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WN: 00509970-r um einiges
WN: 00006259-r um einiges
WN: 00014285-r um einiges
WN: 00014285-r um einiges to a great extent or degree
WN: 00509970-r um einiges in a statistically significant way
WN: 00006259-r um einiges in a significant manner
WN: 00014285-r um einiges I'm afraid the film was well over budget
WN: 00014285-r um einiges painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger
WN: 00014285-r um einiges the house has fallen considerably in value
WN: 00014285-r um einiges the price went up substantially
WN: 00509970-r um einiges the two groups differed significantly
WN: 00006259-r um einiges our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts

like: um einiges