11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 帽子 + * * mao4zi hat/ cap Hut,Mütze +
A 樣子 + * * yang4zi shape/ appearance/ manner/ model Stil +
A 句子 + * * ju4zi sentence Satz +
A 本子 + * * ben3zi book/ notebook Notizbuch,Übungsheft +
A 日子 + * * ri4zi days/ date/ time/ life/ livelihood Tag +
A 屋子 + * * wu1zi room Zimmer, Haus +
A 襪子 + * * wa4zi socks/ stockings/ hose Strumpf,Socke +
A 兒子 + * * er2zi son Sohn +
A 椅子 + * * yi3zi chair Stuhl +
A 桌子 + * * zhuo1zi table/ desk Tisch +
A 餃子 + * * jiao3zi dumpling Angefüllter Mehlkloß,Jiaozi (mit kleingewiegtem Fleisch oder Gemuese gefuellte halbmondfoermige Nudelteigtasche) +
A 杯子 + * * bei1zi cup/ glass Tasse, Glas, Becher +
A 橘子(桔子) + * * ju2zi orange/ tangerine/ mandarin Orange +
A 孩子 + * * hai2zi child/ children/ son or daughter Kind +
B 被子 + * * bei4zi quilt Steppdecke +
B 腦子 + * * nao3zi brain Gehirn, Hirn,Denkvermögen +
B 刀子 + * * dao1zi knife/ sword Messer +
B 種子 + * * zhong3zi seed Samen +
B 影子 + * * ying3zi shadow Schatten +
B 房子 + * * fang4zi building/ house/ room Haus +
B 鼻子 + * * bi2zi nose Nase +
B 瓶子 + * * ping2zi bottle Flasche +
B 毯子 + * * tan3zi blanket Decke +
B 竹子 + * * zhu2zi bamboo Bambus +
B 肚子 + * * du4zi belly/ abdomen Bauch +
B 葉子 + * * ye4zi leaf Blatt +
B 箱子 + * * xiang1zi box/ case/ chest Koffer, Kiste +
B 兔子 + * * tu4zi hare/ rabbit Kaninchen, Hase +
B 繩子 + * * sheng2zi string/ rope Schnur, Seil +
B 嗓子 + * * sang3zi throat/ larynx/ voice Kehle +
B 妻子 + * * qi1zi wife Ehefrau +
B 嫂子 + * * sao3zi sister-in-law Schwägerin, Frau des älteren Bruders +
B 沙子 + * * sha1zi sand/ grit Sand +
B 蟲子 + * * chong2zi insect/ worm Insekt, Wurm +
B 獅子 + * * shi1zi lion Löwe +
B 一下子 + * * yi2xia4zi all at once/ in an instant in einem Augenblick, plötzlich, auf einmal +
B 看樣子 + * * kan4 yang4zi look like/ seem like es sieht so aus, es scheint, als ob +
B 旗子 + * * qi2zi banner/ flag Fahne, Flagge, Banner +
B 小伙子 + * * xiao3huo3zi young fellow/ lad junger Mann +
B 叉子 + * * cha1zi fork Gabel +
B 盤子 + * * pan2zi tray/ plate/ dish Teller, Tablett, Platte +
B 猴子 + * * hou2zi monkey Affe +
B 個子 + * * ge4zi height/ stature/ build Statur +
B 包子 + * * bao1zi steamed/ stuffed bun Baozi, Teigtäschchen, (gedaempfter Teigbeutel mit Fleisch-, Gemuese- oder suesser Fuellung) +
B 裙子 + * * qun2zi skirt Rock, Kleid +
B 鏡子 + * * jing4zi mirror Spiegel +
B 鬍子 + * * hu2zi beard/ moustache Bart +
B 脖子 + * * bo2zi neck Hals +
B 例子 + * * li4zi example/ case/ instance Beispiel, Fall +
B 勺子 + * * shao2zi scoop/ spoon Schöpflöffel +
B 褲子 + * * ku4zi trousers/ pants Hosen +
B 院子 + * * yuan4zi courtyard/ yard Hof,Garten +
B 筷子 + * * kuai4zi chopsticks Eßstäbchen +
C 夾子 + * * jia1zi clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter +
C 鉤子 + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken +
C 蓋子 + * * gai4zi lid/ cover/ cap/ top/ shell Deckel, Verschluß, Decke, Schild, Panzer +
C 嬸子 + * * shen3zi aunt/ wife of father's younger brother Tante, Frau des jüngeren Bruders des Vaters +
