Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 04954920-n Funkeln
WN: 02162947-v funkeln
WN: 02764765-v funkeln
WN: 00473003-v funkeln
WN: 02766390-v funkeln
WN: 00473003-v funkeln be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
WN: 02162947-v funkeln be shiny, as if wet
WN: 02764765-v funkeln emit or reflect light in a flickering manner
WN: 04954920-n Funkeln a quality that outshines the usual
WN: 02766390-v funkeln reflect brightly
WN: 00473003-v funkeln The musical performance sparkled
WN: 00473003-v funkeln A scintillating conversation
WN: 00473003-v funkeln his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall
WN: 02162947-v funkeln His eyes were glistening
WN: 02764765-v funkeln Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star?
WN: 02766390-v funkeln Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside

ENDE: to flash funkeln
ENDE: to scintillate funkeln
ENDE: to sparkle funkeln

like: funkeln

glimmern,glitzern,funkeln 闪烁
funkeln, glitzern,glänzen 闪耀
