts lösen, indem du einfach wegläufst.
suggestion + suggestion that...: There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal. dass...: Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass er etwas Illegales tat.
suitable + suitable to do sth: I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party. geeignet für etw.: Ich habe nichts zum Anziehen für die Party.
suspect + I didn't want the neighbours suspecting anything. Ich wollte nicht, dass die Nachbarn etwas verdächtigen.
suspicious + Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour? Hast du nichts Verdächtiges in seinem Verhalten bemerkt?
take + Did the burglars take anything valuable? Haben die Einbrecher etwas Wertvolles mitgenommen?
take sth in + Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. Auf halbem Weg durch das Kapitel habe ich gemerkt, dass ich nichts aufgenommen hatte.
taste + I've never tasted anything like it. So etwas habe ich noch nie probiert.
taste + I can't really taste anything with this cold. Ich kann nicht wirklich etwas schmecken mit dieser Kälte.
on (the) television + Is there anything good on the telly tonight? Gibt es heute Abend etwas Gutes im Fernsehen?
then + 'You haven't done anything to upset me.' 'So what's wrong, then?' Du hast nichts getan, was mich verärgert hat. "Was ist denn los?"
too + It's too late to do anything about it now. Es ist zu spät, um etwas dagegen zu tun.
unkind + She never said anything unkind about anyone. Sie hat nie etwas unfreundliches über irgendjemanden gesagt.
up + Is anything up? You can tell me. Ist alles in Ordnung? Du kannst es mir sagen.
out of the way + I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way. Ich habe nichts gesagt, bis Dad aus dem Weg war.
weekend + Are you doing anything over the weekend? Hast du am Wochenende etwas vor?
when + How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen? Wie können sie etwas lernen, wenn sie nie zuhören?
without + without sb doing sth: The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. ohne dass jd. etw. tut: Die Party wurde organisiert, ohne dass sie etwas davon erfuhr.
word + She left without a word (= without saying anything). Sie ging ohne ein Wort (= ohne etwas zu sagen).
worse + I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did. Ich habe es nicht sehr gut gemacht, aber wenn überhaupt, dann schlimmer als ich.
write + I haven't got anything to write with. Ich habe nichts zum Schreiben.
wrong + Is anything wrong? You look worried. Stimmt etwas nicht? Du siehst besorgt aus.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je décrochais le téléphone sans rien dire à personne + I picked up the telephone receiver without saying anything to anyone

moi, je n’en sais rien + I don’t know anything about it

cela n’aurait évidemment rien empêché + apparently that wouldn’t have prevented anything

depuis ma blessure, je ne retiens rien + since my injury I can’t remember anything

cela ne signifiait rien pour moi + that didn’t mean anything to me

je ne veux me souvenir de rien + I don’t remember anything

je n’ai rien besoin de prouver à qui que ce soit + I have no need to prove anything to anybody at all

je fais rien de spécial + I’m not doing anything special

je ne vous cache rien du tout + I am not hiding anything at all from you

vous ne réglerez rien avec l’argent + you won’t settle anything with the money

la grande majorité n’en faisait rien + the great majority didn’t do anything about it

il n’emporte rien avec lui, pas même une chemise + he doesn’t take anything with him, not even a shirt

elle n’avait envie de parler de rien + she didn’t want to talk about anything

supprime ce paragraphe, cela ne changera rien + delete this paragraph; that won’t change anything

je n’ai jamais fait le pari de quoi que ce soit + I have never bet on anything

je ne sais pas, le sexe n’a peut-être rien à voir + I don’t know, perhaps sex doesn’t have anything to do with it

ils ne reculent devant rien + they don’t back down from anything

je n’ai rien dans les poches + I don’t have anything in my pockets

je donnerais tout pour être un simple paysan + I would give anything to be a simple peasant boy

tu t’y connais en électricité? non + do you know anything about electricity? no

on s’habitue à tout, quand on est obligé + you can get used to anything when you have to

il ne mange rien, il s’affaiblit + he’s not eating anything, he’s weakening

je ne suis que le fournisseur. je ne sais rien + I’m only the middleman. I don’t know anything

ce vilain méchant ne te fera rien + this no-good jerk won’t do anything to you

elle voulait un enfant par-dessus tout + she wanted a child more than anything

je regrette que vous soyez mécontent mais je ne puis rien y faire + I’m sorry you’re displeased but I can no longer do anything about it

je n’y omettrai rien + I won’t leave anything out

en cas de rupture, il ne restituera rien + in case of breach of contract, he will not refund anything

tout ce qui est superflu déplaît à Dieu et à la nature + anything superfluous displeases God and nature
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