11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * li3 in/ inside 1. Futter, Innenseite 2. Nachbarschaft 3. Heimat, Dorf 4. +
A 裡邊 + * * li3bian inside/ in/ within/ interior innen, Innenseite +
A 哪裡(哪兒) + * * na3li where/ wherever wo +
A 那裡(那兒) + * * na4li there dort +
A 這裡(這兒) + * * zhe4li3 here hier +
B 夜裡 + * * ye4li at night Nacht +
B 裡面 + * * li3mian4 inside/ interior in,innen, Innenseite +
C 裡頭 + * * li3tou inside/ interior/ within innen, darin, drinnen +
D 心裡 + * * xin1li in the mind im Grunde des Herzens, in der Seele, auf dem Herzen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
17 我们 周末 + We spend the weekends at home.
42 钱包 没有 + There's no money in the wallet.
53 夫妻 公园 散步 + The couple are taking a walk in the park.
72 这里 美国 + This is America.
81 屋子 + It's very dark in the room.
106 这里 不可以 钓鱼 + Fishing is forbidden here.
117 他们 图书馆 学习 + They're studying in the library.
132 客厅 方桌 + There's a square table in the living room.
135 这里 人民 热情 + The people here are very enthusiastic.
180 爷爷 树林 散步 + The old man is taking a walk in the woods.
196 那里 + There are several sheep over there.
225 这里 常常 下雨 + It often rains here.
262 这里 国家 边境 + This is the country's border.
274 这里 一共 + There are five people here in total.
294 那里 儿童 乐园 + That's a playground over there.
323 这里 + There is a river here.
342 + I've run three miles.
356 咖啡 + Add some sugar to the coffee.
362 撒麦种 + He's sowing wheat seeds on the soil.
367 公园 老者 + There is an old man in the park.
385 这里 + Everything is covered in snow here.
408 那里 客人 + There are five guests.
409 这里 空位 + There are still some vacant seats here.
448 这里 不许 吸烟 + Smoking is not permitted here.
450 办公室 安装 电话 + A phone has been installed in the office.
455 钱袋 几百 + There are several hundred Yuan in the wallet.
491 这里 办公 + I'm working here.
523 这里 法院 + This is the court.
524 院子 很多 + There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.))
531 盘子 面包 + There's a slice of bread on the plate.
533 这里 树林 + There is a forest here.
540 卧室 单人床 + There's a single bed in the bedroom.
544 这里 政府 办公厅 + This is a government office.
547 公园 青草地 + There's a large stretch of grass in the park.
552 + She's holding a card in her hand.
562 夜晚 公园 安静 + The park is very quiet at night.
583 这里 发生 火灾 + A fire has started here. ((A fire has broken out here.))
592 孩子们 公园 高兴 + The children are playing happily in the park.
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 + A traffic accident have taken place here. ((A traffic accident has occurred here.))
658 这里 差错 + There's something wrong here.
661 蒸汽 + Steam is rising from inside the pan.
667 书店 看书 + She's reading a book in a book shop.
670 这里 树木 很多 + There are many trees here.
678 这里 哪里 + Where is this place?
690 牧场 很多 + The farm has a lot of cows.
703 这里 环境 宜人 + The environment here is very pleasant (or This place is very charming).
762 购物车 装满 礼品 + The shopping cart is full of gifts.
798 那里 地铁 入口。 + That is the entrance to the subway.
809 垃圾箱 装满 废物 + The wastebasket is full of trash.
846 朋友 这里 见面 + My friend and I have agreed to meet here.
876 这里 筷子 + There are two chopsticks here.
972 这里 巴基斯坦 + This is Pakistan.
977 他们 辛勤 劳动 + They're working hard in the field.
991 图书馆 安静 + It's quiet in the library.
1026 池子 充满 + The pool is filled to the brim.
1029 美军 占领 这里 + The American troops have occupied this place.
1032 商店 陈列 很多 商品 + There's lot of merchandise on display in the shop.
1042 她们 花园 + They're playing in the garden.
1045 这里 多空 座位 + There are many vacant seats.
1117 很多 铁锅 + There are many iron pots and pans in my home.
