Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00549236-a wortreich
WN: 00492543-r wortreich
WN: 00549236-a wortreich using or containing too many words
WN: 00492543-r wortreich in a verbose manner
WN: 00549236-a wortreich long-winded (or windy) speakers
WN: 00549236-a wortreich verbose and ineffective instructional methods
WN: 00549236-a wortreich newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials
WN: 00549236-a wortreich proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes
WN: 00492543-r wortreich she explained her ideas verbosely

ENDE: verbose wortreich
ENDE: wordy wortreich

like: wortreich

geschwätzig, langatmig, wortreich 絮叨
