Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 01387319-a unermesslich
WN: 01499269-a unermesslich
WN: 00005779-r unermesslich
WN: 00225264-r unermesslich
WN: 01498957-a unermesslich
WN: 00398015-r unermesslich
WN: 01498957-a unermesslich impossible to measure
WN: 01499269-a unermesslich without limits in extent or size or quantity
WN: 00005779-r unermesslich to an exceedingly great extent or degree
WN: 00398015-r unermesslich to an immeasurable degree
WN: 00398015-r unermesslich beyond measurement
WN: 00225264-r unermesslich without bounds
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
WN: 01498957-a unermesslich unmeasurable reaches of outer space
WN: 01499269-a unermesslich limitless vastness of our solar system
WN: 00005779-r unermesslich He had vastly overestimated his resources
WN: 00005779-r unermesslich was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator
WN: 00398015-r unermesslich the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man
WN: 00225264-r unermesslich he is infinitely wealthy
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich huge government spending
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich huge country estates
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich huge popular demand for higher education
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich a huge wave
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich immense numbers of birds
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich at vast (or immense) expense
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich the vast reaches of outer space
WN: 01387319-a unermesslich the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.Inge

ENDE: immeasurable unermesslich
ENDE: immense unermesslich
ENDE: measureless unermesslich
ENDE: unmeasured unermesslich

like: unermesslich
