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WN: 02911485-n Zwischenspeicher
WN: 03209141-n Zwischenspeicher
WN: 02935017-n Zwischenspeicher
WN: 02935017-n Zwischenspeicher RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated
WN: 02935017-n Zwischenspeicher used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics
WN: 03209141-n Zwischenspeicher a cache that stores copies of frequently used disk sectors in random access memory (RAM) so they can be read without accessing the slower disk
WN: 02911485-n Zwischenspeicher a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device
WN: 02911485-n Zwischenspeicher used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system

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