Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 02542675-a schwindlig
WN: 00082923-r schwindlig
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig
WN: 00082923-r schwindlig in a giddy light-headed manner
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig having or causing a whirling sensation
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig liable to falling
WN: 02542675-a schwindlig experiencing motion sickness
WN: 00082923-r schwindlig he walked around dizzily
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig had a dizzy spell
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig a dizzy pinnacle
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig had a headache and felt giddy
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig a giddy precipice
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig feeling woozy from the blow on his head
WN: 02544048-a schwindlig a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff

like: schwindlig
