11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 一邊…一邊… + * * yi1bian1 yi1bian1 at the same time/ simultaneously einerseits...andererseits +
A + * * bian1 side 1. Seite 2. (Seiten-) Rand, Kante 3. Grenze 4. Schranke 5. an, nahe bei, neben, von +
A 外邊 + * * wai4bian out/ outside/ exterior außen +
A 西邊 + 西* * xi1bian west (often used in oral Chinese) Westen +
A 後邊 + * * hou4bian back/ rear/ behind/ latter hinten +
A 旁邊 + * * pang2bian1 side Seite, lateral +
A 上邊 + * * shang4bian above/ over/ the higher authorities oben +
A 裡邊 + * * li3bian inside/ in/ within/ interior innen, Innenseite +
A 前邊 + * * qian2bian in front/ ahead vorn +
A 下邊 + * * xia4bian below/ under/ lower level/ next unten +
A 北邊 + * * bei3bian1 north/ north side Norden +
A 南邊 + * * nan2bian south Süden, südliche Seite +
A 東邊 + * * dong1bian1 east Osten +
B 一邊 + * * yi4bian1 one side eine Seite +
B 邊…邊… + * * bian1 bian1 as einerseits _ andererseits _ +
B 左邊 + * * zuo3bian the left side/ the left linke Seite +
B 右邊 + * * you4bian the right side/ the right rechte Seite, rechts +
B 那邊 + * * na4bian1 there dort drüben +
B 這邊 + * * zhe4bian1 here/ this side hier, diese Seite +
B 身邊 + * * shen1bian1 with one/ at one's side an seiner Seite +
C 邊疆 + * * bian1jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier Grenzgebiet +
C 邊界 + * * bian1jie4 bound/ boundary/ border Grenze +
C 邊緣 + * * bian1yuan2 edge/ fringe/ brink Rand +
D 邊防 + * * bian1fang2 border defense Grenzschutz, Grenzverteidigung +
D 邊境 + * * bian1jing4 border/ frontier Grenzgebiet, Grenzland +
D 半邊天 + * * ban4bian1tian1 half of the sky die Hälfte des Himmels, Frauen,(Mao Zedong) +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
136 我们 海边 日出 + We went to the beach to see the sunrise.
158 海边 风景 + The scenery by the seaside is really beautiful.
262 这里 国家 边境 + This is the country's border.
263 很多 + There are many trees alongside the road.
268 南边 饭店 + There is a hotel at the south end.
318 很多 + There are many ships at the river bank.
536 妹妹 海边 石头 + My younger sister has gone to the seashore to collect stones.
623 出口 左边 + The exit is on the left.
632 + There's a small ship by the side of the lake.
644 + Her car is parked by the road.
698 大家 桌子 旁边 + Everyone's sitting at the table.
832 大海 漫无边际 + The sea is boundless.
875 派发 资料 + She is on the sidewalk distributing materials.
997 天边 白云 + There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon.
1200 临终 儿女 身边 + His children were not with him at his deathbed.
1286 天边 布满 朝霞 + The horizon is full of glowing clouds.
1412 右边 先生 + This is Mr. Deng on the right.
1565 海浪 岸边 + The waves rolled onto the shore.
1576 + The ship is moored at the shore.
1803 很多 小贩 + There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside.
1872 宝塔 + There are two pagodas by the river bank.
1919 + She's sitting beside the window.
2067 悬崖 边缘 + He is sitting at the edge of the cliff.
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 + The soldiers are stationed at the frontier.
2693 海边 夕阳 + The sun setting on the sea is very beautiful.
2718 报刊亭 + There's a newspaper stand by the side of the street.
2733 边境 正在 打仗 + There's a war on the border.
2752 挣扎 到岸 + He struggled to swim to shore.
2767 他们 海边 晒太阳 + They're sunning themselves at the seashore.
2862 松树 + There is a pine forest by the lake.
2896 竖立 电线杆 + A power line pole is standing by the roadside.
3006 左边 嫂子 + On the left is my older sister-in-law.
3036 + There's a tree by the road.
3041 小树 + There is a small tree on the bank of the river.
3185 天边 出现 曙光 + The first light of dawn appeared on the horizon.
3416 乞讨 + He's begging in the street.
3549 海边 生长 大量 水藻 + A lot of algae is growing near the shore.

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5000 FrenchFrzEng
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