11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 這個 + * * zhe4ge this one/ this 1. dieser, dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
67 苹果 + This apple is very big.
233 小镇 人口 + This town has a small population.
306 认识 汉字 + I know this Chinese character.
338 + This lake is very vast.
469 地区 风景 + The scenery in this area is very beautiful.
517 管理 部门 + I'm in charge of this department.
521 回答 问题 + Let me answer this question.
551 球场 可以 容纳 几万 + This stadium can hold a few thousand people.
636 英文 句子 什么 意思 + What does this English sentence mean?
697 有点 + This man is a bit weird.
716 汉字 什么 含义 + What does this Chinese character mean?
728 皮包 使用 上好 皮革 + This bag is made of excellent quality leather.
776 + This hole is very deep.
786 铅球 实心 + This lead ball is solid.
793 开销 超出 限制 + This month's expenses have exceeded the limit.
797 收入 不错 + This month's income is pretty good.
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 + The living conditions in this village are still very primitive.
845 男孩 大约 + The boy is about six years old.
862 箱子 + This case is very light.
866 工厂 + This is a very large factory.
938 他们 讨论 案子 + They are discussing the case.
954 例题 + Have a look at this sample question.
1022 回答 问题 + Who is going to answer this question?
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数 + The majority agrees to this proposal.
1033 负责 管理 团队 + I'm in charge of this team.
1079 项目 利益 可观 + This project is very profitable.
1091 喜欢 香味 + She really likes the fragrant smell.
1225 薪水 剩余 + Some of this month's salary is still left over.
1228 生活 开支 减少 + Living expenses for this month have decreased.
1263 有点 怪异 + This man is a little weird.
1363 收入 总额 多少 + What are the total earnings for this month?
1429 报纸 公布 消息 + This news has been published in the newspaper.
1438 尽快 修改 地方 + Please revise this as soon as possible.
1557 降伏 男人 + She's subdued the man.
1582 小岛 + This island is very beautiful.
1597 故事 有趣 + This story is really interesting.
1652 小镇 安静 + This small town is very quiet.
1822 家人 坟墓 + Her family members are buried in this tomb.
1833 方案 + Hmm, this is a very good plan.
1834 + Hey, come look at this.
1879 山坡 + This slope is quite flat.
1880 房间 整洁 + This room is very tidy.
1892 消息 振奋 + This news is very exciting.
1922 沉默 + He is very silent.
1982 仓库 + This warehouse is very big.
1991 珍惜 盒子 + He treasures this box very much.
2010 政府 官员 腐败 + This government official is very corrupt.
2018 领域 专家 + He is an expert in this area.
2032 案件 涉及到 很多 + Many people are involved in this case.
2111 符号 + I can't understand this symbol.
2323 小女孩 聪明 + This little girl is very smart.
2386 公司 终于 赢利 + The company finally makes a profit this month.
2446 姿势 容易 + This is a difficult posture.
2448 问题 困扰 + He was perplexed by this problem.
2515 城市 陌生 + He's very unfamiliar with this city.
2523 计画 暂时 停滞 下来 + This plan is temporarily suspended.
2560 玩具 + This toy is made of tin.
2620 阿姨 漂亮 + This 'auntie' is very pretty.
2711 仓库 + This warehouse is very big.
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 + This dessert was recommended by the manager.
2848 问题 棘手 + This is a very thorny problem.
2909 男孩 淘气 + This little boy is very naughty.
2919 婴儿 可爱 + This baby is so cute.
2997 地区 名声 显赫 + He's quite well-known in this area.
3035 狂妄 + He's extremely conceited.
3060 男人 姦情 + She's having an affair with this guy.
3094 男人 + This man is really cunning.
3266 我们 包揽 项目 奖牌 + Our team has won all the medals in this category.
3359 骑士 + This rider's head was cut off.
3405 枕头 舒服 + This pillow is really comfortable.
3415 女佣 能干 + This maidservant is very capable.
3435 岛屿 + This island is really beautiful.
3476 小孩 不幸 夭折 + Sadly, the child died.
3537 丫头 喜欢 音乐 + The little girl enjoys listening to music.
3539 村庄 屋舍 俨然 + The houses in this village are laid out neatly.
3550 欧洲 客栈 别有 风味 + This little European inn has a distinctive charm of its own.

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie