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WN: 00263682-v schwellen
WN: 00264034-v schwellen
WN: 00256117-v schwellen
WN: 00257269-v schwellen
WN: 00256507-v schwellen
WN: 00257837-v schwellen
WN: 00256117-v schwellen become inflated
WN: 00264034-v schwellen fill with gas or air
WN: 00263682-v schwellen to swell or cause to enlarge,
WN: 00256507-v schwellen expand abnormally
WN: 00257269-v schwellen become larger in size or volume or quantity
WN: 00257837-v schwellen cause to become very swollen
WN: 00256117-v schwellen The sails ballooned
WN: 00264034-v schwellen inflate a balloons
WN: 00263682-v schwellen Her faced puffed up from the drugs
WN: 00263682-v schwellen puffed out chests
WN: 00256507-v schwellen The bellies of the starving children are swelling
WN: 00257269-v schwellen his business expanded rapidly

ENDE: thresholds Schwellen
ENDE: to swell schwellen

like: schwellen
anschwellen sưng

anschwellen zhǒng

steigen, anschwellen
1. sich ausdehnen 2. anschwellen, aufgeschwollen sein, Schwellung, Völlegefühl, Blähung
anschwellen, Schwellung