Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 02046755-v rotieren
WN: 02045043-v rotieren
WN: 02048891-v rotieren
WN: 02049190-v rotieren
WN: 02101470-v rotieren
WN: 02101470-v rotieren move in a gyrating fashion
WN: 02045043-v rotieren turn on or around an axis or a center
WN: 02048891-v rotieren turn in a twisting or spinning motion
WN: 02046755-v rotieren revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
WN: 02049190-v rotieren to wind or move in a spiral course
WN: 02101470-v rotieren the poles of the Earth precess at a right angle to the force that is applied
WN: 02045043-v rotieren The Earth revolves around the Sun
WN: 02045043-v rotieren The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire
WN: 02048891-v rotieren The leaves swirled in the autumn wind
WN: 02046755-v rotieren The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy
WN: 02049190-v rotieren the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action
WN: 02049190-v rotieren black smoke coiling up into the sky
WN: 02049190-v rotieren the young people gyrated on the dance floor

ENDE: to rotate rotieren

like: rotieren

sich drehen, rotieren, Umdrehung siehe zhuan3