11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 體育 + * * ti3yu4 physical training/ physical culture Sport,Körperkultur +
A 全體 + * * quan2ti3 all/ whole/ entire alle, ganz +
A 身體 + * * shen1ti3 body/ health Körper,Gesundheit +
B 具體 + * * ju4ti3 concrete/ specific/ particular konkret, spezifisch, bestimmt +
B 體會 + * * ti3hui4 realize/ know through experience/ experience erfahren,Verständnis +
B 體積 + * * ti3ji1 volume Volumen +
B 半導體 + * * ban4dao3ti3 semi-conductor Halbleiter +
B 體系 + * * ti3xi4 system/ setup System +
B 體育場 + * * ti3yu4chang3 stadium Stadion +
B 體育館 + * * ti3yu4guan3 gymnasium Sporthalle +
B 個體 + * * ge4ti3 individual individuell,Individuum +
B 集體 + * * ji2ti3 collective kollektiv, Kollektiv +
C 整體 + * * zheng3ti3 whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer das Ganze, Ganzheit +
C 液體 + * * ye4ti3 liquid-substance/ liquid Flüssigkeit +
C 團體 + * * tuan2ti3 group-entity/ group/ organization/ team/ society/ circle Gemeinschaft, Organisation, Gruppe, Mannschaft +
C 固體 + * * gu4ti3 solid/ solid body Festkörper, fest +
C 體操 + * * ti3cao1 body-exercise/ gymnastics Gymnastik +
C 體力 + * * ti3li4 physical-strength/ physical power/ thews Körperkraft +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar +
C 體溫 + * * ti3wen1 body-temperature/ body temperature Körpertemperatur +
C 體現 + * * ti3xian4 bodily-express/ embody/ incarnate verkörpern +
C 物體 + * * wu4ti3 substance-object/ body/ substance/ object Gegenstand, Objekt, Körper, Substanz +
C 個體戶 + * * ge4ti3hu4 self-employed worker kleiner Privatbetrieb +
C 氣體 + * * qi4ti3 gas/ substance in the gaseous state Gas +
C 人體 + * * ren2ti3 human body/ nude menschlicher Körper, nackt +
D 導體 + * * dao3ti3 conductor Leiter,Leitungsstück +
D 主體 + * * zhu3ti3 principal part Hauptteil, Subjekt +
D 簡體字 + * * jian3ti3zi4 simplified character vereinfachtes chinesisches Schriftzeichen +
D + * * ti3 body/ style 1. Körper, Körperteil 2. Stoff, Substanz 3. Stil, Typ 4. etw persönlich tun oder erfahren +
D 屍體 + * * shi1ti3 body/ cadaver Leiche, Leichnam +
D 體諒 + * * ti3liang4 understand/ allow for für etwas Verständnis aufbringen +
D 體貼 + * * ti3tie1 show consideration for sich um etwas kümmern +
D 體驗 + * * ti3yan4 experience/ taste lernen durch Praxis +
D 體制 + * * ti3zhi4 physique/ constitution System +
D 體質 + * * ti3zhi4 system Körperkonstitution, Körperbau +
D 體重 + * * ti3zhong4 weight/ avoirdupois Körpergewicht +
D 機體 + * * ji1ti3 organism Organismus +
D 大體 + * * da4ti3 in general im wesentlichen miteinander übereinstimmen +
D 遺體 + * * yi2ti3 the remains of deceased person sterbliche Überreste +
D 實體 + * * shi2ti3 substance Substanz, Entität +
D 群體 + * * qun2ti3 colony/ group Pflanzen- oder Tierkolonie, Massensport +
D 立體 + * * li4ti3 stereo-scopic/ solid dreidimensional,kubisch, Stereo-, stereometrischer Körper +
D 繁體字 + * * fan2ti3zi4 the original complex of Chinese character Langzeichen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
97 为了 健康 锻炼 身体 + She exercises for her health.
222 身体 强壮 + His body is very strong.
223 外婆 身体 + Grandma is very healthy.
226 体温 正常 + Your body temperature is very normal.
440 体重 减轻 + I've lost weight.
488 模特儿 形体 优美 + This model has a graceful figure.
587 身体 情况 良好 + You're in very good health.
842 体操 动作 标准 + Her gymnastics moves are up to the standard.
856 体重 + She's weighing herself.
892 身体 康复 + His health has recovered.
1089 医院 检查 身体 + I went to the hospital for a physical examination.
1168 身体 仍然 健康 + She's still very healthy.
1192 体力 用尽 + They've run out of energy.
1289 身体 情况 良好 + Your health is very good.
1400 身体 虚弱 + He's very weak.
1745 汉字 繁体字 + These are traditional Chinese characters.
1860 液体 + Water is a liquid.
1876 身体 恢复 + He is recovering very well.
2114 体重 大概 125 + I weigh about 125 jin [a jin = 1/2 kilo].
2255 医生 仔细 检查 身体 + The doctor is checking her health carefully.
2288 喜欢 体育 专栏 + I like reading the sports column.
2449 血液 循环 + Blood circulates through the body.
2666 身体 衰弱 + She's in a very weak state of health.
2699 这里 动物 尸体 + There‘s the carcass of an animal here.
2785 飞机 体积 庞大 + The size of this airplane is massive.
2890 身体 有益 + Eating more pears is good for your health.
3471 大象 身体 硕大 + Elephants have giant bodies.
3483 体恤 自己 父亲 + He feels for his father very much.

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