Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 00835903-v entstellen
WN: 00258857-v entstellen
WN: 01549905-v entstellen
WN: 00477941-v entstellen
WN: 01549905-v entstellen mar or spoil the appearance of
WN: 00477941-v entstellen make imperfect
WN: 00835903-v entstellen make false by mutilation or addition
WN: 00835903-v entstellen as of a message or story
WN: 00258857-v entstellen inflict damage upon
WN: 01549905-v entstellen scars defaced her cheeks
WN: 01549905-v entstellen The vandals disfigured the statue
WN: 00477941-v entstellen nothing marred her beauty
WN: 00258857-v entstellen The snow damaged the roof
WN: 00258857-v entstellen She damaged the car when she hit the tree

ENDE: to deface entstellen
ENDE: to deform entstellen
ENDE: to disfigure entstellen

like: entstellen
