Beginner Level Advanced Level



WN: 01596122-a abartig
WN: 01596455-a abartig
WN: 01595596-a abartig
WN: 01596455-a abartig deviating from the general or common order or type
WN: 01596122-a abartig markedly different from an accepted norm
WN: 01595596-a abartig not normal
WN: 01595596-a abartig not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm
WN: 01596455-a abartig advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe
WN: 01596122-a abartig aberrant behavior
WN: 01596122-a abartig deviant ideas
WN: 01595596-a abartig abnormal powers of concentration
WN: 01595596-a abartig abnormal amounts of rain
WN: 01595596-a abartig abnormal circumstances
WN: 01595596-a abartig an abnormal interest in food

like: abartig