Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 06262567-n film
WN: 03338821-n film
WN: 06613686-n film
WN: 03339296-n film

The film was interesting. Bộ phim hay. * 012
The film is brand new. Phim rất mới. * 047
The film was exciting. Phim hồi hôp. * 047
The film was not boring. Phim không chán. * 047
But the book on which the film was based was better. Nhưng quyển sách về phim này hay hơn. * 047
The movie is exciting. Bộ phim này hấp dẫn. * 082
She is watching an exciting movie. Chị ấy xem một bộ phim hấp dẫn. * 082
I’ll wait until the film is over. Tôi chờ đến khi phim hết. * 096

like: film