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WN: 00102201-a doppelsinnig
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig
WN: 00102201-a doppelsinnig having more than one possible meaning
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig open to two or more interpretations
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig or of uncertain nature or significance
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig or (often) intended to mislead
WN: 00102201-a doppelsinnig ambiguous words
WN: 00102201-a doppelsinnig frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig an equivocal statement
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig popularity is an equivocal crown
WN: 00895442-a doppelsinnig an equivocal response to an embarrassing question

like: doppelsinnig