11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 從前 + * * cong2qian2 before/ formerly/ in the past vorher,früher, einstmals +
A 以前 + * * yi3qian2 before/ formerly vorher,in der Vergangenheit +
A 目前 + * * mu4qian2 current time/ at present gegenwärtig +
A + * * qian2 front/ forward/ before/ preceding 1. vorn, frontal, vor 2. vorwärtsgehen, voranschreiten, voran, vorwärts 3. vorher, zuvor, vor 4. ehemalig 5. erste,r, s +
A 前邊 + * * qian2bian in front/ ahead vorn +
B 面前 + * * mian4qian2 in front of/ in face of/ before vor, vorgelagert (ungeprueft)/Wandbewurf, Außenschicht, Frontseite +
B 提前 + * * ti2qian2 ahead of time/ advance im voraus, vorher +
B …之前 + * * zhi1 qian2 before vorher, bevor, vor +
B 跟前 + * * gen1qian2 in front of/ near/ close to 1. Ferse 2. folgen, nachkommen, befolgen 3.(zusammen )mit , und +
B 空前 + * * kong4qian2 unprecedented beispiellos, ohne Präzedenzfall +
B 前進 + * * qian2jin4 go forward Fortschritt, vorangehen, +
B 前面 + * * qian2mian ahead/ in front Frontseite, vor einem, +
B 前年 + * * qian2nian2 the year before yesteryear vorletztes Jahr +
B 前天 + * * qian2tian1 the day before yesterday vorgestern +
B 眼前 + * * yan3qian2 before one's eyes/ at present zur Zeit, jetzt, gegenwärtig, vor seinen Augen +
B 前途 + * * qian2tu2 prospect/ future Zukunft +
B 當前 + * * dang1qian2 present/ current gegenwärtig +
C 前方 + * * qian2fang1 front/ in front/ ahead/ at the head/ forward vorn, Front, +
C 前後 + * * qian2hou4 in front of and behind/ around/ about/ altogether etwa, ungefähr,gegen,von Anfang bis Ende,insgesamt +
C 前頭 + * * qian2tou in front/ ahead/ forward/ above/ proceeding/ forepart vorn, etc +
D 生前 + * * sheng1qian2 before one's death zu Lebzeiten +
D 思前想後 + * * si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4 think over again and again immer wieder über etwas nachsinnen +
D 各奔前程 + * * ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2 each goes his own way jeder, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig +
D 前輩 + * * qian2bei4 elder generations Vorfahr, ältere Generation +
D 前程 + * * qian2cheng2 future/ prospect Zukunft, Zukunftserwartung, Karriere +
D 前赴後繼 + * * qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4 advance wave upon wave in Wellen angreifen +
D 前景 + * * qian2jing3 prospect Vordergrund, Aussicht, Perspektive +
D 前列 + * * qian2lie4 front row erste Reihe +
D 前期 + * * qian2qi1 the earlier stage Vorstufe, Anfangsperiode +
D 前人 + * * qian2ren2 forefathers Vorfahr, Vorgänger +
D 前所未有 + * * qian2 suo3 wei4 you3 unprecedented noch nie dagewesen +
D 前提 + * * qian2ti2 precondition Prämisse, Voraussetzung, Vorbedingung +
D 前往 + * * qian2wang3 go up to/ head for sich an einen Ort begeben +
D 前線 + 线* * qian2xian4 battlefront Frontlinie, Front +
D 先前 + * * xian1qian2 anteriority vorher, zuvor,ehemals, früher +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
113 房子 前面 + There's a car in front of the house.
133 前方 + There's a car ahead.
211 吃饭 洗手 + We have to wash our hands before eating.
290 蜗牛 慢慢 + The snail crawls forward slowly.
387 车站 前方 + The bus stop is straight ahead.
601 前方 施工 注意 + Be careful of the construction ahead.
640 前面 路口 + Turn right at the next intersection.
755 导游 我们 前走 + The tour guide takes us ahead.
757 导游 前面 带路 + The guide is in front of us leading the way.
1018 目前 为止 北京 + Up to now, I haven't been to Beijing.
1046 前方 雪山 + There is a snow-covered mountain up ahead.
1143 他们 研究 目前 状况 + They're studying the present situation.
1191 尽力 + She is running on ahead as best she can.
1200 临终 儿女 身边 + His children were not with him at his deathbed.
1276 追上 前面 + Try to catch up with that car up ahead.
1302 走。 + She walked on along the road.
1306 拐杖 + She's walking with crutches.
1344 他们 屋子 前面 + They're sitting in front of the house.
1432 运动员 努力 前冲 + The athletes are doing their best to charge forward.
1500 前面 村庄 + There is a small village up ahead.
1601 前方 道路 曲折 + The road zigzags ahead.
1668 沿 公路 前走 + He is proceeding along the road.
1997 女朋友 面前 感到 心虚 + He feels guilty in front of his girlfriend.
2038 孩子 面前 争吵 明智 + It is unwise to argue in front of the children.
2371 军人 踏步 前走 + The soldiers are marching forward in step.
2465 他们 驱车 前往 华盛顿 + They drive to Washington.
2477 医生 病人 前走 + The doctor is helping the patient to walk.
2510 电影 排行榜 + The new movie has moved into the top ten list.
2603 香港 回归 英国 殖民地 + Before its return to China, Hong Kong was a colony of the UK.
2774 公司 前途 + There's no telling about the company's future.
2807 前方 拐弯 + There is a turn up ahead.
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走 + They moved forward, unafraid of the hardships.
3357 他们 祈祷 + They are saying a prayer before dinner.
3543 摩托车 汽车 迂回 前进 + The motorcycles zigzag between the cars.

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