C 豆子 + * * dou4zi bean/ pea/ pulse/ legume Bohne +
C 蚊子 + * * wen2zi mosquito Mücke, Moskito +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, +
C 梳子 + * * shu1zi comb Kamm +
C 穀子 + * * gu3zi millet 1. Hirse 2. ungeschälter Reis +
C 尖子 + * * jian1zi best of its kind/ cream of the crop/ top class talent Spitze, Elite +
C 村子 + * * cun1zi village/ hamlet Dorf +
C 籃子 + * * lan2zi basket Korb +
C 凳子 + * * deng4zi stool/ bench Schemel +
C 柱子 + * * zhu4zi pillar-thing/ pillar/ post/ column Säule, Pfahl, Pfosten +
C 瓜子 + * * gua1zi melon seed Melonensamen +
C 刷子 + * * shua1zi brush Bürste +
C 尺子 + * * chi3zi ruler/ rule Lineal +
C 籠子 + * * long2zi cage/ coop Käfig +
C 女子 + * * nü3zi3 woman/ female Frau, Mädchen +
C 知識分子 + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle +
C 有兩下子 + * * you3 liang3 xia4zi have-two-feats/ know a few tricks of the trade wirklich etwas können +
C 分子 + * * fen4zi3 member/ element 1. Zähler 2. Molekül +
C 爐子 + * * lu2zi stove/ oven/ furnace Ofen, Herd +
C 拍子 + * * pai1zi bat/ racket/ swatter/ beat/ time/ rhythm Schläger, Takt +
C 管子 + * * guan3zi1 pipeline/ piping/ conduit/ tubing Rohr, Leitung, Strohhalm +
C 分子 + * * fen4zi3 member/ element Mitglied +
C 鴿子 + * * ge1zi pigeon/ dove Taube +
C 圈子 + * * quan1zi circle/ ring/ clique Zirkel, Ring, Kreis +
C 扇子 + * * shan4zi fan (that can create airflow through waving) Ventilator +
C 牌子 + * * pai2zi billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen +
C 鴨子 + * * ya1zi duck/ drake/ duckling Ente +
C 輪子 + * * lun2zi wheel Rad +
C 電子 + * * dian4zi3 electron Elektron +
C 櫃子 + * * gui4zi cupboard/ cabinet/ closet/ dresser/ chest Schrank +
C 棍子 + * * gun4zi stick/ rod/ wand Stange, Stock, Stab +
C 碰釘子 + * * peng4 ding1zi be rebuffed/ hit a snag/ encounter hostility abgewiesen werden +
C 釘子 + * * ding1zi nail Nagel +
C + * * zi3 child/ son/ person/ seed/ egg/ copper coin/ bead 1.Kind, Sohn 2. Samen 3. Ei 4. Frucht 5. etwas Kleines und Hartes 6. jung, zart, klein +
C 法子 + * * fa3zi way/ method/ solution Methode +
C 子彈 + * * zi3dan4 ball-bullet/ bullet/ cartridge Patrone, Kugel +
C 亭子 + * * ting2zi pavilion-thingpavilion/ kiosk Pavillion, Laube +
C 原子 + * * yuan2zi3 original-particle/ atom Atom, atomar +
C 原子彈 + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe +
C 孫子 + * * sun1zi grandchild-son/son's son/ grandson Enkel +
C 燕子 + * * yan4zi swallow/ house swallow Schwalbe +
C 男子 + * * nan2zi3 man/ male Mann, männlich +
C 身子 + * * shen1zi body/ pregnancy Körper, Schwangerschaft +
D 鏈子 + * * lian4zi chain Kette +
D 茄子 + * * qie2zi eggplant Aubergine,Eggplant +
D 兩口子 + * * liang3kou3zi husband and wife/ couple Ehepaar, Mann und Frau +
D 蠅子 + * * ying2zi fly Fliege +
D 愛面子 + * * ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation das Gesicht wahren wollen +
D 步子 + * * bu4zi pace/ step Schritt, Gang +
D 頭子 + * * tou2zi chief/ head Häuptling, Anführer, Boss +
D 稻子 + * * dao4zi paddy/ rice Reis, Reispflanze +
