Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 02694933-v platzieren
WN: 01575675-v platzieren
WN: 02333689-v platzieren
WN: 02694933-v platzieren determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey
WN: 01575675-v platzieren put (something somewhere) firmly
WN: 02333689-v platzieren assign a location to
WN: 02694933-v platzieren Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space
WN: 02694933-v platzieren Locate the boundaries of the property
WN: 01575675-v platzieren She posited her hand on his shoulder
WN: 01575675-v platzieren deposit the suitcase on the bench
WN: 01575675-v platzieren fix your eyes on this spot
WN: 02333689-v platzieren The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles

like: platzieren