1119 这里 延伸 沙洲 + A large shoal extends from here.
1145 + The room is a total mess.
1164 这里 花草 兴旺 + The flowers and the grass here are both flourishing.
1187 院子 + I've planted a tree in my yard.
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 + This is the paging center.
1233 弟弟 怀 + She's holding her younger brother in her arms.
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 + My mother reads me stories from the book.
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 + Mist fills the forest.
1264 这里 没有 异常 事故 发生 + No unusual things ever happen here.
1265 这里 人家 + There are a few households here.
1291 这里 落叶 + The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves.
1308 那里 警察 + There's a policeman over there.
1379 古代 皇帝 曾经 住在 这里 + The ancient emperors lived here.
1383 这里 很多 彩色 铅笔 + There are many colored pencils.
1405 播种 + He's sowing the fields.
1406 房间 光线 + It's too dim in the room.
1418 这里 巨大 蛋糕 + Here's a giant cake.
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 + He's going to the post office to remit some money to his family.
1437 小河 这里 汇合 + The two small rivers converge here.
1509 这里 禁止 出入 + Entry to this place is forbidden.
1513 这里 遭受 水灾 + This area has been hit by a flood.
1527 这里 死亡 + The dead are buried here.
1584 树林 沼泽地 + There is a stretch of swampland in the forest.
1611 瓶子 毒药 + Inside the bottle is poison.
1633 这里 树剪 整齐 + The trees here are neatly trimmed.
1640 圣经 + He carries a copy of the Bible in his hand.
1642 小孩 冰淇淋 + The child kept the ice cream in his mouth.
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 + Everyone has been gathered for a meeting here.
1664 自己 隐藏 箱子 + He hides himself in the suitcase.
1710 类似 英文 A + Chinese 甲 (jia) is analogous to A in English.
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 + All kinds of vegetables are sold in the market.
1785 皮箱 塞满 衣服 + The leather suitcase is stuffed with clothes.
1813 这里 荒凉 + It's desolate here.
1820 + There are two geese on the lake.
1822 家人 坟墓 + Her family members are buried in this tomb.
1827 高尔夫球 滚进 + The golf ball rolled into the hole.
1831 烈士 墓地 + The martyrs are buried in this cemetery.
1835 车棚 + There's a car parked in the car shed.
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 + There's a real water shortage here.
1843 这里 发生 水灾 + There's been a flood here.
1846 他们 公园 植树 + They're planting trees in the park.
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 + This is one of Korea's famous scenic spots.
1853 这里 黎明 静悄悄 + The dawn here is very quiet.
1857 动物园 老虎 + There is a tiger in the zoo.
1861 房间 暖和 + It's warm in the room.
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 + The hotel is equipped with an automatic revolving door.
1968 这里 进行 自行车 竞赛 + A bicycle race is being held here.
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 + There are a lot of vegetables in the bag.
1972 裤子 口袋 + He has his hand in his pocket.
1993 房间 积满 灰尘 + Everything in the room is dusty.
2004 这里 交通 拥挤 + The traffic is really heavy here.
2012 工厂 工人 罢工 + The workers in the factory are on strike.
2036 + I'm at home alone.
2077 钱包 + There are only a few dollars left in my wallet.
2085 咖啡 + Please put some sugar in the coffee.
2103 树林 小径 + There's a small lane in the forest.
2127 我们 森林 探险 + We're going to explore the forest.
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 + Mom moved the flower seedling to a big flowerpot.
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉 + All the furniture in the room has been removed.
2226 笔夹 记事本 + The pen is between the pages of the notebook.
2245 这里 撒网 打鱼 + He is casting his net here to fish.
2279 灯光 昏暗 + The light in the room is very dim.
2282 市场 + It's very crowded in the market.
2293 沙漠 植物 稀少 + There are very few plants in the desert.
2299 扎进 泳池 + He dove into the swimming pool.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2352 这里 + The water here is shallow.
2370 这里 储藏 很多 + There's a lot of wine stored here.
2384 这里 耗子 + There are two mice here.
2403 树林 水沟 + There is a ditch in the forest.
2410 那里 水果摊 + There is a fruit stall there.
2419 沙子 + I am buried in the sand.
