Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00247013-a makellos
WN: 00364030-r makellos
WN: 00230996-r makellos
WN: 00247013-a makellos free from physical or moral spots or stains
WN: 00230996-r makellos in an adroit manner
WN: 00364030-r makellos in an immaculate manner
WN: 00247013-a makellos an unblemished record
WN: 00247013-a makellos an unblemished complexion
WN: 00230996-r makellos he bounced it cleanly off the wall
WN: 00364030-r makellos gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored

like: makellos