D 珠子 + * * zhu1zi bead Perle +
D 袖子 + * * xiu4zi sleeve 1. Ärmel 2. im Ärmel stecken, in die Ärmel stecken +
D 一輩子 + * * yi1bei4zi a lifetime das ganze Leben hindurch +
D 緞子 + * * duan4zi satin Atlas, Satin +
D 領子 + * * ling3zi collar Kragen +
D 鞭子 + * * bian1zi whip Peitsche +
D 笛子 + * * di2zi flute Flöte +
D 面子 + * * mian4zi prestige/ face Außenseite, Gesicht, Ruf +
D 班子 + * * ban1zi organized group Theatergruppe,Team, organisierte Gruppe +
D 傻子 + * * sha3zi fool Dummkopf, Tor, Narr +
D 篩子 + * * shai1zi sieve Sieb +
D 靴子 + * * xue1zi boot Stiefel +
D 稿子 + 稿* * gao3zi draft/ sketch Entwurf (Vorläufige Planbeschreibung) +
D 辮子 + * * bian4zi queue/ plait Zopf, Flechte, schwache Stelle +
D 曲子 + * * qu3zi melody Melodie +
D 綢子 + * * chou2zi silk Seidenstoff +
D 路子 + * * lu4zi way/ approach Weg +
D 小子 + * * xiao3zi boy Junge +
D 蛾子 + * * e2zi moth Motte +
D 點子 + * * dian3zi idea Tropfen, Fleckchen +
D 侄子 + * * zhi2zi nephew Neffe, (Sohn des Bruders) +
D 胖子 + * * pang4zi fatso ein dicker Mensch, Fettwanst +
D 雹子 + * * bao2zi hail Hagel +
D 瘋子 + * * feng1zi madman Wahnsinnige, Irre +
D 騾子 + * * luo2zi mule Maultier, Maulesel +
D 條子 + * * tiao2zi a brief in formal note Streifen, Zettel mit kurzer Mitteilung +
D 栗子 + * * li4zi chestnut Kastanie +
D 鬼子 + * * gui3zi devil/ enemy Teufel +
D 碟子 + * * die2zi plate kleiner Teller, Napf (die Bezeichnung für ein schüsselähnliches Gefäß) +
D 斧子 + * * fu3zi ax Axt +
D 膽子 + * * dan3zi courage Mut, Kühnheit +
D 子弟 + * * zi3di4 junior/ children Söhne und jüngere Brüder +
D 子孫 + * * zi3sun1 progeny Kinder und Enkelkinder +
D 擔子 + * * dan4zi burden Traglast +
D 鉗子 + * * qian2zi pincers/ pliers Zange +
D 原子能 + * * yuan2zi3neng2 atomic energy Atomkraft, Kernenergie +
D 蓮子 + * * lian2zi3 lotus seed Lotossamen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
6 孩子们 快乐 + The children are very happy.
16 儿子 + He's my son.
25 筷子 寿司 + She's eating her sushi with chopsticks.
30 孩子们 + The children want to eat candy.
63 这些 孩子 可爱 + These children are all very cute.
73 桌子 咖啡 + There is a cup of coffee on the table.
81 屋子 + It's very dark in the room.
87 鸽子 象征 和平 + Doves are a symbol of peace.
93 孩子 + Her baby is due next month.
100 喜欢 饺子 + I love jiaozi (filled dumplings).
113 房子 前面 + There's a car in front of the house.
116 儿子 走路 + My son can walk!
128 桔子 分成 + I cut the tangerine into two halves.
138 他们 儿子 + They have a son.
186 他们 孩子 + They have two children.
202 他们 房子 + This is their new house.
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 + The mother is saying goodbye to her child.
246 孩子 信任 父母 + Children trust their parents very much.
285 儿子 必须 八点 起床 + The son has to get up at eight.
293 儿子 + This is my son.
341 儿子 + My son has grown tall.
351 儿子 自己 洗衣服 + My son can do the laundry by himself.
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥 + The tall one of the group is my older brother.
377 这些 房子 样式 相同 + These houses are all of the same design.