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 + They're holding the funeral ceremony in the church.
2436 + There's still something on my mind that worries me.
2462 市场 桃子 新鲜 + The pears in the market are very fresh.
2541 公园 荷花池 + There is a lotus pond in the park.
2567 这里 树木 郁郁 葱葱 + The trees in this place are verdant and thick.
2588 这里 存放 很多 档案 + A lot of archives are kept here. ((A large numbers of files are stored here.))
2601 相框 没有 照片 + There's no photograph in the frame.
2614 橡皮 颠簸 + The rubber raft tossed about on the river.
2635 这里 道路 弯曲 + The road is very curved here.
2638 日记 记载 日常 生活 + Her diary is a record of her daily life.
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击 + This place is frequently hit by typhoons.
2681 鸟笼 鹦鹉 + There's a parrot in the birdcage.
2698 他们 院子 挖土 + They're digging in the yard.
2699 这里 动物 尸体 + There‘s the carcass of an animal here.
2709 猜猜 里面 什么 + Guess what's inside.
2727 弟弟 花盆 + Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot.
2739 牧场 + He's raising horses in the pasture.
2762 这里 发生 车祸 + A traffic accident happened here.
2770 指挥棒 + He is carrying a baton.
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 + This is a newly-built residential complex.
2812 孩子们 公园 玩耍 + The children are playing in the park.
2823 这里 杭州 西湖 + This is West Lake in Hangzhou.
2842 钱包 英镑 + How many English pounds do you have in your wallet?
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 + This is Yenching University's former campus.
2898 树林 小溪 + There's a stream in the wood.
2905 耕田 + The water buffalo is plowing the field.
2906 药物 胶囊 + The medicine is inside the capsules.
2907 这里 堆放 很多 垃圾 + A great deal of garbage has piled up here.
2917 水壶 没有 + There's no water in the bottle.
2918 这里 + Here is a pot of tea.
2986 这里 景色 好像 仙境 + The view here is like a wonderland.
2995 卧室 柜子 + There's a cabinet in the living-room.
2996 树林 雾气 弥漫 + The forest is thick with fog.
2998 这里 危险 他们 必须 谨慎 + It's dangerous here, so they need to be alert.
3026 这里 北京 天坛 + This is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
3062 车厢 宽敞 + The carriage is very spacious.
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子 + The toolbox is full of all kinds of nails.
3070 妈妈 这里 + His mother is buried in this place.
3082 这里 可以 兑换 外币 + Foreign currency can be exchanged here.
3086 小桶 装满 沙子 + The small bucket is full of sand.
3145 东西 扔到 垃圾箱 + Please throw the things into the garbage can.
3158 住在 洞穴 + It lives in a burrow.
3208 幽暗 房间 空无一人 + Nobody is in the dark room.
3209 这里 环境 幽静 + The environment is very quiet here.
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 + The farmers are working hard in the fields.
3228 竹竿 + Bamboo poles are hollow in the center.
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 + Be careful not to let any eggshell drop into the flour.
3240 笔筒 许多 + There are many pens in the pen container.
3251 警察 辖区 巡视 + The policeman is patrolling the area.
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 + They're wandering in the mountain, appreciating the scenery.
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 + The parents are holding their children in their arms.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3317 厨师 + The cook added a little bit of salt to the bowl.
3325 口袋 掏出 + He drew a gun from his pocket.
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 + There's a pair of rubber gloves here.
3336 走廊 + The corridor is empty.
3352 这里 山路 险峻 + The mountain roads here are very steep.
3379 水库 屯满 + The reservoir has stored as much water as it can hold.
3381 这里 卸货 码头 + This is the wharf for unloading goods.
3403 这里 电信 中枢 + This is a telecommunications center.
3468 栅栏 + The sheep is kept inside the fence.
3479 毋庸置疑 最好 学生 + She's undoubtedly the best student in the class.
3508 酒杯 牙籤 + There's a toothpick in the wineglass.
3542 弟弟 小幺 + My younger brother is the youngest in my family.
3562 含有 + The water contains alkali.
3566 猪圈 + The pigs are kept in the pigsty.
3571 院子 铲子 + There is a shovel in the yard.

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