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WN: 02460483-v bewohnen
WN: 02650840-v bewohnen
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen
WN: 02650840-v bewohnen furnish with people
WN: 02460483-v bewohnen occupy as a tenant
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen inhabit or live in
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen be an inhabitant of
WN: 02650840-v bewohnen The plains are sparsely populated
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen People lived in Africa millions of years ago
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean
WN: 02649830-v bewohnen deer are populating the woods

ENDE: to inhabit bewohnen

like: bewohnen