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WN: 00060477-v entmannen
WN: 00061595-v entmannen
WN: 00060833-v entmannen
WN: 00061219-v entmannen
WN: 00060477-v entmannen remove the ovaries of
WN: 00061219-v entmannen cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)
WN: 00060833-v entmannen remove the testicles of a male animal
WN: 00061595-v entmannen make infertile
WN: 00060477-v entmannen Is your cat spayed?
WN: 00061219-v entmannen the vet gelded the young horse
WN: 00061595-v entmannen in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized

ENDE: to unman entmannen

like: entmannen