4 符合 fu2 he2 in keeping with/ in accordance with/ tallying with/ in line with/ to agree with/ to accord with/ to conform to/ to correspond with/ to manage/ to handle

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A04 45 195
我 同意 其中 部分 看法 。 + ฉันเห็นด้วยกับสิ่งที่คุณพูด + Tôi đồng ý với một số điều bạn nói. + I agree with some of what you said. + Ich stimme einigen Ihrer Aussagen zu. + Concordo con alcune delle sue affermazioni. + Je suis d'accord avec certains de vos propos. + Estoy de acuerdo con lo que usted ha dicho. + Ik ben het eens met een aantal van uw opmerkingen. + ( wǒ tóngyì qízhōng bùfen· kànfǎ.)
C09 34 2434
我 和 迪帕克的 想法 完全 不同 , 我 常常 不同意 他的 看法 。 + Deepak และฉันมีความคิดที่แตกต่างกันมาก ฉันไม่เห็นด้วยกับหลายความคิดเห็นของเขา + Ngày và tôi có ý khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý kẹp tóc-hair clip nhiều ý định của anh ấy. + Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions. + Deepak und ich haben sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen. Ich stimme nicht mit vielen seiner Meinungen überein. + Deepak e io abbiamo idee molto diverse. Non sono d' accordo con molte delle sue opinioni. + Deepak et moi avons des idées très différentes. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec bon nombre de ses opinions. + Deepak y yo tenemos ideas muy diferentes. No estoy de acuerdo con muchas de sus opiniones. + Diep en ik heb heel verschillende ideeën. Ik ben het niet eens met veel van zijn meningen. + (wǒ hé dípàkède· xiángfǎ wánquán bùtóng, wǒ chángcháng bùtóngyì tāde· kànfǎ.)
Ngày và tôi có ý khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý kẹp tóc-hair clip nhiều ý định của anh ấy. + Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions.

Chúng tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với nhà báo này. + We completely agree with this journalist.

Anh ấy không đồng ý với bản thân. + He does not agree with himself.

Chúng tôi không đồng ý với những hành động của bạn. + We do not agree with your actions.

Tôi không đồng ý với kết luận này. + I do not agree with this conclusion.

Không ai có thể dụ dỗ bạn nếu bạnkhông đồng ý với họ. + No one can lure you, if you do not agree with them.

Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn + I absolutely agree with you
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 10-8 Da muss ich Ihnen recht geben. + recht I must agree with you. Tôi phải đồng ý với bạn. +
Exercise 11-1 In diesem Punkt bin ich nicht deiner Meinung.  + Punkt I disagree with you on this point.  Tôi không đồng ý với bạn về điểm này. +
Exercise 17-5 Sollten Sie mit dem Vorschlag nicht einverstanden sein, rufen Sie mich an. + sollen* If you do not agree with the suggestion, please call me. Nếu bạn không đồng ý với đề nghị, vui lòng gọi cho tôi. +
Exercise 18-8 Bist du derselben Meinung?  + derselbe Do you agree with him?  Bạn có đồng ý với anh ta? +
Exercise 20-5 Deiner Darstellung muss ich entschieden widersprechen.  + Darstellung I strongly disagree with your presentation.  Tôi rất không đồng ý với bài trình bày của bạn. +
Exercise 21-6 Ich bin einverstanden mit dem Vorschlag.  + Vorschlag I agree with the proposal.  Tôi đồng ý với đề nghị. +
Exercise 26-7 Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung.  + Meinung I totally agree with you.  Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn. +
Exercise 38-8 Ich bin mit deinem Vorschlag einverstanden.  + einverstanden  I agree with your suggestion.  Tôi đồng ý với đề nghị của bạn. +
Exercise 38-8 Ich bin mit diesem Punkte unseres Vertrages nicht einverstanden.  + einverstanden  I do not agree with this point of our Treaty.  Tôi không đồng ý với điểm này của Hiệp ước của chúng tôi. +
Exercise 42-8 Ich muss Ihnen leider widersprechen.  + widersprechen* I'm afraid I have to disagree with you.  Tôi sợ tôi phải không đồng ý với bạn. +
Exercise 43-2 Ich bin ganz Ihrer Ansicht.  + Ansicht I totally agree with you.  Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Speaking mit jmdm nicht übereinstimmen + to disagree with sb + Agreeing and disagreeing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking jmdm zustimmen + to agree with sb + Agreeing and disagreeing B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 贊成 + * * zan4cheng2 agree with/ approve of/ favor billigen, zustimmen +
D 贊同 + * * zan4tong2 agree with zustimmen, beipflichten +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
admire + admire sb for doing sth: I don't agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles. ich bewundere jdn. dafür, dass er etw. getan hat: Ich stimme ihr nicht zu, aber ich bewundere sie dafür, dass sie sich an ihre Prinz
agree + agree with sth: I agree with her analysis of the situation. mit etw.[Dat] einverstanden sein: Ich stimme ihrer Analyse der Situation zu.
altogether + I don't altogether agree with you. Ich stimme Ihnen nicht ganz zu.
bet + 'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) Liverpool wird gewinnen. Willst du eine Wette? (= Ich bin anderer Meinung als Sie, ich glaube nicht, dass sie das werden.
broadly + Broadly speaking, I agree with you. Im Großen und Ganzen stimme ich Ihnen zu.
certain + Certain people might disagree with this. Bestimmte Leute könnten dem widersprechen.
degree + I agree with you to a certain degree. Ich stimme Ihnen bis zu einem gewissen Grad zu.
disagree + Some people disagree with this argument. Einige Leute sind mit diesem Argument nicht einverstanden.
disagree with sth/with doing sth + I disagree with violent protests. Ich stimme gewaltsamen Protesten nicht zu.
entirely + I entirely agree with you. Ich stimme Ihnen vollkommen zu.
forgive + forgive me for doing sth: Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that. Verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich etw. getan habe: Verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich unterbreche, aber damit bin ich wirklich nicht einverstande
forgive + forgive my doing sth: Forgive my interrupting but I really don't agree with that. verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich etw. getan habe: Verzeihen Sie meine Unterbrechung, aber damit bin ich nicht einverstanden.
great + The great majority of (= most) people seem to agree with this view. Die große Mehrheit (= die meisten) Menschen scheinen mit dieser Ansicht einverstanden zu sein.
really + I don't really agree with that. Da stimme ich nicht wirklich zu.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je suis entièrement d’accord avec vous + I completely agree with you

vous pouvez être en désaccord avec mon interprétation + you can disagree with my interpretation

je suis pleinement d’accord avec elle + I fully agree with her
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie