11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 飛機 + * * fei1ji1 aircraft/ airplane/ plane Flugzeug +
A 機場 + * * ji1chang3 airport/ airfield/ aerodrome Flugplatz +
A 機會 + * * ji1hui4 chance/ opportunity Chance,Gelegenheit +
A 機器 + * * ji1qi4 machine/ machinery/ apparatus Maschine +
B 收音機 + * * shou1yin1ji1 radio (receiver) Radio +
B 錄音機 + * * lu4yin1ji1 sound-recorder Tonbandgerät +
B 機床 + * * ji1chuang2 machine tool maschinelles Werkzeug +
B 機關 + * * ji1guan1 mechanism/ office Anstalt +
B 機械 + * * ji1xie4 machinery/ machine Maschine, Maschinerie +
B 司機 + * * si1ji1 driver Fahrer, Chauffeur +
B 洗衣機 + * * xi3yi1ji1 washing machine Waschmaschine +
B 危機 + * * wei1ji1 crisis Krise +
C 動機 + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation +
C 投機 + * * tou2ji1 invest-chance/ congenial/ opportunistic/ speculate übereinstimmend, zueinander passend, spekulieren, Waren verschieben +
C 拖拉機 + * * tuo1la1ji1 hauling-pulling-machine/ tractor 1. Traktor +
C 有機 + * * you3ji1 have-organism/ organic organisch +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt +
C 時機 + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment +
C 機動 + * * ji1dong4 engine-driven/ power-driven/ motorized motorisiert,beweglich, +
C 機構 + * * ji1gou4 mechanism/ setup/ organ/ government organization 1.Mechanismus, Maschinerie 2. Organisation, Institution, Organ, Gremium +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat +
C 計算機 + * * ji4suan4ji1 computer Computer, Rechner +
D 投機倒把 + * * tou2ji1 dao3ba3 engage in speculation and profiteering Spekulation, spekulieren +
D 生機 + * * sheng1ji1 vitality Überlebenschance, Lebenskraft, Vitalität +
D 乘機 + * * cheng2ji1 seize the opportunity eine Gelegenheit ergreifen +
D 班機 + * * ban1 ji1 flight Linienflugzeug +
D 機車 + * * ji1che1 engine/ motorcycle Lokomotive,Maschine +
D 機靈 + * * ji1ling wise/ clever clever, geschickt,durchtrieben +
D 機密 + * * ji1mi4 secret geheim, heimlich, Geheimnis +
D 機槍 + * * ji1qiang1 scatter-gun Maschinengewehr +
D 機體 + * * ji1ti3 organism Organismus +
D 機遇 + * * ji1yu4 opportunity glücklicher Umstand,passende Gelegenheit +
D 機智 + * * ji1zhi4 tactful/ resourceful findig, einfallsreich, +
D 電動機 + * * dian4dong4ji1 electromotor Elektromotor +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话 + This cell phone can make international calls.
189 修理 机器 + He's repairing the machine.
190 机会 + A good opportunity presented itself.
192 把握 每次 面试 机会 + One must seize the chance of each interview.
214 拿给 司机 + Please give it to the driver.
344 电视机 + I've bought a TV set.
642 机票 + This is my plane ticket.
741 飞机 抵达 机场 + The plane has arrived at the airport.
790 飞机 将要 起飞 + The plane is about to take off.
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 + Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine.
826 卡车 司机 + He's a truck driver.
982 维修 机器 + He's repairing the machine.
1001 修理 空调机 + He's repairing the air-conditioner.
1027 手机 充电 + The mobile phone is being charged.
1055 网上 机票 + I've booked a plane ticket on the internet.
1142 制作 飞机 模型 + He's making a model plane.
1196 飞机 模型 + He's made a model plane.
1203 获得 机会 + He's obtained an opportunity.
1283 飞机 降落 + The plane has landed.
1324 飞机 着陆 + The plane has touched down.
1502 机器 运行 稳定 + The machine is running stably.
1508 机器 可以 代替 工作 + Machines can do the work of humans.
1511 飞机 延迟 起飞 + The plane's departure has been delayed.
1651 耳机 音乐 + She is listening to music through earphones.
1931 纺纱机 纺线 + The spinning machine is making thread.
1960 飞机 抵达 目的地 + The plane has arrived at its destination.
2029 机械 故障 + There's been a mechanical breakdown.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2517 机器 正在 掘土 + The machine is digging the soil.
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机 + She always carries her mobile phone with her.
2651 机器 正在 浇灌 农田 + The machine is watering the fields.
2688 飞机 机翼 + The plane's wings are very big.
2785 飞机 体积 庞大 + The size of this airplane is massive.
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 + The helicopters are awaiting assignment by the government.
2942 飞机 快要 坠落 + The plane is about to crash.
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 + Cell phones may emit a little radiation.
3063 盗窃 国家 机密 + He is stealing national secrets.
3126 使用 手机 + Please do not use your cell phone.
3495 机器 剷土 + The machine is digging.

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