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WN: 05826722-n Widerlegung
WN: 07201105-n Widerlegung
WN: 00155298-n Widerlegung
WN: 07200813-n Widerlegung
WN: 07201220-n Widerlegung
WN: 05826469-n Widerlegung
WN: 07200813-n Widerlegung the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions
WN: 07201105-n Widerlegung the speech act of refuting conclusively
WN: 05826469-n Widerlegung any evidence that helps to establish the falsity of something
WN: 00155298-n Widerlegung the act of determining that something is false
WN: 05826722-n Widerlegung evidence that refutes conclusively
WN: 07201220-n Widerlegung the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument
WN: 07200813-n Widerlegung his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive
WN: 07200813-n Widerlegung in defense he said the other man started it

ENDE: disproof Widerlegung

like: Widerlegung