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WN: 02585545-a lobenswert
WN: 00218886-r lobenswert
WN: 00218886-r lobenswert in an admirable manner
WN: 02585545-a lobenswert worthy of high praise
WN: 00218886-r lobenswert the children's responses were admirably normal
WN: 02585545-a lobenswert applaudable efforts to save the environment
WN: 02585545-a lobenswert a commendable sense of purpose
WN: 02585545-a lobenswert laudable motives of improving housing conditions
WN: 02585545-a lobenswert a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence

ENDE: laudable lobenswert

like: lobenswert

wertvoll, lobenswert 可贵
