Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 01050890-a unselig
WN: 01050890-a unselig deserving or inciting pity
WN: 01050890-a unselig a hapless victim
WN: 01050890-a unselig miserable victims of war
WN: 01050890-a unselig the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic- Galsworthy
WN: 01050890-a unselig piteous appeals for help
WN: 01050890-a unselig pitiable homeless children
WN: 01050890-a unselig a pitiful fate
WN: 01050890-a unselig Oh, you poor thing
WN: 01050890-a unselig his poor distorted limbs
WN: 01050890-a unselig a wretched life

like: unselig