Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000D: trò chơi game Wild
OXF3000D: hoang dại wild wild
WN: 07653311-n Wild
WN: 01511854-a wild
WN: 00412788-a wild
WN: 00114454-a wild
WN: 00224418-r wild
WN: 00503370-r wild
WN: 00245588-r wild
WN: 00174735-r wild
WN: 00224147-r wild
WN: 00224280-r wild
WN: 02511528-a wild
WN: 00174987-r wild
WN: 00175135-r wild
WN: 01511854-a wild marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
WN: 01511854-a wild inclined to react violently
WN: 01511854-a wild fervid
WN: 00174735-r wild to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree
WN: 07653311-n Wild meat from a deer used as food
WN: 00114454-a wild marked by extreme anger
WN: 02511528-a wild marked by extreme and violent energy
WN: 00175135-r wild in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner
WN: 00224147-r wild (of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner
WN: 00174987-r wild with violent and uncontrollable passion
WN: 00224280-r wild in an impassioned or very angry manner
WN: 00245588-r wild in an emotionally fierce manner
WN: 00224418-r wild in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy
WN: 00412788-a wild without civilizing influences
WN: 00503370-r wild in an uncontrolled manner
WN: 01511854-a wild fierce loyalty
WN: 01511854-a wild in a tearing rage
WN: 01511854-a wild vehement dislike
WN: 01511854-a wild violent passions
WN: 00174735-r wild the storyline is wildly unrealistic
WN: 00114454-a wild the enraged bull attached
WN: 00114454-a wild furious about the accident
WN: 00114454-a wild a furious scowl
WN: 00114454-a wild infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy
WN: 00114454-a wild could not control the maddened crowd
WN: 02511528-a wild a ferocious beating
WN: 02511528-a wild fierce fighting
WN: 02511528-a wild a furious battle
WN: 00175135-r wild He gesticulated wildly
WN: 00224147-r wild winds were blowing furiously
WN: 00174987-r wild attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over
WN: 00224280-r wild she screamed furiously at her tormentors
WN: 00245588-r wild she was fiercely proud of her children
WN: 00224418-r wild the boys fought furiously
WN: 00224418-r wild she went peddling furiously up the narrow street
WN: 00412788-a wild barbarian invaders
WN: 00412788-a wild barbaric practices
WN: 00412788-a wild a savage people
WN: 00412788-a wild fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient-Margaret Meade
WN: 00412788-a wild wild tribes
WN: 00503370-r wild she fought back madly

ENDE: ferocious wild
ENDE: furious wild
ENDE: game Wild
ENDE: savage wild
ENDE: truculent wild
ENDE: wild wild

like: wild
wild táo bạo
das Wildschwein con lợn rừng
die Wildnis uộc sống hoang dã, vùng hoang dã

wild 野蛮的 yě mán de
Wildschwein 野猪 yězhū
Wildnis 荒野 huāngyě

Wildgans 大雁
wild umherlaufen 横行
Hirsch, Reh, Rotwild 鹿
wild,heftig,kräftig,plötzlich, unerwartet
heftig, gewaltig,stürmisch, wild 猛烈
1. offenes Land,Feld 2. Grenze, Grenzlinie 3. nicht an der Macht sein 4. wild, unkultiviert, ungezähmt 5. grob, ungehobelt 6. zügellos, widerspenstig
wild 野生
wildes Tier, Bestie 野兽
wild durcheinander laufen, sich wild zerstreuen 一哄而散
