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WN: 07183151-n Zwist
WN: 01170813-n Zwist
WN: 07181546-n Zwist
WN: 07184149-n Zwist
WN: 07181935-n Zwist
WN: 07180787-n Zwist
WN: 07183151-n Zwist a contentious speech act
WN: 07183151-n Zwist a dispute where there is strong disagreement
WN: 07181935-n Zwist a disagreement or argument about something important
WN: 07184149-n Zwist an angry dispute
WN: 07181546-n Zwist disagreement among those expected to cooperate
WN: 07180787-n Zwist the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing
WN: 01170813-n Zwist coming into conflict with
WN: 07183151-n Zwist they were involved in a violent argument
WN: 07181935-n Zwist he had a dispute with his wife
WN: 07181935-n Zwist there were irreconcilable differences
WN: 07181935-n Zwist the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats
WN: 07184149-n Zwist they had a quarrel
WN: 07184149-n Zwist they had words

like: Zwist