Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00119533-a leblos
WN: 00304898-r leblos
WN: 00389183-r leblos
WN: 00389299-r leblos
WN: 00389299-r leblos without animation or vitality
WN: 00119533-a leblos lacking animation or excitement or activity
WN: 00389183-r leblos in a lifeless manner
WN: 00304898-r leblos as if dead
WN: 00389299-r leblos lifelessly he performed the song
WN: 00119533-a leblos the party being dead we left early
WN: 00119533-a leblos it was a lifeless party until she arrived
WN: 00389183-r leblos the girl lay in her arms lifelessly

ENDE: inanimate leblos
ENDE: lifeless leblos

like: leblos