393 顺利 儿子 + She safely gave birth to a boy.
418 他们 总共 孩子 + They have six children altogether.
466 叶子 变黄 + The leaves have turned yellow.
474 他们 儿子 公园 + They take their son to the park.
518 桌子 很多 试管 + There are a lot of test tubes on the table.
524 院子 很多 + There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.))
531 盘子 面包 + There's a slice of bread on the plate.
572 房子 漂亮 + This house is beautiful.
589 挑选 李子 + She's choosing plums.
592 孩子们 公园 高兴 + The children are playing happily in the park.
607 鸽子 空中 + The dove is flying in the sky.
615 裤子 + These trousers are too tight.
616 金子 希奇 + Gold is very rare.
636 英文 句子 什么 意思 + What does this English sentence mean?
646 这些 房子 结构 简单 + The structure of these houses is very simple.
685 穿着 裙子 + She's wearing a red skirt.
686 孩子们 玩具 + The children are playing with their toys.
687 妈妈 孩子们 一起 + The mother is playing with her children.
698 大家 桌子 旁边 + Everyone's sitting at the table.
708 房子 周围 草地 + The house is surrounded by lawn.
731 他们 正在 建造 房子 + They're building a house.
761 影子 沙滩 + Her shadow stretched out across the beach.
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 + The son smugly coerces his mother.
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 + The waist of these pants is really big.
811 广场 很多 鸽子 + There are a lot of pigeons in the square.
818 喜欢 游戏 孩子 天性 + A fondness for playing games is in the nature of children.
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 + The living conditions in this village are still very primitive.
862 箱子 + This case is very light.
872 他们 养育 孩子 + They've raised three children.
876 这里 筷子 + There are two chopsticks here.
884 完整 演奏 曲子 + She's played a complete piece.
921 桌子 很多 工具 + There are many tools on the desk.
927 儿子 每天 + My son saves one yuan every day.
938 他们 讨论 案子 + They are discussing the case.
953 箱子 + The box fell.
956 房子 周围 草地 + The house is in a meadow.
957 鼻子 流血 + His nose is bleeding.
963 动物 保护 子女 天性 + It's in animals' nature to protect their young.
1011 儿子 独自 + My son is playing by himself.
1026 池子 充满 + The pool is filled to the brim.
1031 房子 陈旧 + This house is too old.
1088 车子 + The car has broken down and he's very anxious.
1092 中国人 普遍 包子 + Most Chinese love to eat baozi.
1099 儿子 喜欢 沙子 + My son loves playing in the sand.
1111 孩子们 草地 + The children are playing on the grass.
1136 老师 孩子们 + The teacher taught one class to the children.
1161 穿 格子 衬衫 + He is wearing a checkered shirt.
1187 院子 + I've planted a tree in my yard.
1218 央求 妻子 原谅 + He's pleading for his wife's forgiveness.
1223 篮子 + He's weaving a basket.
1226 房子 木造 结构 + This is a wood-frame house.
1229 狮子 杀死 斑马 + The lion killed the zebra.
1237 叶子 露水 + There is dew on the leaves.
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 + Children are their mothers' treasures.
1327 橘子 + The oranges are ripe.
1335 盘子 + I'm washing the plates.
1336 孩子们 草地 互相 追逐 + The children are chasing each other in the meadow.
1344 他们 屋子 前面 + They're sitting in front of the house.
1345 恐怖份子 喜欢 杀人 + Terrorists like to kill.
1347 鼻子 + Dogs have very sensitive noses.
1353 桃子 熟透 + The peaches are ripe.
1366 车子 超载 + The truck is overloaded.
1386 用力 抓住 绳子 + He grasps the rope tightly.
1440 地上 席子 + A mat has been placed on the floor.
1465 他们 房子 + They're building a house.
1484 妻子 + She's my wife.
1553 原子弹 爆炸 + The atomic bomb exploded.
1556 裤子 宽松 + The pants are very loose.
1562 他们 房子 + They've bought this house.
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 + My son loves playing drums.
1581 弹奏 曲子 + She's playing a new tune/piece.
1589 儿子 尚未 断奶 + My son hasn't yet been weaned.
1594 孩子们 儿童 玩具 + The kids are playing with children's toys.
