Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00444484-r schalkhaft
WN: 00274160-r schalkhaft
WN: 00016678-r schalkhaft
WN: 00444599-r schalkhaft
WN: 00016678-r schalkhaft in a disobedient or naughty way
WN: 00444599-r schalkhaft like a dishonest rogue
WN: 00274160-r schalkhaft in an arch manner
WN: 00274160-r schalkhaft with playful slyness or roguishness
WN: 00444484-r schalkhaft in a playfully roguish manner
WN: 00016678-r schalkhaft he behaved badly in school
WN: 00016678-r schalkhaft he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister
WN: 00016678-r schalkhaft behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room
WN: 00444599-r schalkhaft he roguishly intended to keep the money
WN: 00444484-r schalkhaft he winked at her roguishly

like: schalkhaft