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WN: 09546145-n Spuk
WN: 05897553-n Spuk
WN: 09541919-n Spuk
WN: 09547111-n Spuk
WN: 05898171-n Spuk
WN: 09547111-n Spuk a ghostly appearing figure
WN: 05897553-n Spuk something existing in perception only
WN: 09546145-n Spuk a ghost that announces its presence with rapping and the creation of disorder
WN: 09541919-n Spuk a spirit tending to cause harm
WN: 05898171-n Spuk a mental representation of some haunting experience
WN: 09547111-n Spuk we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
WN: 05897553-n Spuk a ghostly apparition at midnight
WN: 05898171-n Spuk he looked like he had seen a ghost
WN: 05898171-n Spuk it aroused specters from his past

ENDE: spook Spuk

like: Spuk

1. Geist, Gespenst, Spuk 2. in Feigling, Faulpelz, Trunkenbold, etc 3.hinterlistig, voller Arglist 4.dunkle Machenschaften, schmutzige Geschäfte 5. sehr schlecht, verdammt, miserabel 6 gescheit, gerissen, schlau