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
1611 瓶子 毒药 + Inside the bottle is poison.
1639 摆在 桌子 + The books have been placed on the desk.
1664 自己 隐藏 箱子 + He hides himself in the suitcase.
1667 孩子们 健康 成长 + The children are growing up healthy.
1691 叶子 淡绿色 + The leaf is light green.
1697 镜子 + She's looking into the mirror.
1730 孩子 惯坏 + Don't spoil the child.
1734 碰触 一下 鼻子 + She touched his nose lightly.
1736 丈夫 妻子 道歉 + The husband apologizes to his wife.
1744 中国人 过年 饺子 风俗 + Chinese traditionally eat jiaozi (dumplings) at the Chinese New Year.
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣 + The mother is developing her child's interest in music.
1754 女儿 裙子 粉色 + My daughter's skirt is pink.
1768 孩子 毕业 父母 感到 欣喜 + The child has graduated, and his parents are pleased.
1796 桌子 金属 + The legs of the desk are metal.
1855 孩子们 耐心 + She's patient with the children.
1870 责骂 儿子 + She's scolding her son.
1875 恐怖 分子 侵佔 + The terrorists have taken the building.
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 + They've been to many places in their lifetime.
1908 当作 自己 亲生 儿子 + She treats him as her own son.
1916 沙子 + The sand is very fine.
1929 他用 尺子 画图 + She uses a ruler to draw the design.
1966 车子 已经 残破 + This car is badly damaged.
1969 这些 箱子 + These boxes are very heavy.
1970 黄色 帽子 + She's wearing a yellow hat.
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 + There are a lot of vegetables in the bag.
1972 裤子 口袋 + He has his hand in his pocket.
1991 珍惜 盒子 + He treasures this box very much.
1992 这儿 灰色 兔子 + There is a grey rabbit here.
2014 小孩子 扮鬼 + The child is dressed up as a ghost.
2028 用力 绳子 + She's pulling the rope hard.
2034 孩子们 进行 启蒙 教育 + The children are receiving their formative education.
2038 孩子 面前 争吵 明智 + It is unwise to argue in front of the children.
2039 游戏 帮助 孩子 智力 成长 + Games can help childrens' intelligence develop.
2055 房子 烧毁 + The house was burned down.
2073 儿子 喜欢 油炸 食品 + My son is very fond of fried food.
2099 熊猫 喜欢 竹子 + Pandas like to eat bamboo.
2109 柱子 + These two columns are very thick.
2130 虫子 落入 陷阱 + The bug fell into the trap.
2155 指出 房子 结构 弊端 + He points out flaws in the construction of the house.
2202 裤子 + This pair of pants is too big.
2225 夹子 + There's a pin/barrette in her hair.
2237 钉子 + He's hitting a nail.
2248 孩子 依赖 父母 + Children are very dependent on their parents.
2267 帽子 + She's wearing a hat.
2270 差点儿 帽子 + It's so windy, her hat was almost blown away.
2273 朋友 孩子 + She is watching the baby for her friend.
2301 他们 柜子 上车 + They are carrying/moving the cabinet onto the vehicle.
2308 妈妈 安慰 孩子 + The mother is consoling the child.
2310 儿子 幼稚园 + My son is attending kindergarten now.
2314 洗去 盘子 汙垢 + She's washing the dirt off the plates.
2350 孩子们 西瓜 + Children love watermelon.
2356 小孩儿 水泥 管子 + The child is making his way through the concrete pipe.
2367 西装 扣子 + He's buttoning his suit.
2380 绳子 纠缠 在一起 + The two ropes are twisted together.
2384 这里 耗子 + There are two mice here.
2392 柱子 牢固 + The pillars are very strong.
2395 孩子 魔术 + All children love watching magic tricks.
2402 打开 盒子 + She opens the box.
2409 他们 桌子 摊开 地图 + They spread the map out on the table.
2419 沙子 + I am buried in the sand.
2441 小女孩 鸭子 + The little girl is playing with the duck.
2462 市场 桃子 新鲜 + The pears in the market are very fresh.
2473 妈妈 担忧 孩子 健康 + The mother is worried about her child's health.
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 + The mother is worried about her son's autism.
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 + All parents love their children.
2484 觉得 肚子 有点 + His stomach felt a little bloated.
