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OXF3000D: thần bí mysterious rätselhaft
WN: 00534524-a rätselhaft
WN: 00102930-a rätselhaft
WN: 00296836-r rätselhaft
WN: 00534524-a rätselhaft not clear to the understanding
WN: 00296836-r rätselhaft in a cryptic manner
WN: 00102930-a rätselhaft resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
WN: 00534524-a rätselhaft I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later
WN: 00534524-a rätselhaft prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries
WN: 00296836-r rätselhaft we will meet again,he said cryptically
WN: 00102930-a rätselhaft the oracular sayings of Victorian poets
WN: 00102930-a rätselhaft so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it
WN: 00102930-a rätselhaft an enigmatic smile

ENDE: enigmatic rätselhaft
ENDE: mysterious rätselhaft

like: rätselhaft
