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WN: 07385367-n Heulen
WN: 01042531-v heulen
WN: 00067274-v heulen
WN: 00985923-v heulen
WN: 00912833-v heulen
WN: 01048718-v heulen
WN: 01047381-v heulen
WN: 01048073-v heulen
WN: 01046815-v heulen
WN: 00066025-v heulen
WN: 00066191-v heulen
WN: 00943732-v heulen
WN: 01042725-v heulen
WN: 01053221-v heulen
WN: 01046932-v heulen
WN: 00913065-v heulen
WN: 00913065-v heulen utter a sudden loud cry
WN: 00943732-v heulen utter while crying
WN: 01042531-v heulen talk in a tearful manner
WN: 00066191-v heulen shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain
WN: 01053221-v heulen utter the characteristic sound of owls
WN: 01042725-v heulen to utter a loud clamorous shout
WN: 01048718-v heulen make a loud noise, as of animal
WN: 00985923-v heulen emit a cry intended to attract other animals
WN: 00985923-v heulen used especially of animals at rutting time
WN: 01046815-v heulen make a murmuring sound
WN: 00067274-v heulen cry or whine with snuffling
WN: 01048073-v heulen utter in deep prolonged tones
WN: 07385367-n Heulen a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound
WN: 00066025-v heulen cry weakly or softly
WN: 00912833-v heulen utter or declare in a very loud voice
WN: 01047381-v heulen cry loudly, as of animals
WN: 01046932-v heulen emit long loud cries
WN: 00913065-v heulen she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle
WN: 00913065-v heulen I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me
WN: 00066191-v heulen She cried bitterly when she heard the news of his death
WN: 00066191-v heulen The girl in the wheelchair wept with frustration when she could not get up the stairs
WN: 01042725-v heulen the toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance
WN: 01048718-v heulen The bull bellowed
WN: 01046815-v heulen the water was purling
WN: 00067274-v heulen Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!
WN: 07385367-n Heulen the howl of the wind made him restless
WN: 00066025-v heulen she wailed with pain
WN: 00912833-v heulen You don't have to yell--I can hear you just fine
WN: 01047381-v heulen The coyotes were howling in the desert
WN: 01046932-v heulen wail in self-pity
WN: 01046932-v heulen howl with sorrow

ENDE: to cry heulen
ENDE: to howl heulen

like: heulen
heulen khóc lóc, rên rỉ

heulen 哀号 āiháo

1. brüllen, heulen (z.B eines Löwens) 2. heulen, brausen , tosen (des Winds)
laut rufen, schreien, heulen 叫喊
schreien, heulen 叫唤
weinen, heulen, Tränen vergießen
brüllen, tosen, heulen 怒吼