2491 绳子 捆住 + She's been bound with ropes.
2521 绳子 柱子 + The rope is tied to the pillar.
2524 丈夫 妻子 道歉 + The husband apologizes to his wife.
2529 不能 孩子 学习 + Children shouldn't be forced to study.
2535 儿子 喜欢 小鸡仔 + My son loves little chicks.
2539 宝宝 梯子 + The baby is standing on a ladder.
2578 贤慧 妻子 + She's a wonderful (kind-hearted and sensible) wife.
2582 巷子 安静 + This lane is very quiet.
2602 兔子 繁殖 + Rabbits breed rapidly.
2637 孩子 眼泪 + The child is crying.
2649 他们 挣脱 绳子 + They can't break loose of the rope.
2674 梯子 + He is standing on the ladder.
2698 他们 院子 挖土 + They're digging in the yard.
2700 椅子 日光浴 + She's lying in the chair, sunbathing.
2730 孩子 顽皮 + He's a mischievous child.
2736 我们 捉到 兔子 + We've caught a rabbit.
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 + A look of hostility came across the child's face.
2748 狮子 森林 霸主 + The lion is the overlord of the forest.
2812 孩子们 公园 玩耍 + The children are playing in the park.
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀 + These rabbits were slaughtered.
2831 宠爱 儿子 + He dotes on his son.
2860 练习 曲子 + He's practicing a new tune.
2874 燕子 屋簷 筑巢 + The swallows have built a nest under the eaves.
2880 神庙 柱子 支撑 + The temple is supported by pillars.
2882 孩子们 在一起 玩耍 + The children got together to play.
2883 父子俩 河堤 休息 + The father and his son are resting on the river bank.
2886 + The mother tries to comfort the baby.
2911 父亲 嘱咐 孩子 注意 安全 + The father tells his child to be careful.
2937 《(PARENTHESISCATEGORY)论语 》(PARENTHESISCATEGORY)是 孔子 学生 + The Analects was written by students of Confucius.
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 + Raising children is the responsibility of parents.
2995 卧室 柜子 + There's a cabinet in the living-room.
3003 正在 刮胡子 + He's shaving.
3006 左边 嫂子 + On the left is my older sister-in-law.
3008 扇子 + She's holding a fan.
3053 巷子 空间 狭小 + The alley is very narrow.
3055 狮子 百兽 + The lion is the king of the animal world.
3057 被子 叠好 + I've folded the quilt.
3059 篮子 + She carries the basket balanced on her head.
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子 + The toolbox is full of all kinds of nails.
3083 挽起 袖子 + He rolls up his sleeves.
3086 小桶 装满 沙子 + The small bucket is full of sand.
3089 孩子们 喜欢 游泳 + Children love to swim.
3153 辅导 孩子们 学习 + She is helping the kids with their studies.
3163 孩子 受到 父母 庇护 + Children are protected by their parents.
3167 工作 担子 + His workload is very heavy.
3174 房子 竣工 + This house has been completed.
3196 他们 偕同 妻子 参加 聚会 + They went to the get-together with their wives.
3242 妈妈 孩子 + The mom is breastfeeding her child.
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 + The parents are holding their children in their arms.
3273 蚊子 + He's been bitten by a mosquito.
3275 穿着 白色 袜子 + She's wearing white socks.
3295 小组 成员 正在 斟酌 案子 + The team members are deliberating the case.
3302 镜子 + This mirror is convex.
3343 钩子 掛满 厨具 + Kitchenware is hanging on all the hooks.
3353 妻子 贤淑 + His wife is very kind-hearted.
3354 火焰 吞没 屋子 + The flames have swallowed the whole building.
3370 筷子 吃饭 + I know how to eat with chopsticks.
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 + There are some bread crumbs on the table.
3439 孩子 觉得 自己 无辜 + The child felt he had been being wronged.
3440 穿 崭新 裙子 + She's wearing a brand-new skirt.
3466 爪子 + The cat's paws are white.
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 + The teacher is teaching the children the stories behind proverbs.
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 + Eating zongzi [leaf-wrapped sticky rice dumplings] during the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional custom .
3559 快乐 曲子 + She's merrily humming a song.
3571 院子 铲子 + There is a shovel in the yard.

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