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WN: 06325678-n Demonstrativ
WN: 01848355-a demonstrativ
WN: 00004038-r demonstrativ
WN: 00415277-r demonstrativ
WN: 01848355-a demonstrativ intended to attract notice and impress others
WN: 06325678-n Demonstrativ a pronoun that points out an intended referent
WN: 00004038-r demonstrativ in such a manner as to make something clearly evident
WN: 00415277-r demonstrativ with ostentation
WN: 00415277-r demonstrativ in an ostentatious manner
WN: 01848355-a demonstrativ an ostentatious sable coat
WN: 00004038-r demonstrativ he pointedly ignored the question
WN: 00415277-r demonstrativ Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly

ENDE: demonstrative demonstrativ

like: demonstrativ