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WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft
WN: 00051696-a mangelhaft
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft
WN: 00369869-r mangelhaft
WN: 02336449-a mangelhaft
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft not giving satisfaction
WN: 00051696-a mangelhaft lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft not sufficient to meet a need
WN: 00369869-r mangelhaft in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft inadequate in amount or degree
WN: 02336449-a mangelhaft of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft shops should take back unsatisfactory goods
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft her performance proved to be unsatisfactory
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory
WN: 02082218-a mangelhaft our discussion was very unsatisfactory
WN: 00051696-a mangelhaft inadequate training
WN: 00051696-a mangelhaft the staff was inadequate
WN: 00051696-a mangelhaft she was unequal to the task
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft an inadequate income
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft a poor salary
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft money is short
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft on short rations
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft food is in short supply
WN: 02336904-a mangelhaft short on experience
WN: 00369869-r mangelhaft the temporary camps were inadequately equipped
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft a deficient education
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft deficient in common sense
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft lacking in stamina
WN: 00052012-a mangelhaft tested and found wanting
WN: 02336449-a mangelhaft insufficient funds

ENDE: deficient mangelhaft

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mangelhaft thiếu sót, nhược điểm

mangelhaft 有缺陷的 yǒu quē xiàn de

Die Qualität des Produktes ist mangelhaft. Chất lượng của sản phẩm này vẫn còn nhiều yếu kém. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2237)

mangelhafte Ware, Produkte zweiter Wahl 次品