Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 02383831-a redselig
WN: 02384077-a redselig
WN: 00392875-r redselig
WN: 02383831-a redselig marked by a ready flow of speech
WN: 02384077-a redselig full of trivial conversation
WN: 00392875-r redselig in a chatty loquacious manner
WN: 02383831-a redselig she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations
WN: 02384077-a redselig kept from her housework by gabby neighbors
WN: 00392875-r redselig `When I was young,' she continued loquaciously, `I used to do all sorts of naughty things'

like: redselig

1. zerbrechen, zersplittern 2. zerbröckelt, zerstückelt 3. redselig, schwatzhaft