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OXF3000D: sự kết hợp association Verbindung
OXF3000D: liên quan connection Verbindung
OXF3000D: tham gia join Verbindung
OXF3000D: chung joint Verbindung
OXF3000D: liên kết link Verbindung
WN: 13792183-n Verbindung
WN: 13911151-n Verbindung
WN: 00145218-n Verbindung
WN: 14419510-n Verbindung
WN: 13791389-n Verbindung
WN: 14817592-n Verbindung
WN: 13782769-n Verbindung
WN: 13811410-n Verbindung
WN: 00147314-n Verbindung
WN: 03673971-n Verbindung
WN: 00031921-n Verbindung
WN: 14421139-n Verbindung
WN: 00033020-n Verbindung
WN: 13780719-n Verbindung
WN: 00147454-n Verbindung
WN: 13795489-n Verbindung
WN: 00378985-n Verbindung
WN: 03091374-n Verbindung
WN: 03605915-n Verbindung
WN: 14419737-n Verbindung
WN: 08304895-n Verbindung
WN: 08233056-n Verbindung
WN: 14418662-n Verbindung
WN: 00146443-n Verbindung
WN: 08229467-n Verbindung
WN: 13928668-n Verbindung
WN: 14419164-n Verbindung
WN: 08242675-n Verbindung
WN: 00145929-n Verbindung
WN: 03323703-n Verbindung
WN: 08049401-n Verbindung
WN: 08231184-n Verbindung
WN: 13792579-n Verbindung
WN: 14420240-n Verbindung
WN: 02755352-n Verbindung
WN: 13812607-n Verbindung
WN: 14420954-n Verbindung
WN: 13792842-n Verbindung
WN: 14418395-n Verbindung
WN: 13793127-n Verbindung
WN: 00145929-n Verbindung the act of interconnecting (wires or computers or theories etc.)
WN: 14817592-n Verbindung a compound described in terms of the central atom to which other atoms are bound or coordinated
WN: 13792842-n Verbindung a connection allowing access between persons or places
WN: 14419737-n Verbindung the state of being linked together as in a chain
WN: 14419737-n Verbindung union in a linked series
WN: 08049401-n Verbindung a formal organization of people or groups of people
WN: 00147454-n Verbindung an act of joining or adjoining things
WN: 13792183-n Verbindung a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest
WN: 00031921-n Verbindung an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together
WN: 13795489-n Verbindung a particular manner of connectedness
WN: 00145218-n Verbindung the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)
WN: 13780719-n Verbindung a relation between people
WN: 13782769-n Verbindung a relation resulting from interaction or dependence
WN: 00378985-n Verbindung the act of combining things to form a new whole
WN: 03605915-n Verbindung something that joins or connects
WN: 14420954-n Verbindung the state of being joined together
WN: 13928668-n Verbindung a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries
WN: 00033020-n Verbindung something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
WN: 08304895-n Verbindung a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations
WN: 00146443-n Verbindung the act of linking together as in a series or chain
WN: 14418395-n Verbindung the state of being joined or united or linked
WN: 03091374-n Verbindung an instrumentality that connects
WN: 02755352-n Verbindung a connection that fastens things together
WN: 14420240-n Verbindung a state of being connected reciprocally
WN: 00147314-n Verbindung the act of joining things in such a way that motion is possible
WN: 13812607-n Verbindung relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption
WN: 14419164-n Verbindung the state of being connected
WN: 08231184-n Verbindung an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
WN: 08233056-n Verbindung an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer
WN: 03323703-n Verbindung restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
WN: 13793127-n Verbindung the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc
WN: 14419510-n Verbindung the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity
WN: 08229467-n Verbindung a social club for male undergraduates
WN: 13911151-n Verbindung the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
WN: 13791389-n Verbindung a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it)
WN: 03673971-n Verbindung a fastener that serves to join or connect
WN: 14418662-n Verbindung the state of being combined into one body
WN: 13792579-n Verbindung an associative relation
WN: 08242675-n Verbindung an association of practitioners of a given profession
WN: 13811410-n Verbindung a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character
WN: 14421139-n Verbindung the state of being connected together as in memory or imagination
WN: 13792842-n Verbindung how many lines of communication can there be among four people?
WN: 13792842-n Verbindung a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms
WN: 08049401-n Verbindung he joined the Modern Language Association
WN: 13792183-n Verbindung the shifting alliances within a large family
WN: 13792183-n Verbindung their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them
WN: 13795489-n Verbindung the relatedness of all living things
WN: 00145218-n Verbindung the joining of hands around the table
WN: 00145218-n Verbindung there was a connection via the internet
WN: 13780719-n Verbindung the relationship between mothers and their children
WN: 13782769-n Verbindung flints were found in association with the prehistoric remains of the bear
WN: 13782769-n Verbindung the host is not always injured by association with a parasite
WN: 08304895-n Verbindung the Soviet Union
WN: 14418395-n Verbindung there is strength in union
WN: 03091374-n Verbindung he soldered the connection
WN: 03091374-n Verbindung he didn't have the right connector between the amplifier and the speakers
WN: 14420240-n Verbindung an interconnection between the two buildings
WN: 14419164-n Verbindung the connection between church and state is inescapable
WN: 08233056-n Verbindung you have to join the union in order to get a job
WN: 13793127-n Verbindung it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances
WN: 14419510-n Verbindung litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid
WN: 13791389-n Verbindung there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare
WN: 03673971-n Verbindung the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction
WN: 13811410-n Verbindung found a natural affinity with the immigrants
WN: 13811410-n Verbindung felt a deep kinship with the other students
WN: 13811410-n Verbindung anthropology's kinship with the humanities
WN: 14421139-n Verbindung his association of his father with being beaten was too strong to break

ENDE: association Verbindung
ENDE: chaining Verbindung
ENDE: compound Verbindung
ENDE: conjunction Verbindung
ENDE: connection Verbindung
ENDE: connexion Verbindung
ENDE: fusion Verbindung
ENDE: join Verbindung
ENDE: joint Verbindung
ENDE: junction Verbindung
ENDE: link Verbindung

like: Verbindung
die Verbindung sự kết nối

Verbindung 连接 lián jiē

Die Verbindung ist schlecht. Đường truyền kém. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1278)
Die Verbindung wird gehalten. Xin bạn chờ máy / Máy đang kết nối. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1281)
Mein Rechner kann keine Verbindung ins Internet aufbauen. Máy tính của tôi không thể nối vào Internet. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2067)

1. hängen 2. sich festhaken, sich verfangen, hängen bleiben 3. (den Telefonhörer) auflegen 4. eine Telefonverbindung herstellen, anrufen 5. Sorge tragen, um jn/etw besorgt sein 6. sich anmelden 7. Zählwort ein Pferdegespann,
Verbindungspunkt,Kreuzungspunkt 交点
1. sich berühren, naheliegen, in der Nähe, unweit 2.verbinden, verknüpfen, sich in Verbindung setzen, Kontakt aufnehmen 3. auffangen, 4. entgegennehmen, empfangen erhalten 5. abholen
1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung 联络
integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung 联系
Gedankenverbindung, Assoziation 联想
1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen
Durchgangsstraße, Hauptverkehrsstraße, Verbindungsweg, Passage 通道
in Schiffs- oder Luftverkehrsverbindung stehen 通航
in Verbindung stehend, in Zusammenhang stehen, betreffen, 有关
auf etwas gerichtet ein, in Verbindung mit, auf etwas zielen 针对